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Build a broken Pokémon!


is obsessed with Noivern!
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
Let's see some creativity in game mechanics. And in what form? In the form of creating broken fanmade Pokémon!

But not just any broken Pokémon. Don't just load up a fanmade Pokémon with base stats galore like Arceus has and consider it broken - that's way too boring and will probably block up the thread.

No, the point of this challenge is to create Pokémon that are only found to be broken upon close analysis (or at least something beyond "OMG THE BASE STAT TOTAL IS OVER 9000 THIS POKEMON IS SOOOOO BROKEN"). Try to keep the base stat totals below 600 (preferably below 500, even, if you want an extra challenge).

I'll get started with a (somewhat naive) example:

Vallous I
Type: Dark/Ghost
Ability: Pressure
Base stats: 170 HP, 15 Attack, 120 Defense, 15 Sp.Atk, 120 Sp.Def, 10 Speed (Total: 450)
Moveset: Swords Dance, Substitute, Confuse Ray, Crunch
Held item: Leftovers

Reason for brokenness: It's a Dark/Ghost type, meaning nothing will be super-effective against it. Also, its super-high HP and Defense stats will allow it to set up a respectably high Attack in order to actually be able to slam other monsters (assuming that 252 EV's are put on Attack and/or Sp.Atk). Combine this with Substitute and Confuse Ray, and you have a pretty much irremovable monster.

Also, try and suggest possible counters against such "broken" Pokémon. For example, using Taunt on the above Pokémon would render it unable to set up the Swords Dance/Substitute combo. There may be other holes, but part of this thread's point is to find a few of them, and to "fix them up", so to say, so that the Pokémon get more and more overpowered without appearing to be such at first sight.

Another thing to note: Try to make the Pokémon actually overpowered, not dependent on some cheap strategy like F.E.A.R. A good in-game example would be the Wynaut brothers.
Okay then.


Base stats- 103 HP, 45 Attack, 70 defense, 112 special attack, 70 special defense, 120 speed
Moveset-thunder, rain dance, rest, tail glow
Item-focus sash

Reason for brokenness- With Hydration, rain dance and rest, it is effectively a fully healing beast, and with 112 special attack and 120 speed, it is a better hydration healer than manaphy.
Hmm.... nothing with Wonder Guard, right?

Let's see....

Name: Irolon
Type: Steel
Ability: Arena Trap
Weight: Probably about as much as Groudon.
Base Stats: 150HP, 150Atk, 75Def, 10Sp.Atk, 50Sp.Def, 200Speed
Moves: Substitute, Swords Dance, Explosion, Heavy Slam
How it's broken: Substitute keeps the thing alive, Swords Dance to boost its already high attack, Heavy Slam for STAB(plus it will hurt like a motherf--ker), and Explosion, after 3 SD boosts, would probably decimate anything that isn't Steel-Type. Also, Irolon's high speed will allow it to usually go first, allowing it to set up. Here's an example:
"Irolon used Substitute! Irolon used Swords Dance! Irolon used Swords Dance! Irolon used Swords Dance! *Sub Breaks* Irolon used Substitute! Irolon used Heavy Slam! Irolon used Heavy Slam! *Sub Breaks* Irolon used Heavy Slam! *At low health now* Irolon used Explosion!" You get the point.
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You could argue, though, that the guy above me is beaten by any swift swimmer with a water attack...

My turn:

Ghost/Fighting type
Technician ability
100 HP/125 Att/80 Def/5 Sp Att/80 Sp Def/5 Speed
(Special attack and Speed are just lol with this guy)

Swords Dance/Mach Punch/Shadow Sneak/Recover

Provides an unresisted combo of strong priority attacks, a boosting move, and recovery. Seems self-explanatory!

Counters would include... Unaware Haze Quagsire, probably Brave Bird Skarmory, a hypothetical Ghost/Steel that someone creates...
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Godinja (Branched evolution of Nincada)

Ability: Sturdy
Base stats: 1 Hp/45 Atk/30 Def/95 Sp. Atk/20 Sp. Def/80 Spd (271 BST)
Moveset: Shell Smash, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Thunderbolt.
Item: Expert Belt

Why it's broken: With 1 hp and Sturdy, no attack could kill it. Its Fire/Poison typing gives it immunity to both Will-o-Wisp and Toxic, that would kill it.

Counters: Godinja is dead as soon there are Stealth Rocks/Spikes in game, or if there is a Sandstorm/Hailstorm.

Ability: Shadow Tag
Base stats: 70 Hp/30 Atk/75 Def/95 Sp. Atk/85 Sp. Def/135 Spd (490 BST)
Moveset: Spore, Curse, Shadow Ball, Recover
Item: Life Orb

Why it's broken: Simple, put the target to sleep with Spore and let Curse do the job while you heal the damage you might have taken with Recover. Life Orb is there if you want to attack the enemy while he's asleep.

Counters: Any Pokémon with Sap Sipper or Insomnia. Sawsbuck does the job perfectly, being immune to Shadow Ball.
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Frostbite (lol)

Ability: No Guard

Jolly nature
252 Speed/252 HP/4 Attack



Sheer Cold
Thunder Punch
Gastro Acid
Ice Punch

Sheer Cold, No Guard. For Pokémon that have Sturdy, the elemental punches + Gastro Acid take care of that. The problem? Priority moves. Those defenses can't take a hit for the life of it. Also, Sheer Cold must be chain bred on to eight other Pokémon before you can give it to Frostbite.
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Type: Ghost
Ability: Sturdy
Base Stats: 1 HP, 1 Defense, 1 Sp. Def, 120 Attack, 120 Sp. Atk, 185 Speed
Moves: Explosion, Selfdestruct, Substitute, Curse

Why it's broken: While this Pokemon has bad HP, and terrible Def and Sp. Def, it's a ghost, and as it's got Explosion, which is a normal type move, it won't get effected by it, and it will only kill the opponent. And with its insane speed, it will outspeed any Pokemon, which means all Pokemon are doomed.

Counters: Ghosts.
That is not the way explosion works, and you would kill yourself upon using it. The Gastly evolution link have had access to explosion since gen I, and they die from using it. You should add weather, entry hazards and status moves to the list of counters, as those things will kill it instantly.
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Name >> Gotheon ( Ghost eeveelution)
Type >> Normal / Ghost
Ability >> No Guard
Base Stats>> 100HP/20ATK/150DEF/120SPATK/90SPDEF/100SPD (580)
Moveset >> Tail Glow/Quiver Dance/Shadow Ball/Hi Jump Kick
Reasons >> With only a weakness to dark-type moves with an ability to ensure that a 130 power fighting-type move will always hit, not too much can resist the attacks.

Counters >> A spiritomb or honchkrow with dark pulse.
Stats: 80/90/80/30/80/90 (450)
Resistance: Fighting. Grass. Poison. Bug. Electric. Flying. Steel.
Immunity: Ground
Weakness: Psychic
Moves: Coil, Gunk Shot, Wild Charge
Type: Normal/Ghost
Ability: Sturdy
Stats: 1 HP, ?? Def, ?? Sp.Def (as they don't matter anyways), 200 Atk, ?? Sp.Atk 200 Speed.
Moves: Extremespeed, Sword Dance, Shadow Sneak, Mach Punch.

Why is this OP? It can only die to indirect damage and can kill you with more powerful Extremespeeds than Arceus (or Shadow Sneak for Ghosts and Mach Punch for Steels/Rocks)
ability: Heatproof
Moves:Swords Dance/Tail Glow/Rock Polish/Hurricane
Why its broken: 2 immunities, no weaknesses, massive HP and defenses, this guy's name comes from trucker and hit! he can boost all of his poor stats while taking 6 damage from a rampardos's head smash and he gets STAB from Hurricane.
^ It's still weak to Electric. Charge Beams and Thunder(bolt) until death. Worse if using a Magnezone (double resistance to Flying. AND steel :lol: )


Type: Water/Ground
Ability: Sap Sipper
120 HP, 50 AT, 100 DF, 120 SA, 100 SD, 50 SP

Surf, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Calm Mind.

Broken because not having weaknesses, Special up, and covering Fire, Grass, Electric, Rock, Ground, Flying, Steel and Dragon weaknesses.

Counter: I'm out of ideas by now. Sorry.
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Not that great, but I'll give it a shot

Name: Shadoo
Type: Psychic/Dark
Ability: Filter/ Serene Grace
Stats: HP/ATT/DEF/SP. A/SP. D/Speed
Stats: 120/25/175/50/90/75
Moves: Calm Mind, Ancientpower, Trick Room, Mega Drain (based on Agatha's Gengar in the manga)

How it's broken: The pokemon has a huge amount of defense, and its only weakness is bug, most moves of this type tend to be physical, which is further reduced if it has Filter. Serene Grace will double the secondary effects of ancient power for stat boosts, or calm mind can be used. Trick Room allows the pokemon to go first to build these stats, after which the powered up Mega drain can restore health lost in the set up.

Weakness: Fixed damage moves, Special Bug moves, Taunt

Anyone else. could you give me pointers?
Base Stats: 150HP, 150Atk, 170Def, 10Sp.Atk, 180Sp.Def, 200Speed

*Bzzt!* The base stat total of this guy is 860. This is higher than Arceus'.


*Bzzt!* This Pokémon's base stat total is 690. The only one with higher is Arceus.

Type: Water/Ground
Ability: Sap Sipper
120 HP, 50 AT, 100 DF, 120 SA, 100 SD, 50 SP

Surf, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Calm Mind.

Broken because not having weaknesses, Special up, and covering Fire, Grass, Electric, Rock, Ground, Flying, Steel and Dragon weaknesses.

Worry Seed + Frenzy Plant. BOOM.
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Name: Chuck Norris Cheapness
Type: Dark/Ghost
Ability: Contrary
Stats: HP:75 Atk:25 Def:100 Sp.Atk:150 Sp.Def:100 Spd:100
Moves: Draco Meteor, Leaf Storm, Overheat, Psycho Boost
Reason why it's broken: It has the ability Contrary, which would reverse stat changes it's moves would do. Plus it has no weaknesses.
Name: Invincicov
Types: Ghost/Dark
Ability: Prankster
Moveset: Recover, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Iron Defense
Stats: 150HP/40ATK/110DEF/110SPA/110SPD/50SPE
Reason It's Broken: It has Monster HP and Defenses, an awesome type combination, plus it has Prankster+Recover, so this thing can WALL. But it can also attack, Specially.
^ Swagger. death.

Heh. Given its piss-poor attack, you could put Leftovers on it and negate that strategy altogether. You'd run out of PP before you make it hurt itself enough.

Also, remember that Swagger will lower Attack by two stages because of the Contrary ability.

Type: Water/Dragon
Ability: Hydration
Base stats: 90 HP, 38 Attack, 126 Defense, 120 Sp.Atk, 126 Sp.Def, 100 Speed (Total: 600)
Moveset: Dragon Pulse, Surf, Rest, Rain Dance
Held item: Shell Bell

Reason it's broken: Even without the benefit of no weaknesses, it's pretty fricking wall-tastic. It's pretty close too - no weaknesses except for 2x to Dragon. Combine that with Hydration + Rain Dance + Rest and a Shell Bell, and you're looking at some pretty serious delay on the other team's side. Also, most Pokémon who would know Dragon-type moves would pretty much be weak to either one of this Pokémon's attack moves.

Comments: A tribute to Kingdra, one of the most annoying-to-defeat Pokémon ever.
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You could argue, though, that the guy above me is beaten by any swift swimmer with a water attack...

My turn:

Ghost/Fighting type
Technician ability
100 HP/125 Att/80 Def/5 Sp Att/80 Sp Def/5 Speed
(Special attack and Speed are just lol with this guy)

Swords Dance/Mach Punch/Shadow Sneak/Recover

Provides an unresisted combo of strong priority attacks, a boosting move, and recovery. Seems self-explanatory!

Counters would include... Unaware Haze Quagsire, probably Brave Bird Skarmory, a hypothetical Ghost/Steel that someone creates...

Ghost/Steel, you say?

Poison Touch

Swords dance/ Iron Head/ Shadow Sneak/ Substitute

not sure what counters would be, but Poison Touch FTW
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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