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An Idea - Large Scale/Multi Thread RP?

What World would you be most interested in?

  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Pokemon Ranger

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Original World - D3LTA

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
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UB-01 Kenobi

If she's UB-01, I'm UB-01
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everybody! I was sitting at my computer one day, taking a foray into the forums. Not these forums. Different forums. But that's entirely irrelevant. :p So anyway, I was randomly inspired to try and create a Multithread RP. What is this, you ask? Well, it's sort of like the large scale forum games. Basically, here's the premise:

Hub:There will be a Hub thread in the Start Up thread section. People will sign up for the RP in the usual manner in the Sign-Up thread forum. The characters who are approved are then released into the Hub, where they can interact with each other, undergo character development, buy and sell items, discover secrets, and more. This is the main thread.

Quests: Now here's were it gets different from an average RP. Rather than having an overarching plot or even some sort of goal the characters are trying to achieve, the RP is just a basic world that's been set up. (I have ideas for a couple worlds, see below.) Then, RPMs* and RPS* set up Quests for you to undertake. They'll be posted in a Bulletin Board thread in the RPG discussion thread. A Quest listing will have the name of the client, a recommended level, party size, prerequisites, the objective of the Quest, and a Reward - money, items, experience, and other goodies. You can then form a party (group) with other players who are interested in joining the Quest, until you meet the Party Size requirement. Then, you have your characters seek each other and the client out in the Hub and you can embark on the Quest. The player who controlled the client then becomes the Quest Master for the Quest. He will post a thread in the Private RP Forum for the Quest. He will control all NPCs in the Quest and guide the players toward their goal, but for the most part shouldn't directly influence the player's decisions or tell them what to do. The QM will also decide when to spring random encounters on the characters, what items the foes and bosses drop, and if the characters find items or money on the ground. If the Quest's objective is completed, then the Quest is over and shouldn't be posted in. The characters who participated are all sent back to the Hub automatically, where they can speak with the client to claim their reward. This is the meat of the game, as you can tell. I will start a number of Quests as soon as the RP opens, and then RPS will be able to post Quests in the Bulletin Board at their leisure. Normal players can create their own Quests and PM them to RPS. If they approve, then the player can post their custom Quest on the Bulletin Board and QM it normally, but must obey RPS or RPMs if they are told that they are doing something wrong. RPMs can take control of or cancel player created Quests.

Adventures: Sometimes you'll want to create a story that has multiple objectives, or a bigger plot, or something, and a Quest won't cut it. That's where Adventures come in. These are basically a series of Quests that follow an overarching plot. I'll be creating two or three Adventures when the RP starts. Only RPMs can create Adventures or approve custom Adventures, so even RPS will have to PM their ideas to a RPM if they want to make an Adventure. If you are an Adventure Leader, you will organize the entire Adventure and perform all the duties of QM for all the Quests within. When an Adventure's initial Quest is posted on the Bulletin Board, the Rewards section will list "unlocks participation in <insert name of Adventure here>. " Only characters who joined up for the first Quest may play through the following Quests in the Adventure, unless a player drops out. In that case that player may collect the rewards for the Quests within the Adventure that they completed and return their character to the Hub. Then, if the AL agrees, a new player may join the party to replace the lost member, or the party can continue without that member. When a Quest in an Adventure is completed, the AL tells the members whether or not they return to the Hub. If they do, they can collect their Rewards, take a break, sell unneeded Items, buy new stuff, etc., then the group can meet up and start the next Quest when they're ready. Alternatively, the client may need time to prepare the next Quest in an Adventure. (For example, if the first Quest had your party retrieve a mysterious artifact and return to the Hub, you'd give it to the client and collect your rewards. The client may say he needs time to analyze the artifact. You couldn't start the next Quest until the client informed you he was ready. These gaps could be pretty long, especially in some of the more grandiose Adventures that will have significant impacts upon the whole world, so you may want to undergo another Quest while you wait.) However, sometimes the end of one Quest drops you right into the next, and you'll get no time to return to the Hub and prepare. In that case, th AL will post a link to the next Quest thread in the closing post of the first Quest, and the players will immediately start the next Quest. If an entire Adventure is completed, you'll get all the individual Quest rewards and a large reward such as a rare item for completing the Adventure. Remember, if you dropped out or replaced a drop-out, you'll only get rewards for the Quests you completed, and you won't get the Adventure reward.

The World: I have two ideas for original worlds that this RP could take place in. Here they are.

Mystery Dungeon: Pokemon World: This is pretty much Exactly what it Says on the Tin. All characters would be a member of Guild and could accept whatever missions they chose to. You could form permanent teams with each other, or only work together on missions, with different partners each time. I think the MD world fits the Multithread RP format quite nicely, don't you? Obviously, items would be the ones found in the actual MD games and "weapons" would be your moves. If Mystery Dungeon is the most popular looking choice, I will post details, plot threads, item lists, important NPCs, etcetera.

Ranger Union: Pokemon World: You'd be a young Pokemon Ranger who could go on missions in the Pokemon world. You would have a Styler, obviously, and a Partner Pokemon as your "weapons", and you could catch more Pokemon to use temporarily and you could buy upgrades for your Styler at the Ranger Union, which would be the hub. Currency would be Poke-dollars. Items would include disposable recharging units for your Styler and Potions and the like for your Partner. If Ranger Union is the most popular choice, I'll post details, the beginnings of a small plot, item lists, important NPCs, etcetera.

D3LTA: Sci-Fi World: D3LTA takes place on the planet Segu Laris, a large world populated by beings known as Eoi (singular: Eo), who are human-like beings with the ability to interface with any technology. They are a highly advanced race, and are very physically weak, so they always wear exo-suits that increase their physical capabilities far beyond human, (Think Iron Man - suits that fit the human body and aren't excessively bulky. Weapons mounted on shoulders and such like War Machine are okay, too.) The Hub would be Delta City, which is a vast, high tech metropolis. Delta City is dominated by two opposing factions, the D3lta Mining Confederation and ZetaCo. The are rival companies who mine for Energon Minerals, which are mysterious gemstones that are the power source for literally everything on the planet, so these two companies (the largest Energon mining companies on Segu Laris) naturally are very influential. Players would play as DFP (Delta Force Patrol) officers. The DFP is a group of Eoi run by Commander Treye. They are a group of mercenaries, spies, and more. They publicize themselves as a law enforcement unit, but they work for whoever pays the most, be it D3lta or ZetaCo. The DFP is barely organized, and Treye rarely shows himself, so officers are for the most part independent. Characters can range from good to evil and everything in between. Weaponry would consist mostly of laser blasters. If "D3LTA" is the more popular choice for the multithread RP, details and plot threads will be posted, as well as item lists, areas on Segu Laris and its moons, important NPCs, and other important info. This is a non-Pokemon RP.

DragonQuest: Fantasy World: DragonQuest takes place on Naegle, a relatively small planet with only two large landmasses: The Northern Continent and the Eastern Continent. The rest of the planet is ocean dotted with islands. The Hub is Freeport, a large trading city on an island roughly half the way between the two continents. Naegle is populated by humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, and dragons. Dragons come in three types: Fire, Ice, and Lightning. Fire dragons are usually shades of red, tan, brown and orange. Ice are normally white, blue, black, and gray. Lightning dragons are purple, yellow, green or aqua. They all have two legs, two arms, wings and a tail, are covered in scales... You get it. Full Dragons are highly intelligent and well respected. They are immortal for the most part - they can be killed, but will not die of old age. Dragons normally stand at around 12 feet high and are like 20 feet from nose to tail tip. Humans are humans. They are of average strength, speed, endurance, and magic. Elves look like humans but with slightly more pale skin, pointed ears, slanted eyes, and vaguely feline features. They are normally considered very beautiful. They have excellent magical abilities. Dwarves are short, stocky, human like beings who usually have beards. They are very strong and durable, but have little magical ability. Orcs are humanoids with thick, greenish-gray skin, horns, small claws and a row of thin spines down their backs. They are considered brutish and dumb by the other races, but they are equally intelligent as the others, and some famous and well respected historical figures were Orcs. They have good strength and decent magic, but are slow and an tire easily. This game would be about the five Guilds of Freeport: Hero's Guild, Magician's Guild, Alchemist's Guild, Assassin's Guild, and the Church of Darci. The Hero's Guild is what the player will be joining. The guild performs Quests for citizens in need, but they always take rewards and some of the Hero's motives are... questionable. The other Guilds are factions warring for control of Freeport. More of the starting plot, item lists, important NPCs, areas, and other details will be posted if DragonQuest looks like the most popular choice. This is a non-Pokemon RP.

EDIT: I have crossed off the possibility of the DragonQuest world because I clicked on the beautiful link in Master Mew's sig just recently and realized it was far too similar to Armeria, so if this interested any of the 33 people who saw this thread, I'd recommend that you take a look at this.

Gameplay: For this kind of game, we will be using stats, levels, items, experience, money and the like. I believe this will improve your enjoyment of the game, not detract from it. Now I actually have been thinking on and toying with this idea for quite some time, so I believe I have a pretty good system to keep things relatively simple and fair. Now, depending on which World we choose to play in, there will be differences in the battle system, sometimes major, so I'll wait to post that until we pick a world if this gathers enough interest. But it will be dice based, unless too many people here think that would be a bad idea, in which case I'll modify it. The stat system will contain these basic stats:

HP: Your endurance, how many hits you can take.
Power: How much raw damage you dish out, or how well your Styler conveys your emotions
Special: How well you work with lasers, magic, elemental powers, or Poke-Assists. This will have a "meter", you can only use Special while you have points in your meter. It will refill at the end of each Quest.
Defense: How well you take attacks
Speed: This determines your turn order.
Luck: Special stat, differs depending on world.

You'll get a set number of points at the beginning of the game to distribute as you see fit to those stats. Then, each time you level up, you get an amount of points to distribute again. So depending on how you spend your points, you'll be able to create a highly unique and individual character. However, please be realistic with your choices - don't be a Shieldon in Mystery Dungeon then give yourself very high Attack and Speed and ridiculously low Defense. If we see this, you'll be Denied in the Sign Up thread, or if you only start to do it after you begin level-ups, you'll be warned and possibly punished. I really don't want to have to create rules on where your stats should go, guys. There are over 600 playable characters in MD alone. (I say that because Legendaries aren't playable, obviously).
Experience will work this way: You start at Level One, and you'll need 100 experience points to reach Level Two. When you level up to Level Two, you'll get 5 points to spend on your stats however you want. Then you'll be Level Two. At this point, you need an additional 200 EXP to reach Level Three. (thats 300 EXP total.) And when you hit Level Three, you get 10 points to spend however you see fit. Level 4 will require 300 more EXP (600 total), but you'll get 15 points to spend. Level 5 requires 1000 total points (400 more) and you get 20 points to spend. And so on. You get 5 exp for posting as an active character (not as a QM) in a Quest, and an additional 5 if it's more than one paragraph. You get EXP for winning battles as well, but you won't receive EXP if you get knocked out. In addition, you'll be unable to affect the Quest or post IC at all if you're knocked out unless someone revives you with an item, so you'll be missing out on the IC Posting exp points as well. If you have a Revive on hand and a party member of yours is KOed, be a good citizen and revive him. You'd want him to do the same for you, wouldn't you? Or maybe leave a rival unconscious so you'll be able to out level him? No, that would be mean. You get EXP for defeating foes and completing Quests. The amount you get for completing the whole Quest is listed in the Reward section, and should be based on the difficulty of the Quest. The QM will then use a list of EXP guidelines I'll have prepared beforehand depending on the world to award you EXP when you defeat foes.
Money is simple. You start with 3000 money (Poke, Pokedollars, or Energon Shards. You earn money for completing Quests and Adventures, selling items, and occasionally you'll find it on the ground or get it as a drop from a fallen foe. Dropped money is divided evenly between conscious members of the party. Money found on quests goes to the character who found it, so peeking in cracks and wading through tall grass might be a good idea. Or not, you might find an enemy instead of an item, or nothing at all. Money can be used for all sorts of things. Primarily, buying items, but it can be used to buy services and bribe people as well. You can do whatever you want with your money, so if you want to have your character, say, set up a shop or business, go ahead. You can buy from other characters things that might have been more expensive in a shop, or you couldn't find at a shop. But remember, you can only sell things you actually have or have access to.
Items are items. Depending on the World we pick, we'll have different items, but expect healing items of varying strengths, Special Meter restoring items and the like, as well as tools, gear, key items, and more. You can buy some items at Shops in the Hub. An RPM or RPS needs to confirm the transaction, then you can deduct the amount from your money and add the item to your inventory.

Staff: Remember those terms that I keep using? RPM and RPS? Here's where I finally explain them.

Role Play Moderator(RPM): This is like a GM. I am one, and I want one more.
*Accept/Deny Sign Ups
*Control any and all NPCs
*Warn or punish people who cheat/break rules
*post Adventures
*Approve custom Adventures
*post Quests
*Approve custom Quests
*Perform transactions at Shops
*Take control of or cancel custom Quests if need be
*Give you a warning if your stats are too outlandish, and change them for you if the problem persists
*Appoint new RPS if we need them
*reward players for consistent good behavior
*Do anything RPS can do, and override their decisions if there's a good reason

I want:
*Someone responsible
*Someone with experience GMing an RP
*Someone who will be active
*Being able to be on during the week when others are at school is a plus, but not a requirement
*Being in a different time zone than me (Pacific Standard) is a plus, but not a requirement
*Somebody willing to sort through many threads, accept many PMs from would-be Quest creators, and perform all RPM duties described in those blocks of text above. In addition, you'll be responsible for creating new Quests or Adventures whenever there's a shortage or if there are too many people waiting for Quests. Later on you'll also need to post Quests for beginners and low-leveled players as well as higher leveled characters who have been playing for a while

Role Play Staff(RPS): Since this will be a massive RPG if it works, two people won't be enough to fully handle it, as we don't want people sitting around at a shop for days waiting for a transaction to be approved, for example, so the RPS will help out the RPMs and help keep everything under control.
*Post Quests
*Approve custom Quests
*Approve transactions at Shops
*Warn/punish cheating and rule-breaking
*Perform transactions at shops
*Alert an RPM if someone is trying to create an outlandish character
*Alert an RPM if a custom Quest doesn't follow rules or something
*be over-ridden by an RPMs decision at any point
*Post or approve Adventures
*Alter other player's characters in any way
*Give rewards to other players
*Appoint new RPS

I'm looking for people who are:
* Responsible
*on frequently
*at least one person who can be on during the week
*at least one person who is not in the Pacific Standard timezone
*willing to perform all duties of RPS as described in this post
*GM experience is a plus, but not required

Summary of Stuff: There will be a Sign Up thread in the Sign Up thread forum. You sign up here. You then go to the Hub in the Start Up thread forum where you can do pretty much whatever you want. You check the Bulletin Board in the RPG Discussion section when you want to go on a Quest or Adventure, then for a group with other players who will be going with you and play the Quest in the Private Role Play section. RPMs and RPS will be there to keep everything civil. You'll have to keep track of your own stats and exp and such, but EXP will only come in multiples of 5 and 10 to keep it easy on you. You can pick between Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon Ranger, or Original Sci-Fi for the world. There isn't a mainstream Pokemon option because I feel it wouldn't fit the format as well as these other worlds.


So what do you guys think? Anyone interested? Which World would you want to play in? Who would want to be a RPM or RPS? Thanks for reading this whole thing and for your input!

EDIT: I've been seeing a lot of other user-made RPs similar to this popping up in the Sign Up thread section, notably Rogue's Gallery, Armeria, and Dream Guard. I just wanna let you know that this idea was not taken from those other games. Great minds think alike, is all I can say. (Not that my mind is particularly great.) I may just post a sign-up for this in the coming week, as those three RPs appear to be quite well received. I'm leaning toward the Mystery Dungeon world myself, but I could also easily do Ranger. I think a Pokemon RP would inspire more sign ups, as everyone here is a Pokemon fan, but an original idea might garner more attention. But I still want your feedback - Which of the three worlds would you like to play in? Are there any changes you think that could make this system work more smoothly to create a more fun RP? And most importantly, anyone interested in being a co-GM (RPM) or RPS? Thank you again for your time!

EDIT 2: Yeah, I'll post the sign-up tomorrow or the day after if no-one posts. You can say I'm impatient, but that's okay, 'cuz I am. :p
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I would say this is a good idea, but how is it different from any URPG or Fizzy Bubbles, because what your proposing is very similar to what those Large-Scale RP's are.
Hmm, if I'm not wrong, your Game primarily depends on the world picked, right? I was actually worried at the beginning because there are already two current projects(in terms of Large Scale Forum Game) under construction which are basically in relation to Adventure/Quest/Guild/Mission RPG and a Mystery Dungeon RPG. The former is lead by me, and the latter is also something I'm co-working with an Administrator named Ghost. You can pry him for further details of course, if you like. ALTHOUGH, to my knowledge, there are no current projects based on Pokemon Ranger. In my opinion, it's an ideal start for you. Personally speaking, I'd rather have you working on something new which isn't already available at the moment like Ranger or your original idea, Sci-Fi. But, since you're sort of aiming for the 'Large Scale Forum Game' goal, My vote is for Pokemon Ranger :)

All the very best to you.

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I would say this is a good idea, but how is it different from any URPG or Fizzy Bubbles, because what your proposing is very similar to what those Large-Scale RP's are.

I don't really know for sure, as I haven't played either of those, but I was under the impression that those are battling games, not adventure games. In addition, both of those are about Pokemon trainers, not Rangers or Pokemon Exploration teams.

Hmm, if I'm not wrong, your Game primarily depends on the world picked, right? I was actually worried at the beginning because there are already two current projects(in terms of Large Scale Forum Game) under construction which are basically in relation to Adventure/Quest/Guild/Mission RPG and a Mystery Dungeon RPG. The former is lead by me, and the latter is also something I'm co-working with an Administrator named Ghost. You can pry him for further details of course, if you like. ALTHOUGH, to my knowledge, there are no current projects based on Pokemon Ranger. In my opinion, it's an ideal start for you. Personally speaking, I'd rather have you working on something new which isn't already available at the moment like Ranger or your original idea, Sci-Fi. But, since you're sort of aiming for the 'Large Scale Forum Game' goal, My vote is for Pokemon Ranger :)

All the very best to you.


Really? o_O Wow. That's interesting. I'll have to ponder this. So, the MD game in construction is actually a large-scale game?

(This kind of throws a wrench in my plans... MD was by far the most fleshed out world I had started working on, LOL)
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Really? o_O Wow. That's interesting. I'll have to ponder this. So, the MD game in construction is actually a large-scale game?

(This kind of throws a wrench in my plans... MD was by far the most fleshed out world I had started working on, LOL)

Mhm. I'm not lying about that. The MD game is about 75% done. All that's left is some trial/test run with some finalization and we'll be having it up soon, among the other Large Scale Forum Games (URPG, KPU, Fizzy Bubbles). Before you actually work on something this huge (Large Scale Forum Game), you should always ask an RPG Mod or two if there's any project under works relating to yours. It really helps you save a lot of time, and you could always work on something new which isn't approved/under work. Though, If you don't mind, you could lend us a helping hand and your work wouldn't entirely go to waste. I'd personally hate that. It's up to you anyways. Let me know via PM/VM if you'd like to join us :)

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Wow. You seem to have thought this out a lot. I really like the idea though, and I wouldn't mind joining as an RPS if you need one.
Wow. You seem to have thought this out a lot. I really like the idea though, and I wouldn't mind joining as an RPS if you need one.

Cool, it looks like we'll be doing Ranger as I would personally prefer a Pokemon roleplay to a non-Pokemon one. Less work :p
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