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  • Oh? Doing what, if you don't mind me asking? Things are a-changing. I know so little now </3
    Helloooo~ ahh, I've been away from Bulba for so long. So much has been going on! How have you been?
    It's a 2-D fighter, and Phil works on it in his free time (I've already mentioned it in my first post in the start up thread).
    I mostly remember watching R2 and thinking about how un-R1 it was (and yet how much it tried to be R1 without being R1, with the whole "OH MAH GADZ WHAT IF SUZAKU FINDS OUT I'M ZERO" "oh noes it's so hard juggling school life and terrorist life!" "SHIRLEY!"). I liked the ending of R1, but when they picked it up on R2 with the whole "OH RIGHT I REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED NEXT OMG MIND WIPEZ" it kind of felt like all of that would've fit fine before the end of R1 and then they just forgot, lol.

    Been trying to start Death Note, and a friend told me that Gurren Lagan is teh bestest show in the world. Haven't started either yet. Suggestions?

    What no.
    No I'm not. Nuuuu.

    Yeah, no, I kind of rushed my judging at the end to get it in on time, and then plot twist, nope, no one else finished on time from my section anyway. Go us!

    Yeah! That could work as well.

    So, now that that's sorted out, maybe I'll get Phil to continue with programming his game?
    Computer Science. Game Programming, to be specific.

    They may share physics class, maybe?
    Hey, Flaze!

    In the Let's Be Heroes RP, my character doesn't know that he has powers. I was thinking that maybe we (Tyler and Phil) could meet up in class the next day?

    What do you think?
    Awesome. Thanks! I'll most likely be more active on weekends, but I can't promise much in the way of weekday posts.
    Really? I may have missed that while reading through. Thanks for the heads up! I'll most likely be able to post over the weekend. Haha, I understand. Once everyone's together, then the fun can really start.
    And you have no evidence, good sir.

    Yeah, actually, I'm coming to the conclusion that R2 was a pretty bad decision for everyone.

    Where the hell would I buy--never mind.

    Yeah, no, I realized how behind I am on judging when I saw how much of 8ES I still have left and nyugghhhhh read like the wind, Ely, reaaaaddd
    Hi! I'm really sorry I haven't been able to post as much as I'd have liked, I've recently hit a rough and really busy patch in my life. I'm trying my hardest to stay caught up with how the RP is progressing, and I'm following it well, but I haven't had enough time to put together a coherent and useful contribution.
    Again sorry, I didn't intend to offend. I really thought I posted the right sign up. The reason the personality shifted which I explained in my edited bio is that if something really traumatic happens it sometimes shifts personalities. I'll leave your RP or edit the posts if you want. I'm really sorry.
    When I wrote my charecter's first bio I didn't use the split personality, but after thinking about it I liked the split personality idea so I wrote it in a new bio. I looked over the bio I submitted and I forgot to use the new one. Sorry. :/
    As for Fairy Tail's characters being more charming than One Piece, well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Nastu is pretty much a total rip off of Luffy, and anyone that says otherwise isn't paying enough attention. My love/hate relationship with Nami is way stronger than the one I had with Lucy, and the rest of the cast... well I could go on and on about. I mean I still probably like Happy more than Chopper, but that's only because I met Happy first. Chopper is far better, when it comes to back story that's for sure. I think the main reason why One Piece wins over FT is because of the amazing back stories. You are right about the way One Piece takes it's time to progress the plot though. However, I prefer that to giving us cliff hangers each ep, but I think that's because I prefer to binge watch, so when I forget to watch an ep of One Piece one week, I don't feel like I'm missing anything, unlike HxH or Kuroko no Basuke which is frustrating.
    Legend of the Galactic Heroes is an anime about the far future where two huge nations are at war. It gives off the same sense you might get when watching Death Note, though it's a lot more gray where as Death Note is black and white. The anime is from the late eighties and ends in the late nineties so the animation might not be that good, however the story and characters are incredibly compelling. The main characters are lovable which is interesting considering they're at war killing and the like. I'd recommend it but with 110 eps you might not watch it. I guess my binge watching skills are just far more superior. I don't mean to brag (I do though) but I finished a 50 ep anime "Cross Game" if you've heard of it, and watched the entirety of the second season of "House of Cards" which is a Netflix original I'd be surprised if you haven't heard of just last week.

    I heard about the terrible art in HxH's manga, so I don't blame you, but despite not reading it I would still argue that the anime is far superior in many aspects and is worth watching. I watched the original HxH anime twice maybe, the second time I binge watched it. I've always loved it ever since I was a kid, which is why I was stoked when they announced the reboot. How awesome was ep 116 though!
    I think the fact that I dropped it kind of tells you what I think, though at first I LOVED IT, seriously. Then again I kind of grew out of mainstream shounen anime, with a few exceptions (Hunter X Hunter, Hajime no Ippo, Kuroko no Basuke, One Piece) in that order -HxH is on FIRE right now-, I also give some of them a chance like Kill la Kill, because I'm not prejudice, it's just that so many of them do it so terribly namely Naruto. I still watch Naruto, but only out of loyalty since it's the first anime I've ever watched (subtitled at least, I don't really count DBZ or Pokemon). Fairy Tail is still better than Naruto, just not as good as One Piece. I might give it a second chance seeing as it's coming back in April (I think) and considering the RPG site I go to is Fairy Tail themed. I guess if I would give it a short critique, I'd say it's a standard shounen anime, no more no less.

    The anime I'm currently watching is "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", I'm half way through, but I was completely sold by the 26th ep.
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