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Team Rocket Gameboy Game?


Registered User
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
My question is, was there ever such a thing? I can remember going to a friends house when i was around 10 and playing it on his computer, (I know its illegal, but im sorry) it was all in japanese, and you got to choose whether to start with koffing, ekans, or meowth, and whether to be jessie or james.

I didn't play much more then that, but I was just wondering about it, why it isn't around, whether it is real, (it might have been a fan made game or something, Im not sure) etc.

I hope someone can help me

Cheers Liam
Cool, yeah, it seemed strange that the beginning was exactly the same as the R/B beginning, and that prof oak gave you your pokemon etc.
I remember playing an English version of it. It is just R/B, but with Jessie where Red would be. As MistyIRC said, it is just a hack.

Though a game where you play as the bad guy would be interesting. But Pokémon Colosseum is probably the closest we will realistically get to it.
Every Pokemon game for the computer is fake, i remember playing a Pikachu volleyball Game in school, it was fun..heh
hm I remember a Crystal hack called "Prepare for Trouble" or so and what Artrius describes sounds pretty much like that hack. But it's been years since I once tried out that hack o.o"
I'm sure there has been more than one.

But there are a few real Pokémon games for PC. Though they are mainly lame non-games aimed at 8 year olds:
  • Pokémon Play It!
  • Pokémon Project Studio Red
  • Pokémon Project Studio Blue
  • Pokémon Master Arena
I still have Project Studio Blue - it's been gathering dust for years! Looking back, the best part was the free sticker-paper that came with it. :eek:

A while back I tried one of those lame TR ROMs. It was...well, lame. That aside...I think our only hope of getting an official game where you can play as TR would be some sort of online game. And you'd probably have to pay some monthly cost in order to play, so then they'd lose the business of people who avoid monthly-cost online games like the plague.

...come to think of it, you COULD be TR in certain modes of Pokemon Puzzle League, but that's a puzzle game so it doesn't really count :p
creepy_kecleon said:
Every Pokemon game for the computer is fake, i remember playing a Pikachu volleyball Game in school, it was fun..heh
Cool! I Think I have that game still,

is this it?
FabuVinny said:
I'm sure there has been more than one.

But there are a few real Pokémon games for PC. Though they are mainly lame non-games aimed at 8 year olds:
  • Pokémon Play It!
  • Pokémon Project Studio Red
  • Pokémon Project Studio Blue
  • Pokémon Master Arena

Don't forget the educational Pokédisk crap that was out for a bit. Having to run around buying multiple dics to 'catch 'em all' because evey disc only had one puzzle with one pokemon on each disc. :p
...Which never saw release over here.

Seriously, I doubt that even if they made a TR-centric game, Nintendo would release it Stateside, since they've pretty much been out of Jack Thompson's (shakes fist) line of fire and releasing a game that let you basically play a terrorist would be the fastest way to get into it. I doubt they'd really want that kind of PR. (Of course, that could all change now that Killer 7 is out, just wait till he discovers it...)
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