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New D/P Anime Scan... Nugai's (Shinji's) r/ship to group revealed?

not Shinzo?

Ew, we know the leaders' faces, but no names. There's also sketch of starters evos around...

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Awww, Shinji? That's such a run-of-the-mill name! And it immidiately makes me think of Ibu Shinji from Prince of Tennis. Something about the bitchiness and the mumbling of PoT Shinji makes some of Pokemon Shinji's badassery disintegrate for me (although I do adore PoT Shinji, he's just a 13-year-old that likes complaining a lot, not a total badass).

So, any guesses for dub names? I'm partial to Sean. =D

And are those evos real? Because if they are, I totally win the grand prize for going with the Starter with the coolest evos from the start. I mean, dude, if these are Hikozaru's evos... no, seriously, it makes him the second coolest Starter EVER (Charmander's coolness is still unrivaled). I mean, he evolves into freakin' Son Goku the Monkey King. That just ROCKS.
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If those are real, I'm disappointed by Pochama's final form. I'm also disappointed by the fact that Hikozaru has the coolest evolution.
Hikozaru's possible final evolution does look fantastic. Of the Fire/Fighting type I'd guess, but we just had one last generation...

Possible Grass/Ground, or Grass/Rock, or Grass/Steel for Naetle and Water/Dark, or Water/Fighting for Pochama?
I'm calling fake on the sketches, but the rest of the info is cool. I was right about the mining town being Kurogane City, where the first gym is.
I'm not surprised since I guessed he would be Ash's rival once it was revealed that Brock is returning. So we'll be meeting him in episode three then.
not Shinzo?

Uh, no, where did you get that from? Serebii?

I though Shinji looked a lot like Jindai before, but this new picture makes him look a lot more like the GSC rival. Interesting.

Ah, and the Hikozaru evolution is awesome. He'll be my starter for sure.
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So Ash has two rivals now?

I bet in the league he'll beat Shinji but lost to Gary.

Because the writers love to be repetitive.
I'm not talking about that, I mean Ash has two rivals in every league and he only beats one of them.

Unless for some reason Ash beats Gary first and Shinji is the new "Harrison."

In any case, I guess we already know how the Shinou league is going to turn out.
You and I said that about the Kanto Grand Festival, and then May went and beat both Harley and Drew. Same could happen here.

If Ash beat Shinji and lost to Gary, though, that wouldn't be so unoriginal. As FabuVinny pointed out, Ash has never lost to Gary in a tournament before.
If those scetches are real I'm pretty dissapointed with them. Hikozaru's form seems like it barely changes and only like gets taller and gains a staff. Pocchoma's just gets bigger and darker looking. I like Neatles the best and i'd go with it being Grass/Ground which I've been guessing from the start.
On the right hand of that scan we got summmaries for all five DP episodes known so far.

Could use a translator.

Setting off! From Futaba Town to Masago Town!
In order to get her first pokemon, Hikari sets off to the laboratory in a neighboring town. However on the way she gets lost....

Search for Pikachu! Route 202!
Hikari, who just recieved Pocchama, lays her sights on Kotobuki Town. A weakened Pikachu appears in front of her.

Rival Battle! 3 vs. 3!
Satoshi searches for Pikachu, who he has been seperated from. While searching for Pikachu, he is challenged to a Pokemon battle by Shinji. (so what....you should freaking search for Pikachu first you little @#$%^@#^)

Pocchama vs. Subomii! Hikari's First Battle!!
Satoshi and Hikari have started travelling together, however they don't really fit each other. Wanting to get Satoshi to acknowledge her power, she challenges Pokemon minstrel Naoshi to a battle!

Naetoru! Capture it!
Satoshi knocks down the balloon of Rocket-dan, who had captured Pikachu, with Mukkuru. It was a wild Naetoru which had saved Pikachu from the balloon which had fallen into a distant lake.
lol, I was trying to figure out why everyone was calling Shinji, Nugai. Before I was thinking is that some kind of guess or translation error, or is pokemon resulting to horrible puns for names.

However, also, who's to say that Brock isn't the temp character, or that it may be a party of four. I don't know about you guys, but they never did stuff like this for either Brendon or Richie. (I can't say about the GS guys though). Its no secret that they want to keep secrets about the show, so its possible they have brock up until Shinji appears (adding or replacing him in the site)
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So Ash and Hikari don't get along?

Why am I getting flashbacks of Misty now?
Ahh, so Ash and Hikari don't meet until episode 3 or 4... wonder how long it'll be 'til Brock shows up?

Hikari has nothing to do with Pikachu getting lost, then. Well, that was a nice theory for the ten minutes that it lasted. :p

Maybe she nurses it back to health, intending to catch it once its better, not realising it has a trainer. Then Ash finds them and she doesn't want to hand it over, and gets in a strop when Pikachu picks him over her.

ok, I really want Hikari to be a brat. :p

In any case, it sounds as though she and Pikachu will have an entire episode together before Ash comes onto the scene.

So Ash and Hikari don't get along?

Why am I getting flashbacks of Misty now?
Because you're determined to find Hikari a ripoff of someone, and it doesn't matter who.

It's starting to sound like there are a good few differences between DP and AG's beginnings. The whole first episode of DP seems to be about Hikari, not Ash, and Ash and Hikari don't even meet until episode 3; Hikari has her first adventure and chooses her starter without Ash being present; she meets Pikachu before Ash; she and Ash don't get along; Hikari won't be a willing student to Ash, if she's going to be his student at all; Ash will have not just one rival, but two, and both rivals will be brought into the action a great deal earlier than Drew and Harley; Hikari appears to be more prominent than May was, generally - she's been given as much focus in those summaries as Ash, possibly even more.
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