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The "Check Your Signature" Thread

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Jul 10, 2010
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We've moved to a different location.


In this thread, you can request a staff member to review whether your signature fits within the allowances of our signature rules. If you are not familiar with our signature rules, here is a simple breakdown of them:

  • The total size of a user's signature (images and text) should not exceed 600 pixels in width, and/or 160 pixels in height.
  • Total byte-size of all images should not exceed 500 kilobytes (512000 bytes/0.49 megabytes).
  • Spoiler tags, scroll bars, and other methods to bypass the pixel limits are not permitted.
  • One extra line of text is allowed to give credit to the artist(s) of avatars and signatures.
  • Signatures are subject to our rules regarding Copyright Violation, Inappropriate Content and Flaming and Baiting.
  • If you recieve a warning or reminder regarding your signature, you will be given 24 hours to change your signature to fit within the above allowances. If you have not logged in within 24 hours of the reminder/warning, the 24 hours will begin immediately after your first login after the reminder/warning was issued.

Please note that, as a perk for dedicated service to the site, members of Bulbagarden staff are allowed signatures that are larger than the general signature allowances for pixels and bytes.
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First post, it seems!

Browsing the "How many infraction points do you have?" thread got me to thinking that I should probably clear my new sig. The image is 213x120 px, so I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear. If not, I can try resizing the text in my sig.
Can someone check mine, I think it might exceed the height requirements, but I'm not sure.
Can someone check mine, I think it might exceed the height requirements, but I'm not sure.
This signature is 280x211 if calculated from the first pixel after the signature division line, which is 51 pixels too tall. If from the first visible pixel, it's 280x198, which is still 38 pixels too tall. Removing the banner or the FC area will fix the signature.

Could anyone check mine? I just changed it.
624x228 from the first pixel after the division line - 49 pixels too wide and 68 pixels too tall. If calculated from the first visible pixel, it's still 55 pixels too tall. The banner will need resizing to get it to fit.
Now does it fit?

No, not yet. It's still a bit too tall (175 pixels high) when calculated from the division line. (If calculated from the first visible pixel, it's 162 pixels high, but it also exceeds the limits a bit.)

Hmm... I wonder whether sacrificing the banner height will suffice? Cut another 15 pixels in height, and it'll be OK. Or you could try removing the FC part. Or you could make use of the unused horizontal space and just redo your image banner with the FC info inside the image itself, keeping in mind of the 575x160 size limitations.
Always measure from the topmost visible pixel to the bottom. Wouldn't be fair of us to fault people for the space vB forcibly inserts, so we don't.

Ghetsis, 162's close enough. No mod will infract you over two extra pixels.
How is my new one?

Because it's not a banner and there's words at the bottom does it have less or more space than a single banner?
I've changed that but the space between the two pictures and first line and the first line between the second does not go for some reason?
I've changed that but the space between the two pictures and first line and the first line between the second does not go for some reason?

Try editing your signature in Standard mode. The Enhanced mode is known for mangling up BBCode. Remove extra line breaks in that mode, and save immediately.
Oh thanks
I checked before on that normal version and since it was on a new line with no space I assumed it was ok but then I just joined it up to notice that got rid of the space.

Thank you a lot and I'm sure I'll be allowed to add another link for my upcoming fic with the two links as long as it's in the same format as the other two are.
The height is fine.
Edit: this was actually meant for ~Pokemoll~ but yours is fine too
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