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Do you care about Natures?

Release or keep?

  • Yes, I'd release it.

    Votes: 28 31.1%
  • Nah, I can work around it.

    Votes: 62 68.9%

  • Total voters


Registered User
Oct 15, 2009
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Say you catch a Machop with the nature Timid. Or an Abra with the nature Adamant. Would you release it and continue searching for the same Pokemon with a better nature, or would you just accept it?
Re: Capturing a Pokemon

I always just try to catch a Pokemon once. I hate wasting time and PokeBalls trying to catch a Pokemon with a "better" nature.
Re: Capturing a Pokemon

If it was supposed to be for my team I'd try to find a better natured one. Something I wouldn't have done a few months ago...
If the nature doesn't effect my Pokemon's strong points then i'll keep it for the most part.
I prefer better natures but i'll take one with a decent or okay one.
Always when I play through the game, I don't care for the nature unless I have a planned team from the beginning, but then a friend trade it to me. I never catch a Pokémon with right nature, I find it easier to breed. Either RNG so you can get right gender, ability, nature and IVs or just use an everstone.
There's also a nifty device called Action Replay...

For my in-game teams, I couldn't care less what nature they are. D: Even my 31-IV Special Attack Impish Gen the Lucario. It is THEIR personality, and stats doesn't matter at all.

If I'm making a "good" team, though, I just use AR and Platinum to get the nature I want. :< I feel bad when I release a Pokemon, plus I like to save a lot of time, so I just hack. And even in White to get Unova Pokemon, I has a Nature Mod if I really need it.
I don't really care what natures they have, so I keep them even if it's a Ponyta with a Brave nature or something. If the Pokemon does have a benefical nature, well, that's a plus, but it doesn't really matter to me.
As long as the nature doesn't hurt the stat I'm planning to EV train the Pokemon in, I'm fine.
Bad Natured Pokemon = Worthless for me.

It may seem harsh but we are talking about a bunch of zeros and ones here.

As long as the nature doesn't negatively affect a Pokemon's best stat, I'll keep it and train it. Anything else has to go.
Nah, I dont care about Natures. I could really care less.
I just need Pokemon that can help me beat the game.
Release because I breed Pokemon to have the best nature for them and then EV train them.
Definitely. If I know that I'm going to EV-train that Pokemon I will literally save right before entering the patch of grass, catch it, check the nature in the previously empty slot in my party, and soft reset if it's going against my intended plan (Axew with Modest, no, but Axew with Impish/Jolly/Careful, yes).

If it's a neutral nature, I almost always keep it; to me they're like Generation II Pokemon, who had no natures. So kind of nostalgic in a way.

Sometimes, I'll just catch the Pokemon for the entry of it, and if it's not a good natured one, I'll breed it until a better one is born. Then I'll keep both of them.

So I'll answer "Nah, I can work around it." because I'm not really 'release-button-happy', I care for Pokemon even if they're bad natured and basically meant for breeding.
I remember the very first time I played Sapphire. I saw the Natures and initially assumed that they were just an amusing little detail to add character to individual pokemon (as the characteristics are). I was a little bummed out when I learned that they could determine the entire course of a pokemon's development. It made raising a team just that bit more complicated.

Honestly, I try my hardest not to worry about them and just enjoy the game. It's something I could see myself getting way too anal about if I let me.
It depends.

If I catch a Pokemon which is supposed to have a high Attack stat in order to be as effective as possible but it has a Modest nature, I'l release it and keep looking.
But if it has say a Hasty nature (+ Speed/-Defense) or a Serious nature I'l just settle for that and continue as I feel it doesn't really make that big a difference for me.
Natures are extremely important in competitive play, They really do make the difference so I will try to get the one I want.
Well, I caught a Adamant Munna. Its best stat is reduced and its worst stat is boosted...

After hours of trying again, I got a Naive one. Good enough, I guess.
Depends. If I catch a Pokémon for the sole purpose of having its Pokédex entry, no. If I want to train one, I'll make sure it has good IVs, a good nature and good egg moves, if any. Then I EV-train it.
As long as it's not an inherently horrible nature for it, I'd be fine with it. I don't care, especially when still in the in-game story or catching for the Pokédex. If it's a neutral nature, I'm happy just for that.

Even if it's a horrible nature, if it's rare or still in the story, I'll keep it anyway.
Nope! They mean nothing to me.
Like EVs/IVs/Genders.
They can be whatever they want to be.
As long as I like the Pokemon itself, I'm happy with it.
Please note: The thread is from 2 years ago.
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