We've moved to a different location.
In this thread, you can request a staff member to review whether your signature fits within the allowances of our signature rules. If you are not familiar with our signature rules, here is a simple breakdown of them:
Please note that, as a perk for dedicated service to the site, members of Bulbagarden staff are allowed signatures that are larger than the general signature allowances for pixels and bytes.
In this thread, you can request a staff member to review whether your signature fits within the allowances of our signature rules. If you are not familiar with our signature rules, here is a simple breakdown of them:
- The total size of a user's signature (images and text) should not exceed 600 pixels in width, and/or 160 pixels in height.
- Total byte-size of all images should not exceed 500 kilobytes (512000 bytes/0.49 megabytes).
- Spoiler tags, scroll bars, and other methods to bypass the pixel limits are not permitted.
- One extra line of text is allowed to give credit to the artist(s) of avatars and signatures.
- Signatures are subject to our rules regarding Copyright Violation, Inappropriate Content and Flaming and Baiting.
- If you recieve a warning or reminder regarding your signature, you will be given 24 hours to change your signature to fit within the above allowances. If you have not logged in within 24 hours of the reminder/warning, the 24 hours will begin immediately after your first login after the reminder/warning was issued.
Please note that, as a perk for dedicated service to the site, members of Bulbagarden staff are allowed signatures that are larger than the general signature allowances for pixels and bytes.
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