What color did the Squirtle Squad threaten to dye Misty's hair? In which city did we see a Typhlosion in a regular anime episode? Which is the first Pokémon Dawn defeated in a contest battle? The Anime is goldmine of trivia and there are tons of questions to be asked to try to stump the other users.
This game is simple. One users asks a trivia question pertaining to the Anime, and the user who answers correctly gets to ask the next question. You must wait for confirmation that you have the right answer from the person who posted the question before posting a new question. The question can pertain to anything that was seen in the anime, or pertaining to the anime (voice actors, etc.)
First question:
This game is simple. One users asks a trivia question pertaining to the Anime, and the user who answers correctly gets to ask the next question. You must wait for confirmation that you have the right answer from the person who posted the question before posting a new question. The question can pertain to anything that was seen in the anime, or pertaining to the anime (voice actors, etc.)
First question:
Which 3 Anime characters were shown to own an Umbreon?
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