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Your least favorite game mechanic.

Searing Hot Lasagna

New Member
Apr 27, 2011
Reaction score
I hate critical hits with a burning passion. A Girafarig almost beat my Blastoise with a critical psychic, then I used a hyper potion. Then I got hit with a Zen Headbutt from the same Girafarig, CRITICAL HIT. Lucky for me, my Blastoise is a G at defense stats.
Critical hits are annoying. They never do anything for you when you get them, and they always kill you when the opponent gets them.
Poison no longer working in the overworld.
I also really dislike high priority attacks. Sucker punch is the worst though. Always kills my Pidgeot when she's about to beat them. My speed is higher, I should go first. uuuggghhhhhh


Poke-Balls sometimes missing in Gen1.

"_____ used Great Ball!"
"You missed the pokemon!":boom:

Thank god they got rid of it.

Also, the EV/IV system. I like the way my Flareon is, thank you.
Though I may consider it sometime...
Poke-Balls sometimes missing in Gen1.

"_____ used Great Ball!"
"You missed the pokemon!":boom:

Thank god they got rid of it.
Yeah, that irritated the crap out of me. I'm also not crazy about having to knock out one Pokemon to catch your target during a wild double battle. I know where I'm aiming, stop telling me that I can't focus properly. :mad:
Yeah, that irritated the crap out of me. I'm also not crazy about having to knock out one Pokemon to catch your target during a wild double battle. I know where I'm aiming, stop telling me that I can't focus properly. :mad:

That is also annoying at times as well -- they should just implement an option where you can pick which one to throw the pokeball at.
Yes, that double battle thing is annoying. I usually just end up mass switching one of my Pokemon so I can just focus to make the other faint. Wes and Michael could aim with two targets just fine! D:
Yes, that double battle thing is annoying. I usually just end up mass switching one of my Pokemon so I can just focus to make the other faint. Wes and Michael could aim with two targets just fine! D:
Because the Snag Machine helps you with your aim. The wild double battle thing is my least favorite too.
Not being able to capture in wild double battles unless you defeat the one you dont want first. What if I wanted them both?
Yeah, that irritated the crap out of me. I'm also not crazy about having to knock out one Pokemon to catch your target during a wild double battle. I know where I'm aiming, stop telling me that I can't focus properly. :mad:

God, I hate that mechanic!

"It's impossible! you can't target one Pokemon when there's two!"
I think that's what it says.

I can so target one Pokemon!
Don't tell me what I can't do, you stupid game!
Cheaters at the Battle Tower/Frontier/Subway. :/ Is there really a need to stack the odds in favor of the COM? It's not fun to lose a beautiful 69 win-streak at the Subway due to 3 fissures "mysteriously" hitting all three of my Pokemon. ._.
Critical hits, while I hate them like everyone else, are a part of the game and I usually deal with them. However, I wish they didn't negate stat modifications that would be detrimental to the attacker. It's annoying when I'm at +6 defense and I get knocked out by a single lucky hit.

I also don't like the change made to poison in Generation V. It was fine in Generation IV. Now it's just like a weaker burn, unless you get badly poisoned.
Yeah, that irritated the crap out of me. I'm also not crazy about having to knock out one Pokemon to catch your target during a wild double battle. I know where I'm aiming, stop telling me that I can't focus properly. :mad:

Ugh, this is my least favorite one too. I'm trying to complete my Pokedex and it would be a lot easier if I could catch both of them in the same battle.
The most annoying thing for me was having higher power balls (Great Balls, etc.) not catching a Pokemon then throwing a Pokeball and catching it. Or using a ball designed for a specific (Heavy Ball on Onix) and having it fail without getting one wiggle.
The most annoying thing for me was having higher power balls (Great Balls, etc.) not catching a Pokemon then throwing a Pokeball and catching it. Or using a ball designed for a specific (Heavy Ball on Onix) and having it fail without getting one wiggle.

Um. That's random chance, not a mechanic. Much of what determines whether you catch a pokemon or not is dependent upon a randomly generated number. So situations like those happen by random chance, not some predetermined game mechanic.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
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