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Sprites from the Hollows! (Contest- Harry Potter)


The Dragon Lord
Nov 15, 2010
Reaction score

(Welcome all to my very first spriting contest that I made!)
Theme: Harry Potter
Congratulations Everyone!
Next to your name is a Number and Points out of 10. The Number is the Placement you obtained!
1) badvinvin WINNER: 9.5/10
2) Tris79 [5] 5/10
3) eeveegirl [2] 9/10
4) The Anonymous [3] 8/10
5) Magmortarmaster1 [4] 7.5/10

Voldemort rewards your skills everyone, and thank you for competing with me!
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Although I don't get the sign-up thing. Where I come from, the contest is posted and anyone who wants to make a sprite can compete.
Although I don't get the sign-up thing. Where I come from, the contest is posted and anyone who wants to make a sprite can compete.

Well as my first contest, I dont want to stress my self and would only like a maximum number of sprites to judge, though I do have another judge, its still tough for my first judging!
ATTENTION TO ALL (except eeveegirl):

The Contest will end on 11:30 PM GMT +3 on May 2nd! Judging will begin in May 3rd, and the results will be given in May 4th, so hurry up and submit a sprite!
Done here it is

My sprite is mainly about this question "What would Harry and Hedwig might look like if they were Pokemon?"
The results have been posted everyone! Thank you all for joining my First contest!
Well done everyone! @Salamencemaster1 looking forward for the next contest.
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