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Skorupi/Drapion. Every time I see one, I think to myself, "What the hell is that thing?" Honorable mention goes to some of the Gen IV evos and prevos. Most of them seemed unnecessary.
I used to forget about...Shuckle, Qwilfish, Tyrogue, Stantler, Dunsparce, Delibird...because I didn't get Silver until after FrLg came out, and I hadn't seen much of the anime (although I always find, oddly enough, that I remember more episodes than I think I do), so they pretty much escaped my notice almost entirely. I don't forget about them any more, though. Although, on a related note, for a while I thought that Corsola and Skarmory were third gen, for more or less the same reason.
Although there are a few fifth gen ones I still have a hard time recalling.
I can never remember the names of Eelectross's line even when I was raising one. The first one is...Tynamo, but I kept wanting to call it Tympole.
i remember accidentaly skipping Chatot when i did a ''name all Pokémon challenge'', boy, i was like, totally pissed when i remembered what i had forgotten
If I was asked to name every Pokemon, I'd forget more Gen II Pokemon I think (lets not include Gen V Pokemon in the example, they're new). I never owned a Johto game until HGSS. And now I've got Silver.
i normaly have an amazing memory, but my mind went completly blank on Lumineon.
hell, i forgot it so bad, for the longest time i was calling it frilish.
I used to keep forgetting Finneon and Lumineon until I remembered that I kept forgetting them. Didn't help that I believe Lumineon was for the longest time the last Pokemon I needed to see to get the National Dex back when I first got Diamond.
Not that I can name all the Pokemon off the top of my head or anything, but I don't really "forget" about any Pokemon, excluding maybe the unreleased 5th Gen legendaries.
How could I remember what I forget? Nah, but seriously, I have a pretty photographic memory when it comes to Pokemon, whenever I see one, I will more than likely, 99% of the time remember what it is.
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