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Anime Do you remember the first anime you watched?


New Member
Dec 2, 2011
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The first I watched was Soul eater. I've been watching anime for about a year.
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Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

Hmm... actually, being totally honest, I think it was Pokemon. I remember kids talking about it while I was in kindergarten or 1st grade, so I started watching it. And then I was hooked. I think I was also watching Sailor Moon and Cardcaptors at that time, so they are all what I consider my first anime series.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

Sailor Moon. I didn't even realise it was a particular kind of cartoon style, per se, but I loved it.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

Well, Pokemon of course... Other than that, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, and Inuyasha.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

Um, it's been so long that I can't really remember that FIRST one I watched, but.... It was either, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, or Cardcaptors.... And one of my other firsts were Inuyasha and Tokyo Mew Mew...

Oh, and around that time I was also watching the original Fullmetal Alchemist.
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Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

I might have watched another Anime first, but Samurai Pizza Cats is the first show I watched that I knew was from Japan, thanks to its setting, and it was also the first I got really into. From what I remember, the dub was pretty damn hilarious, and I bet it would be even funnier if I watched it now. Well, aside from Polly Esther; I loved her back in 1997, but I'm sure she's the sort of character I'd despise nowadays.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

Everybody talk about Sailor moon, but I don't know this anime, does someone could send me the opening or just a wallpaper?
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

It was Pokemon for me, but then I got bored of it. When I really got into stuff it was Dragon Ball and Yu-Gi-Oh that were my first ones.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

Either Pokémon or DBZ. Can't really remember which exactly was it.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

Technically, the first anime I watched was Pokemon. Then Dragonball/Dragonball Z. I would rather not count them though, because I was only into them for a short period of time before I actually knew what anime was. Death Note was my first anime that I actively watched, where as with the others, I would only watch them if they were on TV at a convenient time.

I did however go back and watch all of Dragonball and Dragonball Z Kai a last summer :D
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

The first anime I watched was Pokemon. All my friends were watching the Johto saga, but for whatever reason, I watched a bunch of VHS tapes of the original Kanto series. Outside of those VHS tapes, I didn't watch Pokemon that much. I didn't watch any anime at all for a couple years until my Fourth Grade friends introduced me to Naruto. Naruto was pretty much the only anime I've ever actively followed as it was airing new episodes. And now here I am, watching Cowboy Bebop and Code Geass on YouTube.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

If Pokemon or Digimon don't count than Shugo Chara!

erase that..Hamtaro or Sailor Moon. I think Sailor Moon
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

I'm pretty sure it was Dragon Ball.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

Either Dragon Ball, DBZ, or Sailor Moon.
Re: Do you remember the first anime ou watch?

If Pokemon isn't counted, it would be Sailor Moon then YuYu Hakusho and sometime around then Ronin Warriors back when Cartoon Network was better..
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