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Make your Own PokéGod or Hybrid!

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New Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Make your Own PokéGod or Hybrid!
Combine Pokémon to make Pokémon that shouldn't exist...or should, your opinion really.

OmniDitto: This ditto was created from Ditto DNA, Metang DNA, Exeggcute DNA, and Alakazam DNA. Then it was telepathically bonded to a Human Child at birth (part of my comic which is in development). Then both were raised to adulthood together as siblings (being treated both as humans and placed in excelled education).
The end result being a Ditto who can remember DNA, mix and match DNA, remember moves, and be able to retain its form even when laughing.

Chillmander: A cross between a Ice Pokemon and a Charmande. The end result being a ice blue flameless Charmander with Ice Attacks.

Draceon: A scaly Dragon-type Evee.
There's a thread for new pokemon concepts in the Pokemon General Discussion forums.
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