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When did you stop watching the anime?

John Understands

Somalian Anarchy Leader!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
When did you stop watching the anime?

Somewhere around late DP. I won't return to watching the anime until N appears. At least once. Or Team Plasma.

EDIT: If you're still watching it, are you getting bored of it?
I never actually did. I was bored to death with the Johto saga, and the only reason I watched all of Johto was because I thought the show was going to end in general when Johto concluded.

Silly me. I guess back in 2001/2002 I didn't know any better when I was a kid?
I watched it a lot from when it first started until Hoenn. What turned me off form watching? when they started the contests.... the contest thing lasted 8 years. I have seen some of the contest episodes this past year finding them online. But I prefer the gym battles and some of the more interesting fillers over the contests.
I stopped watching it soon after BW started airing, but it's not because I grew bored of it, it's because of problems with my Internet connexion. I still like it and I'll catch up when my connexion will be fixed.
i started re watching it when i saw battle dimension on cartoon network and then i started really watching it around galactic battles, then i got my first pokemon game, [soul silver] then i was addicted to Pokemon in genral! then around mid sinnoh league victors my addiction got bigger, then somehow in black and white i started loosing interest i think it was around episode 10 i still watch all the episodes, but i was less interested! then i lost my Pokemon White and my interested died! then last week i woke up and turned the tv on and Pokemon was on - [the brockster is in] and i started crying for no reason! now my interested is slowly going back up im looking for my Pokemon white but my interested in Pokemon in genral is rising pretty fast ive caught up on all the episodes, and im starting to find my love for Pokemon again! just to think if i never watched the brockster is in i would have been gone from Pokemon for basically forever!
Never started watching it really.

I did watch a lot though in the Kanto region, that is it though.
I haven't stopped watching, but I've only been, like, really into the show since 2009.

Beforehand, I watched some Kanto episodes casually as a kid, and I owned a few Kanto tapes and like one Johto tape. I do recall watching the first few Diamond and Pearl episodes when CN was airing them for the first time, but I stopped when they didn't air any new episodes for like two months.
I watched it a lot from when it first started until Hoenn. What turned me off form watching? when they started the contests.... the contest thing lasted 8 years. I have seen some of the contest episodes this past year finding them online. But I prefer the gym battles and some of the more interesting fillers over the contests.

So you stop watching because of a side arc? I don't see why that would detract you from everything else.

And if you survived through the Johto saga, you could get through anything. You missed plenty of good eps since then.
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Though I did once back when I was younger, because I didn't know where to watch the episodes, then I discovered that Cartoon Network(In Australia) airs them and I started again.

And I doubt I'll ever get bored with it.
I stopped watching sometime after the legendary part on DP, it just started gettin' borin' to me, chuck full of filler (or that might have been before). I just grew to dislike it.
I stopped watching about midway through Hoenn. I just lost interest for a while and thought liking Pokémon was childish, so I left it behind.

However, I started watching again last summer, and here I am now.
Never did. I've watched the anime from the beginning and have never stopped. I've seen most of the episodes from OS and AG, every episode of DP and BW, and every movie (except for White Hero), except for the side stories. I like the anime and I never grew bored of it.
From early AG since I was such a nostalgia freak back then I missed having Misty around even though she doesn't do much. I started watching again with DP, watching few episodes here and there. Starting with BW I haven't missed a single episode.
Well, there were three things in very close time with each other that turned me off. First, their conclusion of the Galactic arc basically made a mockery of the complex morality presented in the games. Second, Jessibelle returned and was absolutely nothing like she'd been before and the change was never explained. Third, TR's "darker and edgier" remake somehow requiring the writers to toss out everything about them to that point (would it have killed them to make 'em good at their jobs AND in character?)

Basically I figured if they have no respect for that a story is only as good as its villain, or for any previously established story or characterization, why should I give a damn?
As a kid I lost interest and stopped watching around the Whitney gym episodes. Every episode in Johto felt the same and I was bored even by my favorite characters, so I didn't bother to watch it every Saturday anymore.

But now I've been watching the series after catching up in 2008. (Marathoning through the most boring Johto episodes was a lot easier than waiting for one new episode week after week.)
I stopped watching very recently. BW doesn't really interest me, so I don't feel a need to keep up with it. I just read the review threads and figure what's going on. I still watch the older seasons, however.
Well, the first time I stopped was somewhere in the middle of Johto and accidentally got hooked again somewhere in the middle of Hoenn a few years later and also caugth up with my missed episode. Then I watched through whole Sinnoh up to the Isshu region to the last episode before the erased Rocket vs Plasma double and since then I don't fell like watching it again because it will never air anyway.
I got bored of Pokemon since.... somewhere in Johto. Even with Charizard and Squirtle leaving, the journey dragged on so much there's little reason to enjoy them. It only took near end AG to get me back in, due to the changes I've seen.

Yes, Johto was as dull as a slow work day.
Please note: The thread is from 11 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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