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September CoroCoro reveals new Mega Evolutions: Three new Pokémon also revealed

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Dreams of electric Bulbasaur
Nov 13, 2005
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September CoroCoro reveals new Mega Evolutions: Three new Pokémon also revealed

The September 2013 issue of CoroCoro Comics has revealed a new mechanic called Mega Evolution, as well as three new Pokémon.

Read more on Bulbanews
Hopefully this comes to NA. Mega Stone or not, I just want a Female Speed Boost Torchic.
Fairy/steel typing.....another leak confirmed true but who's in denial at this point?
How will dual type attacks work?
Yo dawg, we heard you like mons so we put Digimon in your Pokemon so you can fight mons while you fight mons.
Wasn't Megavolution in Digimon, where Greymon became WarGreymon?

Also very interested to see how my Ampharos which is a sheep, can now become part Dragon.
Can't imagine my Dragonite being too happy about that.
Fairy/steel typing.....another leak confirmed true but who's in denial at this point?
How will dual type attacks work?

There are dual-type attacks???

Is mega evolution reversible? Sounds like it might be if its a forme change... If it is then its basically digivolution....
Wasn't Megavolution in Digimon, where Greymon became WarGreymon?

Also very interested to see how my Ampharos which is a sheep, can now become part Dragon.
Can't imagine my Dragonite being too happy about that.

I believe it was called "Warp Digivolution", where a Digimon skips at least one stage to a more powerful level, such as Agumon (rookie) becoming WarGreymon (mega), or Angemon (champion) becomes Saraphimon (mega).

Anyway, on to subject. Mega Evolution, huh? Feels like a mixed bag here. While Blaziken's and Lucario's Mega forms look pretty cool, Ampharos and Mawile look a little... odd. The concept will probably grow on me as more info is revealed. I wonder what advantages/disadvantages it'll bring to the table. Guess we just have to wait and see.

On another bit, a legit Speed Boost Torchic would be fun. I do hope that comes to the states. While a Blaze Torchic is still fine in my books, I am curious to see how powerful a Speed Boost one is, since the metagame is crazy about them. Mega Stone or not, I would like to have that little birdie around.
It's a very similar concept, and as 1quacka1 said if it's reversible it's even more like Digivolution.
I'm wondering how you obtain Pokemon with the ability to become "Mega." Can any Pokemon do it as long as they're holding the Mega Stone? Or are there only certain specific Pokemon that you obtain through events that can.
Hmm, the Mega Evolution may have something to do with the whole genetics theme in X & Y. Maybe the new formes are actually some kind of primordial forms for the Pokémon they once had before their current ones, which the items can temporarily unlock. As for Mewtwo, remember it is a clone of Mew, so it obviously have a new forme?

It's a very similar concept, and as 1quacka1 said if it's reversible it's even more like Digivolution.
In the original Digimon World game, it wasn't reversible, but that depends on the games.
The reaction to this news just re-affirms to me what I find so annoying about the Pokémon fandom.

We don't know what we want.

The inherent hypocrisy of almost every thread to do with new Pokémon announcements is really driving me nuts. People constantly post about which Pokémon they want new evolutions for, and then when new evolutions are announced, they complain about how "new Pokémon are better than rehashing the oldies!", and that they would've preferred all new Pokémon.

Pre-announcement: "We want new designs!"
Post-announcement: "These look too different!"

Pre-announcement: "We want something different in the gameplay!"
Post-announcement: "This doesn't feel the same!"

Pre-announcement: "There are too many Pokémon!"
Post-announcement: "They're aren't enough new Pokémon!"

... and it just goes on and on and on. The reaction to this news just shows how completely divided the fans are. They just can't please everyone. For years, people have been saying that Pokémon "feels like the same game over and over", and "never does anything to really shake it up." And yet, here is the apparent "biggest scoop ever", the introduction of "MEGA EVOLUTIONS", which apparently aren't new evolutions, and they aren't new Forms either, they're something completely different. Isn't this the "shake up" that we wanted?!

And yet all over Reddit and other Pokémon forums, people loath this news. "This is too similar to Digimon!", they cry.

In Gen 3, people said the same thing. In Gen 4, people said "they look like Neopets". HGSS's Pokéwalkers were "just like Tamigotchi!" In Gen 5, they said the Legendaries and fusion concept "was just like YuGiOh!", and now come Gen 6, "these are too similar to Digimon".

We simultaneously want something brand new... but the same.
Something to shake things up... but can't possibly bare any sort of resemblance to any other franchise, otherwise it doesn't "feel like Pokémon".
We want a new game... on an outdated console.
We want new Pokémon... but we don't.
We want change... but we don't.

If I worked on the Board of Directors at GameFreak, I'd be scrolling through the forums right now, tearing my hair out, wondering "WTF DO THESE PEOPLE WANT FROM US?!"

I for one, am completely 100% behind this new game mechanic, the new Mega Evolutions look amazing and I'm gonna love trying to get them all and use them in battle. :)
The reaction to this news just re-affirms to me what I find so annoying about the Pokémon fandom.

We don't know what we want.

The inherent hypocrisy of almost every thread to do with new Pokémon announcements is really driving me nuts. People constantly post about which Pokémon they want new evolutions for, and then when new evolutions are announced, they complain about how "new Pokémon are better than rehashing the oldies!", and that they would've preferred all new Pokémon.

Pre-announcement: "We want new designs!"
Post-announcement: "These look too different!"

Pre-announcement: "We want something different in the gameplay!"
Post-announcement: "This doesn't feel the same!"

Pre-announcement: "There are too many Pokémon!"
Post-announcement: "They're aren't enough new Pokémon!"

... and it just goes on and on and on. The reaction to this news just shows how completely divided the fans are. They just can't please everyone. For years, people have been saying that Pokémon "feels like the same game over and over", and "never does anything to really shake it up." And yet, here is the apparent "biggest scoop ever", the introduction of "MEGA EVOLUTIONS", which apparently aren't new evolutions, and they aren't new Forms either, they're something completely different. Isn't this the "shake up" that we wanted?!

And yet all over Reddit and other Pokémon forums, people loath this news. "This is too similar to Digimon!", they cry.

In Gen 3, people said the same thing. In Gen 4, people said "they look like Neopets". HGSS's Pokéwalkers were "just like Tamigotchi!" In Gen 5, they said the Legendaries and fusion concept "was just like YuGiOh!", and now come Gen 6, "these are too similar to Digimon".

We simultaneously want something brand new... but the same.
Something to shake things up... but can't possibly bare any sort of resemblance to any other franchise, otherwise it doesn't "feel like Pokémon".
We want a new game... on an outdated console.
We want new Pokémon... but we don't.
We want change... but we don't.

If I worked on the Board of Directors at GameFreak, I'd be scrolling through the forums right now, tearing my hair out, wondering "WTF DO THESE PEOPLE WANT FROM US?!"

I for one, am completely 100% behind this new game mechanic, the new Mega Evolutions look amazing and I'm gonna love trying to get them all and use them in battle. :)

If I was an employee at GameFreak, I wouldn't tear my hair out. I'd instead hunt down all these people, kidnap them, lock them in a room, and tell them to accomplish better. I would then laugh like a maniac while watching them all fail. I would watch over them, taunting them, telling them how bad they're doing until they finally crack.
The reaction to this news just re-affirms to me what I find so annoying about the Pokémon fandom.

We don't know what we want.

The inherent hypocrisy of almost every thread to do with new Pokémon announcements is really driving me nuts. People constantly post about which Pokémon they want new evolutions for, and then when new evolutions are announced, they complain about how "new Pokémon are better than rehashing the oldies!", and that they would've preferred all new Pokémon.

Pre-announcement: "We want new designs!"
Post-announcement: "These look too different!"

Pre-announcement: "We want something different in the gameplay!"
Post-announcement: "This doesn't feel the same!"

Pre-announcement: "There are too many Pokémon!"
Post-announcement: "They're aren't enough new Pokémon!"

... and it just goes on and on and on. The reaction to this news just shows how completely divided the fans are. They just can't please everyone. For years, people have been saying that Pokémon "feels like the same game over and over", and "never does anything to really shake it up." And yet, here is the apparent "biggest scoop ever", the introduction of "MEGA EVOLUTIONS", which apparently aren't new evolutions, and they aren't new Forms either, they're something completely different. Isn't this the "shake up" that we wanted?!

And yet all over Reddit and other Pokémon forums, people loath this news. "This is too similar to Digimon!", they cry.

In Gen 3, people said the same thing. In Gen 4, people said "they look like Neopets". HGSS's Pokéwalkers were "just like Tamigotchi!" In Gen 5, they said the Legendaries and fusion concept "was just like YuGiOh!", and now come Gen 6, "these are too similar to Digimon".

We simultaneously want something brand new... but the same.
Something to shake things up... but can't possibly bare any sort of resemblance to any other franchise, otherwise it doesn't "feel like Pokémon".
We want a new game... on an outdated console.
We want new Pokémon... but we don't.
We want change... but we don't.

If I worked on the Board of Directors at GameFreak, I'd be scrolling through the forums right now, tearing my hair out, wondering "WTF DO THESE PEOPLE WANT FROM US?!"

I for one, am completely 100% behind this new game mechanic, the new Mega Evolutions look amazing and I'm gonna love trying to get them all and use them in battle. :)

If I was an employee at GameFreak, I wouldn't tear my hair out. I'd instead hunt down all these people, kidnap them, lock them in a room, and tell them to accomplish better. I would then laugh like a maniac while watching them all fail. I would watch over them, taunting them, telling them how bad they're doing until they finally crack.

I sure as hell don't evny gamefreak right about now but to be honest, this is prolly a western only thing.
Anyone who knows about digimon knows that their final form would be called Ultimate, not mega and their third form would be called Perfect.
The digievolution is like this : Baby > Child > Adult > Perfect > Ultimate
I believe the term mega was chosen to avoid the digimon comparison but it falls on deaf hears in the West.
I've just spent about half an hour reading arguments for and against this announcement. I'm well and truly on the fence. What I will say though, is that I have complete faith in Game Freaks ability to weave this new feature into the Pokemon world naturally through storytelling, so that by the time we experience it in the new games, it'll feel fresh and interesting, not foreign and digimon-esque.
Gogoat's pre-evo is finally evolved, but I don't know Meekuru will be a Baby Pokémon or not.

I think Horubii is better yet more complex than Mimirol, but I don't want him to evolve into Mimilop-esque thing.

Dedenne is too small, yet smaller than Pichu. I hope he gets a new evolution if possible.
Gogoat's pre-evo is finally evolved, but I don't know Meekuru will be a Baby Pokémon or not.

I think Horubii is better yet more complex than Mimirol, but I don't want him to evolve into Mimilop-esque thing.

Dedenne is too small, yet smaller than Pichu. I hope he gets a new evolution if possible.

The Pika-clone in each gen almost never gets an evolution, so I wouldn't have too high hopes on that.

Also Dedenne looks like Hamtaro fused with Raichu lol.
I want to see awesome fanart of Dedenne (0'08"), Spritzee (0'08") and Flabebe (0'04") taking down a Hydreigon, a Salamence and a Garchomp. It would make for a fairy interesting triple battle heheh...
Maybe the new formes are actually some kind of primordial forms for the Pokémon they once had before their current ones, which the items can temporarily unlock. As for Mewtwo, remember it is a clone of Mew, so it obviously have a new forme?
Which would explain why Ampharos has hair, is that wool from its previous stages?
Which would explain why Ampharos has hair, is that wool from its previous stages?

Most likely. We already know that the Pokémon loses the wool the further it goes. Maybe in the past Ampharos still had some wool left after it fully evolved, but if it became a problem for it to have wool or it simply became unnecessary in some way, then it is only natural that they evolve (real world term, not Pokémon term) to the point it no longer has wool.
I've got mixed feelings.

One one hand, this isn't likely to shit all over the metagame. I remember when people were worried about Shadow Tag Chandelure and Impostor Ditto doing the same thing. It's at least not as broken as the -grumble- Fairy-type.

On the other hand, well...I'm not a big fan of the designs...

I love the new Lucario. Absol and Blaziken look decent, at least.

Ampharos looks stupid as all hell. Mawile...meh.
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