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What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitches)?


Secret Agent
Mar 22, 2011
Reaction score
Pesonally, I think it's when you are in a trainer battle and you have to do something. then, when you're back to the game, and the opponent's pokemon is one that you want, you forget that it's a trainer battle and waste a poke ball. this has happened to all of us at one point.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Losing to Pokemon in the BF that you would never lose to anywhere else. I swear, the Pokemon in there are hacked.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

When you are in a rush/low health and boom, trainers everywhere.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

When your pokémon is infatuated and unable to attack for 5 turns straight.
Oh, and when you're training a pokémon and suddenly it faints due to a critical hit.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Pretty much everything that has been said here. Oh, and finding a wild Pokémon when you're one step away from the shaking grass patch.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Realizing that none of your Pokémon can learn Cut and there's an item at the other side of the tree. For more annoyance it should be as long into the wilderness as possible and you have to pass through tons of grass/cave/water to get back there.

Also when you learn that you can't get the Tyrogue in Mt.Mortar because you have 6 with you already. It takes forever to get back.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

any time when offered a pokemon and you already have 6 with you. I find getting stuck in the mud pretty annoying as well as the deep snow where you can only walk.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

When your pokémon is infatuated and unable to attack for 5 turns straight.

That's why I always make sure at least half of my team is female.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Infatuation caused by Attract or Cute Charm. Seriously, it's annoying when you're unable to fight th opponent simply because it's in love with it. IT'S SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THAT MICE AND BALLONS CANNOT REPRODUCE, SO SNAP OUT OF IT!!

Although, it would be awesome if you got the opponent infatuated, then paralysed them and confused them.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Losing to Pokemon in the BF that you would never lose to anywhere else. I swear, the Pokemon in there are hacked.

Some are. :K

That aside, losing to a random in-game trainer. (The actual toughies, like Gym Leaders and E4s are ok though) I very rarely lose, but recently in White, the post-E4 trainers suddenly become totally slaughtermachines. Since I train against them, I hit some random trainer with all 6 pokemon alive. He had pokemon like 20 levels above me, and more speed. I lost because confusion spam and such crap. Softreset. Hell, only trainer other than that that I lost was Elesa.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

That aside, losing to a random in-game trainer. (The actual toughies, like Gym Leaders and E4s are ok though) I very rarely lose, but recently in White, the post-E4 trainers suddenly become totally slaughtermachines. Since I train against them, I hit some random trainer with all 6 pokemon alive. He had pokemon like 20 levels above me, and more speed. I lost because confusion spam and such crap. Softreset. Hell, only trainer other than that that I lost was Elesa.

That actually reminds me of something that happened in my old Gold version. I was in Kanto training a low-leveled team, and I get into a battle with a Biker. His team was in the 40's or 50's, I think and mine were barely at level 18 or so..

What's more, my Squirtle actually managed to beat one of his PKMN, but not without a little help from the others.

That was the only time I've ever lost a battle prior to Gen5.

Also, I recently battled Bianca ight before I entered the Tubeline Bridge. That damned Stoutland took out my Rufflet and Zoroark. Bastard. :mad:
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

One hit KO moves in the Battle subway. They have such a low accurcy too!
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

>pokémon< is confused!
>pokémon< hurt itself in confusion!
>pokémon< fainted!
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Foe 1%
You 3%(is faster)

Foe used Quick Attack
You fainted
You lost

Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Critical hits, as everyone knows, are the bane of all pokemon players.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Losing to Pokemon in the BF that you would never lose to anywhere else. I swear, the Pokemon in there are hacked.

I've got one better: Losing on your 15th or 20th straight in the Battle Subway, even after changing your team up
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Shinies selfdestructing.Happened to me in FR.Damn,you green Koffing!:saiyan:

Atfer that,I never use my Master ball on any legendaries.I can always softreset if they faint.Shinies are the ones I save it for.Still no luck in Black.:-(
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

Shinies selfdestructing.Happened to me in FR.Damn,you green Koffing!:saiyan:

Atfer that,I never use my Master ball on any legendaries.I can always softreset if they faint.Shinies are the ones I save it for.Still no luck in Black.:-(

Whoever uses the Master Ball on Reshiram or Zekrom is a moron. They've already befriended you. They are WILLING to be captured. I used one single Ultra Ball on both and they went in. You understand, right?
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

When Pokemon become confused and then they start hurting themselves in confusion.
Re: What is the most annoying thing that can happen in pokemon games(Excluding glitch

When Pokemon become confused and then they start hurting themselves in confusion.

And now the hurt comes before the message. That's annoying
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