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  • I've seen several different ones of those and they never fail to make me laugh :p
    They've actually dragged me out of my room to go and drink so technically it wasn't my fault!
    It doesn't help either that with Elm you simply show him a Togepi and randomly get a Master Ball from him. He definetly needed more omph.

    Well, some of them woke up at 4pm 'cause they're pissheads. Innocent Iteru is innocent.
    No masterball? How are you leaving the house without it? You are totally unprepared! Anyway, no need to lure it out, the Misty Lure is so powerful that it requires minimum effort on our part: just mention the name Misty and the monster will appear.
    (ditching? Ooh, don't speak too soon, they'll never leave.. NEVER! Not even if they die, their spirit shall remain until Misty returns to her sacred position.)

    Ooh, and a new Misty thread is born! Woot! Woot! Hooray! *fakes enthusiasm*
    ffff, it tires me.. Next time that argument is used, I think I shall respond with a 'you don't know how many people there are who don't blah blah blah'

    Sorry for slow responses, I'm busy at uni now xD
    Compared to Oak I think he's the only professor I've really liked in the games. Elm is a bit... mehish and Birch looks as if he isn't serious. But yeah, Rowan looks more distinguished too :p

    It's funny really 'cause since I've been here at uni I've been up early compared to everyone else. You've tainted me xD
    I'd rather have Rowan ;)
    Hehe, I love sleeping! I'd do it all day if I could.
    Hmmm.. rumors state that we require a masterball to capture it.. either that or we jump on its back and tame it with the aid of Misty's Holy Lure xD. Once it is under our commands, we will be unstoppable, we will be omnipotent.. MUHAHA I FEEL THE POWER GETTING TO MY HEAD, NOW GIVE ME SOME THREADS TO DESTROY
    (Angry? I would say highly fed up at yet another of those discussions.. you know the ones xDD And, LOL, you got Pokefan'd! :ppp)

    It will be a battle of wills.. can you survive the bad grammar? Wait, you mean the petition and emails don't work?? What about all those letters I sent? You know, the ones adressed to 'Mr Satoshi Tajiri in Tokyo'?? They.. didn't work? But, I was so convincing! My reasons for why Paul should join the main cast were flawless! xD
    Really though, yes, its so silly. We're kinda the ones they don't cater to, the weirdos who kept watching :p
    Lucky it wasn't a visual novel :p

    Tracey can keep Oak!
    Well, at least your popular :D
    Why?This is obviously a punishment on you send from the heavens for using dah lordz name in vain.Take it like a man,man!
    ...Yay for FlyingPinkDuckpaying a visit...!

    ...Or not.
    Looks like Pkmnfan123 replied you.LUCKY YOU.Enjoy the storm of grammatical errors~
    Intelligent people on my bullbagarden forum who realize our position and isn't a rabbit crazy spe-fanboy?No way.I must be like,dreaming or something.
    It is a creature born from fear and deceit in the hearts of the unworthy. Luckily, we can combat it with the aid of our pure hearts and piss-taking In any case, I choose to place my trust in the hilarious threads, the best of them shall not succumb to this evil. (*Bows down* ..No, wait, instead I shall provoke you into a terrible rage and watch as the forums spontaneuosly combust)

    Hmmmm... *coughhttp://bmgf.bulbagarden.net/showthread.php?t=79111cough*
    Maybe the stupidity of it made it explode? xD Or, some unknown mysterious creature decided it was unnecessary in its existence? (Lol, if you were partly responsible in the disappearance of the thread xDDDD)

    Ooh, please do!! The animé forum is in need of some excitement :p
    I don't know how people can genuinely like stuff like that. I'd be embarassed to be seen just reading it.


    Yes and I was freaked!
    "It is popular among children to compare their Iteru's horns. There have been incidents of Iteru using mysterious powers to kidnap old men."
    LOL, obviously the world is against me replying in that thread: Yesterday, my laptop froze as I was about to do so, today, the thread is gone! XD

    Well, of course I only VM'd you to reprimand you

    Nice profile pic, btw.
    Worst thing is he actually had a fanbase for this fic.

    I'm not that good with shipping names either but I approve of PompousShipping :p

    LOL :D
    I know, right? xD I think I will post in the thread too though... later... :p

    How dare you use the lord's name in vain?! XD
    But May's parents are so understanding.... to a sickening sense.

    He'll be back with a vengance :|
    No! Let's make one :p
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