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Review S17 EP10: Mega-Mega Meowth Madness!

Review Time, It Appears Carter has gone back his Old Ways of Writing TERRIBLE Scripts but aside from that, I REALLY LIKED THIS EPISODE. I Liked the Japanese Version Better but the Dub was Good too.

Ash and Comp. go to Visit Professor Sycamore. He Leaves them and Ash Finds out that Chespin is the Final Starter for the Kalos Region and Chespin Pokes Clemont's Han because it was Nervous. Team Rocket Shows Up NOT FOR THE Pokmon but for the Professor??????????? Unusual for them but I Got what their Mission Meant.

Serena and Bonnie get Captured but before that, the First of the 2 Best Parts of the Episode Happens, Bonnie and Serena Copy the Team Rocket Motto, PRICELESS. A Meyer Cameo happens.

So Chespin is Foolish to Grab the Macrons an Jessie Spots it and then the Battle Happens. Pikachu Uses ThunderBolt on TR, and for the 99999999999999999Time it FAILS. Chespin and Pikachu Team Up to take on Mega Mega Meowth, which Team Rocket THINKS is a Mega Pokemon, BUT IT HAS TO BE AN ACTUAL Pokemon NOT A MACHINE U MORONS, I'm Not sure they knew. Mega Blaziken Shows Up, Beats the Machine then Pikachu and Chespin Finish it Off. Chespin Shares the Macrons. And SURPRISE, Meyer is Blaziken Mask, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS REALLY OBVIOUS FOR Me.

Chespoin Wants to Go with Clemont and we get a Capture, HOORAY.

Overall I Give a 8.3 to the Episode.
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Another episode focusing on Clemont. I love it! And adding cute, little Chespin. Double love!

First I'll start at the beginning. I'm glad that Serena and Bonnie attempted to rescue Sycamore, though I wish it would have been more successful than just getting in the van and Dedenne trying to chew Sycamore free. And geez, when Clemont said Dedenne slept frequently to recharge he meant it. I really hope Dedenne gets a real battle soon instead of always inconveniently being asleep. But I liked that Bonnie at least tried to battle again. Also, the girls doing the motto with Bonnie doing those poses was hilarious. I also liked how Serena had the idea of using a macoron trail to lead Ash and Clemont to them.

So I guess Chespin is the glutton of this region. But I liked how he tried going after Team Rocket’s truck and then led Ash and Clemont to it.

Speaking of something hilarious, I never get tired of Clemont's slow running and exhaustion. His tiptoeing while sneaking up to Team Rocket's base was also adorable and funny, not to mention his and Sycamore being impressed by Team Rocket's invention. It was great when Clemont was like “let’s not rush them”. And then when Chespin got caught he was like “on second thought, rushing them is a great idea. Oh, and I loved that music piece that came on with Chespin's who's that Pokémon.

But anyway, onto the Mega Mega Meowth plan. Clemont and Chespin were awesome here. Clemont jumping in the path of that rather slow moving robot to save Chespin was cool for him I guess. He’s slowly becoming a bit braver. Chespin was also really clever in remembering the robot's cord it tripped to earlier to stop it.

Another thing I noticed and liked was how when Ash and Pikachu were about to be crushed by the robot, Serena and Sycamore called out to Ash, but Bonnie was worried about Pikachu. I noticed that she always seems to focus more on the Pokemon in most situations. Like when Ash and Pikachu were hurt in the first episode she said “poor Pikachu”. And in the last episode when her dad showed up, Clemont said “dad!”, but she only mentioned Ampharos. I like that. It’s cute.

I'm glad that Blaziken Man and Mega Blaziken didn't entirely defeat Team Rocket and only made the robot easier for Clemont and Ash to stop. It was great.

And OMZ Meyer is the Blaziken man! I totally didn’t see that coming!

And of course, Chespin deciding to share its food with the others at the end, adorable. I'm really glad Clemont got Chespin. It works well with him and I thought it was time that someone other than Ash got the grass-type starter. Overall, a great episode. 9/10.
So…still in Lumiose. To be honest, I forgot about ol’Sycamore, so let’s just go pay that sexy bastard a visit.

Team Rocket? Where have you guys been? Seems like they’ve forgotten some stuff, they’ve been away so long. James already knows Sycamore is the leading expert on Mega Evolution! Why is he acting like this is news? We found that out in like, Episode 2.

Finally, the third Kalos starter. He’s so cute, but the “eater” types are getting old. And seriously, what the hell is a Macaron? Like…what is it? Also, Chespin can’t have Prankster, silly lady.

I’m really tired of Team Rocket’s evil-ass looking faces when they aren’t doing anything. Are they doing this on purpose? I feel like they are. Someone is like, “Hey guys! Let’s make Team Rocket have the most evil looking eyes EVER! And it’ll be funny because they’re back to being stupid!” Not funny. -_-

Wow, so Serena actually decided to DO something for once. Sure it malfunctioned…but…nice effort on her part. Better than running back to tell the guys to do it. And I like how Chespin was eager to help, too.

Awesome, the motto stealing has returned. Bonnie was pretty hilarious doing all those poses. And…well…I’ll just say Team Rocket tied them up…

See, why didn’t Serena send out Fennekin? Once again, she lets a 6-some-odd-year-old girl outshine her. Well…she could have. Oh Dedenne, you useless ball of…Dedenne. But still, at the very least, Bonnie decided to DO something! And even earlier, Dedenne was trying to…knaw Sycamore free. That was something. She could have had Fennekin burn the rope and try to attack Team Rocket at the very least.

So this next part is SUPER dumb. Really? Sycamore gave up his data because of some Usopp noise? You mean to tell me Prof. would give up his entire extent of research to the bad guys who could easily use it to destroy everything he knows and loves because THE NOISE WAS TOO LOUD?! Not because his life was threatened. Not because his family was threatened. Not these children, his Pokémon, but because HIS EARS WERE HURTING? Really Sycamore, really? Well, I am sure as hell glad this man isn’t more important or have another weapon at his disposal since we know what his Kryponite is.

Ampharos is back! YAY! X3 But ONCE AGAIN! Clemont could have simply asked Daddy for help. BUT NOOOOOOOO! He gotta do it hisself!

Not sure why Clemont said they shouldn’t rush them. Sure they can rush them! As we all know, Team Rocket are incompetent! That was actually funny when he was just, “What the hell, let’s just do it. YOLO.” Clemont is pretty cool when his gadgets and junk aren’t exploding.

See? Incompetent. They freed everyone during the motto. Effortlessly. EFFORTLESSLY.

Another moment of incompetence…from the TWERPS/SYCAMORE! Why are they just standing around letting this MegaMegaMeowth happen? Just zap Team Rocket and send them blasting off! I bet Clemont and Sycamore were behind it. They wanted to see that robot.

Well, Chespin’s a dumbass. Thing is about to kill him, but he needs his macarons for his trip to Heaven. Also, WHY WOULD CLEMONT EAT FLOOR MACARONS?! That’s so gross.

Oh yeah, Ash is in this show…good job. I love how they decide when electricity hurts Pikachu and when it’s delicious and nutritious.

Did Ash really just run for three steps and fall down? REALLY? Ash, GTFO of this episode! Everyone else is cooler than you. Except maybe Serena….naah…Serena won today.

Tackle and Pin Missle won’t do much to a Steel-type MegaMeowth. So…Ash says to use Quick Attack. Seriously, Get Out.
Suddenly Mega Blaziken!

Yes, Pin Missile the Steel again! It’s so good! Thanks for showing up, Mega Blaziken, cause these guys would have never beat this thing. -_- And those dudes really can jump, might I add. WHY DOESN’T HE HAVE MEGAAMPAROS?!?

And the day is saved. Yay. So of course, it’s time to eat. -_- He gave Chespin two macarons, how did he give one to everyone?

Also want to note: Bonnie’s so polite. She didn’t just interrupt the conversation Clemont had with adults. Nice and respectable.

And now Chespin wants to stay. Sorpresa, sorpresa. “Oh yes, I coincidentally have Chespin’s Pokeball! Here, take it!” = “TAKE THIS THING BEFORE IT EATS ALL MY FOOD!”

Glad Clemont got Chespin, but…Science didn’t have anything to do with this. O_O

Why was Ash so focused on in the end shot? He didn’t do sh*t in this episode! Speaking of which, neither did Bonnie, really. Why wasn’t Clemont featured on the title screen? How do they decide this?

Nice episode, but it gets a 6/10 for some glaring derps in this episode. Sycamore giving up his data because of loud noise, Ash being pathetic and forgetting how to run, Chespin for deciding food is more important than his life, Team Rocket proving that they are morons and can’t stop being such regardless of how the animators draw their eyes, Serena having a good idea and then not doing anything to make it work…a lot could have been better here.
So this next part is SUPER dumb. Really? Sycamore gave up his data because of some Usopp noise? You mean to tell me Prof. would give up his entire extent of research to the bad guys who could easily use it to destroy everything he knows and loves because THE NOISE WAS TOO LOUD?! Not because his life was threatened. Not because his family was threatened. Not these children, his Pokémon, but because HIS EARS WERE HURTING? Really Sycamore, really? Well, I am sure as hell glad this man isn’t more important or have another weapon at his disposal since we know what his Kryponite is.

Nice episode, but it gets a 6/10 for some glaring derps in this episode. Sycamore giving up his data because of loud noise, Ash being pathetic and forgetting how to run, Chespin for deciding food is more important than his life, Team Rocket proving that they are morons and can’t stop being such regardless of how the animators draw their eyes, Serena having a good idea and then not doing anything to make it work…a lot could have been better here.

Actually, he later said that he gave up the data because protecting Serena and Bonnie was more important to him.
Well, it's been ten episodes and only now am I actually annoyed ... by Team Rocket reprising their old habit of explaining their own plans to each other. Oh well. As for their new mecha, well alright, it's been a while so I'm prepared to forgive it.

I'm still loving Bonnie and Clemont. Clemont even runs like a nerd, bless him. I laughed at the screw-and-nut thing at the end when he flaunts the Poké Ball. And Bonnie, oh Bonnie ... those Rocket motto poses were so sweet.

Meyer is the masked man ... ok. Did not see that coming. And y'know, it works, I'm buying it
Fun episode. Chespin is the star of this episode, that's for sure. And anytime you get a chance to mock the motto, that's great too.
Something I just thought of: Meyer is revealed to be Blaziken Mask. He has a Blaziken, who has spent most of its screen time in its Mega form. Meyer also has an Ampharos, a Pokémon also capable of Megavolving. Am I sensing a touch of foreshadowing here?

It may be worth noting that the TRio's nails-on-glass torture was used before--specifically, by Cassidy and Bob ("It's not Bob, it's Butch!") on Professor Oak in Pokémon Chronicles. It's also worth noting that Oak lasted longer than Sycamore did.
A good episode if you ask me. It was action-packed and some good Pokemon appeared, especially Mega Blaziken.

At first, I didn't like Chespin that much, mainly because of its design but now I guess this little Pokemon will grow on me.
What I didn't quite understand, though:In most adventures so far, Team Rocket has pulled machines like Mega Meowth out of the hat as if it was nothing. Now they're making such a fuss about their latest gadget although we're already used to seeing things like that. And it's not that Mega Meowth was so much stronger than their other machines.

Finally, Mega Blaziken saves the day, although I have to admit that it's a little bit strange to see Ash being almost passive and not the main character in this episode.

Oh, and I guess Sycamore really has to have a good insurance company, given all that damage that is done to his research lab.
Like the other 10 episodes of XY that I've watch, I enjoyed it and especially the twist about Clemonts father! Even though it's not far in, XY has managed to bring my interest back to the anime after BW.
I thought this episode was pretty cool. In my opinion, all of the episodes have been interesting in XY, compared to BW at least.
Is it bad I thought Team Rocket should take advantage of Serena whilst she was tied up?

and why are Makarons suddenly a thing in Pokemon since the end of gen 5 aha.

and Sycamore's voice seems different.

Ash and co need to break the anime laws of not doing anything during speech more often, the best was that one time they got all their Pokemon back during the motto.

Why did they need the data to use the machine...

least Team Rocket weren't beat by BS, seems to be a good thing in the series, least TR are a threat again.

"I caught a Chespin!"

no you didn't!
Bonnie and Serena imitating the TR motto, with Bonnie randomly making ninja poses, was hilarious, and so was the gang completely ignoring the real motto while untying Serena, Bonnie, and Dedenne. A rare subversion of the old "talking is a free action" trope. Chespin sharing with Clemont after he was hurt, and then everyone else at the end, was really cute. Makes it different than the greedy thieving gluttons we've had among the gang's Pokemon in the past. :p
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