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Probably a new epi title


Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
from Pokeani discussion board, the title of DP41 on July 26th is probably: ヒカリとノゾミとダブルパフォーマンス! (Dawn and Zoey and Double Performance!)

seems to be a contest-related episode

and...Movie 1 to Movie 4 will be aired on TV in the daytime from July 23rd to 26th.
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More Dawn + Zoey = Cool.

Are we sure we're in another Contest already? The writers should space out the Contests more like they did in Hoenn.
I personally find it difficult to get excited about Nozomi making appearences, so hopefully they manage to do something a little more interesting with her this time around. A 'Double Performance' certainly sounds like the sort of thing that could help, depending on how they go about it~

Here's to hoping that she'll use that Misdreavus of hers!

I expected that.

Satoshi-tachi arrive to Yosuga City (finally, I was afraid there will be lots of fillers and useless towns before Yosuga) and participate in Contest in the Yosuga Contest Hall.

It's a pity we won't see the judges from games (Mimyi, Vick & Sasuke). We'll see these stupid Contesta, Sukizo and Joy again instead.

It's a shame that Contests from anime don't parallel Super Contests from D/P. It would be very interesting to see Hikari's and Nozomi's Pokemon dancing or dressed up.

Here's to hoping that she'll use that Misdreavus of hers!

I don't hope for it.

I hope that we'll see her new Pokemon. Two Pokemon isn't very much.
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But I hope he doesn't do that again.

He doesn't like competing in contests, really. I mean, sure, he enjoys being on stage and participating in the contest battles. But other than that, contests just aren't his style.

And afterall, Ash is interested in gym battles and participating in leagues (he never cared for contests to begin with). Those are his main priorities. So I just don't see why he'd wanna compete in contests again, unless Aipom was begging to be in it.
Hearthrome already I guess?

Or perhaps an unofficial one...explains the possible double battle.

Probably see Nozomi's water type too...
Ugh, more Zoey already? Check please.

Let me know when we actually get to see Nando in a contest....
A few people are speculating the gang may be in Hearthome City by this episode, what do you think?

The Gym leader there is a coordinator as well, do you think Dawn will face against her as well?
If that were the case and Zoey is in the episode, she hates people who do both contests and gyms. Imagine the gym leader getting angry with Zoey, ahh there'd be a fight. Maybe it can be Dawn/Zoey V.S Gym Leader/Ash...
I think it'll be in Yosuga City. I don't think they can do much else with the trip from Hakutai to Yosuga.

Except, well, MIRU D=.

But whatever, it looks good, and will possibly give me a Appealshipping hint since I'm losing interest in the ship D=
Accordin' to Pokeani, the Contest in Hearthrome are Double Battles (or like a team of Coordinators I think), so Zoey helps Dawn out. I wonder if she'll stay with the group until then?
Please note: The thread is from 17 years ago.
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