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  • So which is the best date for the Arcade Game Night? Make your voices heard! Check out this post for more details.
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  • Just a note to say that your group 'Fighters Heaven' had to be deleted as part of the social group cleanup. If you want to discuss these games further, feel free to create a thread in Entertainment Inc.

    Due to there being two fanclubs for fighting games, they will be merged into Fighters Heaven.


    The Bulbagarden Staff
    Ahhhh hey I'm curious what kind of fighting/martial arts do you do?? I'm a blackbelt in Shotokan but I really want to learn other styles. Any suggestions? ;p
    Wassaap MK+ Street Fighter+tekken+ alot of cool stuff I don't know about fan! Dude! Try to get your avatar banner changed! How about "The Dark Lord of all fighters" or "Master of this Dimension"?
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