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  • I've been alright, gotta job interview on Tuesday, hopefully that'll go well.

    Pretty much only ambient techno, still obsessed!
    Because it looks like a BAMF. And it's purple. Also fairly unique in its typing at this point in time.

    (Better not. :T)

    Okay then Cilan. :p
    Like George Washington, John Adams, etc. It's usually founding fathers people refer to, but there were plenty of other knowledgeable folks in years long past too.

    Me too. :9 Aw man, it's been awhile. I saw the show, but didn't know he was in any car commercials. And the only bit of advice I remember from said show was presetting your lock on your locker. Lol, I don't think there's much difference, it's still chock-full of sugar.

    Sounds like it. ^^ Other than having to deal with bugs and extreme heat (?).
    Oh geez. xD The fuzz?
    That sounds like an awesome Summer! I'm so jealous. Hahaha. I worked in the Diner at Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill. It's a historic site. I know we served Liv Tyler this Summer, so that was awesome! But other than that, it was okay. I'm currently moved in to college, and Welcome Week is going on at the moment.
    Classic!Nidoking avy!

    (I had a reply come to me roughly a year later once, so you still got a ways to go. :p But please don't actually try to break that one. ;;)

    I'd hope not, otherwise I'd question your standing.
    But you are the heir to a vast array of knowledge handed down to us by both our literal and metaphorical forebearers! ...which if you are lucky will bring you lots of monies!

    If they have these then all hope is lost.

    I'd much rather attempt those.
    Ah good good. xD
    Thank you! Shame we couldn't talk more around both of ours. Still, hopefully you've still been having fun!
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