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Mother Tongue

Languages Pokemon games are translated into.

  • English

    Votes: 33 55.9%
  • French

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • German

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Italian

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Spanish

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • Japanese

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (State below)

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters


Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
What's your first language? I have noticed that many people here are not native speakers of English, so say which language you first spoke, or what is spoken around you at the moment, and what other languages you happen to know.

My first language is English, and it's the only language I know.
But I was born and raised in Sweden so I guess Swedish deserves a mention as well, although I always spoke Icelandic at home.
my first language was polish, though after a while I got used to english that I don't remember any anymore. :|
My mother tongue is Spanish :) But, I can speak English to the point it's almost like speaking Spanish to me. I am also learning Japanese just for fun... although I'm far from done! I want to learn many many more languages!
I mainly speak English, but I can also speak Norwegian and trying to learn French and Japanese.
English, but I'm trying to learn Spanish, which is my native's language.
Dutch is my native language. I also know English and a bit of German.
English and French both.
I know as much french as english, et je parle francais tout les joure. My mam is swiss, so i speak it at home lots. Im also reqyired to speak irish. Go raibh maith agat.
I speak Norwegian and English. In addition, most Norwegians can easily understand what Danes and Swedes say, so you might add those ('cause they're not too hard to speak either)
obviously, italian is my first language. english is the other language I know.
My first language was Tagalog, having been born in the Philippines.
Ma langue maternelle est le Français.
My mother tongue is French.
My mother tongue is English, but I know some French, and a little bit of Japanese.
Same as Zenax, my mother tongue is French and it's the language I use everyday. Other languages I can speak fluently are English (duh) and Spanish. Going to learn German and Mandarin Chinese when I start college next week.

Languages are my life. :)
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