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Oct 9, 2011
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  1. She/Her
This is a new thread that I thought of that would function in a similar manner to the "tell me what you think of the pokemon above", but it's going to function differently. Each poster is going to specify either an item, ability, or move, and it's going to be up to the next poster whether to Keep the ability/item/move as is, change it, or whether they would get rid of it entirely. Seems simple enough, right? Would be interesting to get some discussion going as to why one would Keep/Change/Delete, but it's not that mandatory by any means.

Let's start! I'll go with Muddy Water. Would you keep it as is, change it in any way, or get rid of it?
I say Keep. It's like an alternative version of Surf with less Accuracy but a new effect, which I think is interesting.

Aurora Veil
It's not a very good move and does basically the same things as Protect and other similar moves.

Aurura Veil is actually pretty good on Ninetails-A. Setting up dual screens in one turn is amazing.

As for Gluttony, I’d keep it.
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Change. Instead of just raising the likelihood of encountering wild Pokemon (which... seems to be dubiously useful to me), I'd also increase the likelihood that any given wild encounter would be shiny, just by a tad.

Blaze/Overgrow/Torrent (I'm including all three as they do the same thing with slight variations).
Keep. They seem like perfect abilities for starters, not entirely useless and not broken either, and are helpful for young players who will probably have several Fire/Grass/Waters moves on their starter. They’re also rather useful in the PMD games and have saved me a couple times.

Destiny Knot.
Delete. It's not a very good move and does basically the same things as Protect and other similar moves.
it is nothing like protect tho yikes

Keep. Seems fine for what it is; I like how Game Freak made it so that the parent can pass on most of their IVs to the offspring Pokemon, which makes IV breeding so much less of a pain. @_@;

Max Potion
Remove. Hyper Potion already does the job for most of the ingame content, and by the time it's not useful enough Full Restore quickly fills the gap.

Sacred Ash.
Keep. Although in all honesty it's one of those really rare in-game items that I'd just never use just because of said rarity, even if I can accomplish the same thing by reviving + healing my Pokemon with separate items.

Keep, it's a very powerful ability but it's naturally limited by its condition. It can make for some really fun but risky strategies

Change. Not a fan of it. 25% is less than the regular 33% sure, but at least increase the accuracy holy crap. Sure it was the strongest fighting move in Gen 1, but we're here 7 gens later no? I'd say increase the acc to 100% and return the PP to 25. That BP of 80 does NOT justify the recoil at all, much less the 80% Accuracy.

Delete. I was trying to figure out a way I'd change it, but to be honest, Earthquake is much more reliable of move anyway rather than trying to gamble on something that has a 1/10 chance of happening (which is to say you're not all that likely to hit Magnitude 10 a whole lot unless you're super lucky).

Future Sight
Keep. It's a good move, but definitely has its downsides. If your battling against a strong competition where every move is crucial, this one could win it all, or easily cause you the defeat if your pokemon can't handle damage.

Sludge Bomb
Delete. I was trying to figure out a way I'd change it, but to be honest, Earthquake is much more reliable of move anyway rather than trying to gamble on something that has a 1/10 chance of happening (which is to say you're not all that likely to hit Magnitude 10 a whole lot unless you're super lucky).

@ExLight you're the super duper high school luckster. Think you can hit that Magnitude 10 consistently? :p

Future Sight

Absolute keep, but a minor change to it. Future Sight is a mind game move (hah see what I did there?) You basically play mind games with your opponent because they have to strategize on their feet WHO will receive the future sight attack. And from then, it becomes a prisoner dilemma-like situation: Do I switch in now to deal with the current threat, but then have it receive the FS attack? Do I switch in something that can resist FS but be vulnerable to the current threat? This puts the opponent into an extremely sticky situation and I absolutely love how devastating it can be if it all lines up. Both the pressure from the attack and pressure from knowing the attack will come is amazing in screwing up your opponent's strategy.

The change is simple: Change it to one turn. Why? 2 turns is a lot and can probably has set up against you in that time. 1 turn will put the hot coals right away.

I already wrote this up so it's okay Imma just keep it here pls dkm

Sludge Bomb

Keep. Go-to Special Poison move. Standard and necessary.

Delete. Accuracy-lowering moves aren't even that useful even in casual in-game, as even competent AI can switch out and negate the negative status effects anyway. Double Team is a much more reliable move imo.

Keep. It's a move that rewards delayed attacks, so the trade off is met in equilibrium. Now if some actual REAL SLOW Pokémon could get it aside from friggin' Beheeyem, that'd be real nice. Speaking of nice:

Play Nice
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