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Review S06 EP47: Win, Lose or Drew! ・ EP48: The Spheal of Approval

Blackjack Gabbiani

Back due to popular demand!
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
It was most interesting to see an ep where TR doesn't get blasted off. And now James has useful notes!

Richard dresses like David Bowie. I'm not sure when I realized that, but it struck me.

Say, I have a question--what if, in a contest, you lose, but you're more stylish than your opponent?

Am I the only person who thought Milotic didn't move an inch? I mean, how stylish can you be sitting in one spot and waving your tail around?

May sobbing gives me plot bunnies. Moreover because who her VA is, and the backstory I have for Delia. Now I want to write that...No! No, not until I write the next chapter of Obsession! *beats plot bunnies with a hammer, they pop up again anyway*

So tell me, why wasn't TR allowed to enter the contest? May HAD to have come in late, as TR showed up maybe a minute after her, yet they're somehow *ten* minutes late?

Aaaand now the second episode.

Didn't we have a character named Marius before? An old salty sea dog, correct?

Finally, someone knows a Team from the uniform! After seeing the Rockets walk around in full uniform for so long, it was a bit surprising.

Say...was that Harlan? Looked the same in the face, but the hair was different...hey, his name showed up on caption as "Harland"!

How could a kid who hangs around a marine biology museum get his simple evolution so wrong?

*clap clap clap* Wow, his Spheal should get together with Misty's Poiltoad.

Ooooooh, Groudon...

And damn, why can't a Rocket get a line like "Anyone who gets in our way will be...eliminated"? I'd pay good money to hear an Elite officer say something like that. Heck, I'd pay good money to see more Rocket Elites anyway, so...

Since when does Shadow Ball explode on contact? It was more a crushing-type attack before (well, a pushing-type anyway...)

Sealeo sounds like a walrus, but that's not really a good thing.

*whimper* I wanna see some Rockets come in and be all bad-ass like that! Sure we had Bishasu, but he got completely humiliated...ok, lemme clarify. I want to see a bad-ass Rocket who REMAINS bad-ass throughout their appearence. Perhaps Bashou and Buson...
These were on today? When? At 9:30 EST there was a Pokémon on, I only saw a few seconds, but judging by the animation quality it didn't look new. Then from like 10-12, there was something called "Zolar" on. Pokémon is usually on my KidsWB at 10 and 11:30 EST.
What was Kids WB thinking anyway? Zolar is going to be their first and last movie, and having snowboarding is kind of old since we're in spring. Anyway, anyone else notice that Milotic didn't have a voice? Note to Team Aqua/Magma: We already know what K and G mean, so just say Kyogre and Groudon.
TK n Happy Ness said:
Note to Team Aqua/Magma: We already know what K and G mean, so just say Kyogre and Groudon.
I'm sure for their own security they don't want to broadcast that they're looking for legendary Pokemon, so they continue to speak in code.
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
Say, I have a question--what if, in a contest, you lose, but you're more stylish than your opponent?
I think Ash and Brock made a point of noting that Contest Battles are in fact just like other battles in the sense that if your pokemon is knocked out, you automatically lose. The stylish points only matter for winning it seems, if both Pokemon are still conscious after five minutes.

Am I the only person who thought Milotic didn't move an inch? I mean, how stylish can you be sitting in one spot and waving your tail around?
The animators always seem to find it difficult to get the large serpent Pokemon to move around. Gyarados usually move as little as possible except in the movies, and most Seviper movement scenes get repeated twice or more in the same episode.

But anyway, Milotic was admitting those mood-altering waves of energy from its body, which would have made its Safeguard more impressive/

I too wondered why it seemed to have no voice, I'll have watch it again to make sure. On the preview it had Miltotic going "milo milo" in a less-than-perfect voice. Was it silent in the Japanese version?

May sobbing gives me plot bunnies. Moreover because who her VA is, and the backstory I have for Delia. Now I want to write that...No! No, not until I write the next chapter of Obsession! *beats plot bunnies with a hammer, they pop up again anyway*
Plot bunnies, I haven't heard that term before. Is it like muse inspiration?

So tell me, why wasn't TR allowed to enter the contest? May HAD to have come in late, as TR showed up maybe a minute after her, yet they're somehow *ten* minutes late?
Given time constraints in the episode, its obvious that a few minutes passed between May entering and the scene where TR enters. Its the only observable conclusion, given that the clock did move apparently. Though I do agree, the scene change could have been done better.

Finally, someone knows a Team from the uniform! After seeing the Rockets walk around in full uniform for so long, it was a bit surprising.
Well remember, Jessie and Jame's uniforms aren't official, being white instead of black, and according to that one old TR lady member, a lot of people dress up as TR members for fun and to impersonate them.

*whimper* I wanna see some Rockets come in and be all bad-ass like that! Sure we had Bishasu, but he got completely humiliated...ok, lemme clarify. I want to see a bad-ass Rocket who REMAINS bad-ass throughout their appearence. Perhaps Bashou and Buson...
Yeah... I can tell just from screenshots and summaries that those two were the coolest in terms of being evil... Professor Sebastian too. I mean they ordered their Pokemon to kill their opponent's trainers! :mad:
Was it just me, or did they give May a surname when the announcer introduced her for her first round of the contest? I swore they called her 'May Yura'. Anyone catch the line, so they can prove or disprove it? *will really need to watch it again this Thursday*
Toraphim-Honor said:
Was it just me, or did they give May a surname when the announcer introduced her for her first round of the contest? I swore they called her 'May Yura'. Anyone catch the line, so they can prove or disprove it? *will really need to watch it again this Thursday*
Actually, what the announcer said was "May, you're up". ^_^
They gave Drew a horrible, awful, evil, terrible voice. I mean, I expected it to be a lot lower than that and not so whiney. He's like Gary now, but like 100x more annoying. He's supposed to be stylish and cocky, not like some delinquent 5-year-old. But, what can you do?

And isn't Jessie supposed to enter every contest. I thought she was May's sort-of-kind-of rival in contests. Though it was interesting to learn a little more about pokeblocks from that old man. I've always wondered how green pokeblocks made a pokemon look smarter.

Hehehe *is a Contestshipper*

I thought they said "May Europe", but then I realized that they just said "May, you're up".

That's all.
Lady Dragonrider said:
They gave Drew a horrible, awful, evil, terrible voice. I mean, I expected it to be a lot lower than that and not so whiney. He's like Gary now, but like 100x more annoying. He's supposed to be stylish and cocky, not like some delinquent 5-year-old. But, what can you do?
That's odd, I found Drew's voice to be much better than Gary's. To each their own I suppose.
Lady Dragonrider said:
They gave Drew a horrible, awful, evil, terrible voice. I mean, I expected it to be a lot lower than that and not so whiney. He's like Gary now, but like 100x more annoying. He's supposed to be stylish and cocky, not like some delinquent 5-year-old. But, what can you do?

I do have to agree with you on the voice there. It's just doesn't really fit Shuu a.k.a Drew. (I'm used to calling Drew, Shuu ^^;; ) Anyways.. I did like the episodes.

The "Spheal of Approval" has a lot of humor in it, when Ash and co was eating.. uh.. I forgot what they were called. ^^;; Was is Ice freeze? Can't remember. x.x;; Anyways, I did got to see more of Max, as he did became sort of the star most of the times in that episode. I like the way they put Spheal. But not that original, imo. ^^;;

As for "Win, Lose, or Drew", I gotta say... the actor (or the person could be an actress. w/e), chose a wrong voice for the ending. It didn't suit how Shuu... err.. Drew reacted, when he was looking quite calm, and nice. But I like the way the episode goes however, despite the voice part... There's a contestshippy hint.. at least one, imo. They should create more episodes like that. Can't wait to see more dub contest episode. ^^
These 2 episodes were ok. "Win, Lose, or Drew" was rather an actual episode, rather than just a regular filler. It was ok IMO. The plot of that episode was kinda, eh. :\ May just going in (and at the last second, when all of us want some episodes where they just don't let them in, :p) and messing up at first. Right there is where you would loose in a contest. :p Anyway, I didn't really like how Drew reacted. We all know he is cocky with his ways of Contesting, but at the end he was really too compassionate towards May. A little more harder on her, and a little words from May (not bad or anything) would have made that part a little more interesting. Over all it was a good ep.

"The Spheal Of Approval" was just a filler. It was overall boring too. Except for the parts with Team Magma, and that PokeBlock guy going on and on. :p And I forget...Did they say that it was Groudon who actually made the Rock? I think they did, but not sure. (Bad memory from last weekend. :p) And since when was their Marine Biology in the Pokemon World? :p Makes it kinda weird, and too educational for us regular, anime people. :p
Dratini927 said:
These 2 episodes were ok. "Win, Lose, or Drew" was rather an actual episode, rather than just a regular filler. It was ok IMO. The plot of that episode was kinda, eh. :\ May just going in (and at the last second, when all of us want some episodes where they just don't let them in, :p) and messing up at first. Right there is where you would loose in a contest. :p Anyway, I didn't really like how Drew reacted. We all know he is cocky with his ways of Contesting, but at the end he was really too compassionate towards May. A little more harder on her, and a little words from May (not bad or anything) would have made that part a little more interesting. Over all it was a good ep.
It was perfectly in character in my view. After all, Drew is supposed to be a nice guy, and really only acts that way towards May because he likes her reactions and considers her a rival. Really, he wasn't all that compassionate in that scene either.

"The Spheal Of Approval" was just a filler. It was overall boring too. Except for the parts with Team Magma, and that PokeBlock guy going on and on. :p And I forget...Did they say that it was Groudon who actually made the Rock? I think they did, but not sure. (Bad memory from last weekend. :p) And since when was their Marine Biology in the Pokemon World? :p Makes it kinda weird, and too educational for us regular, anime people. :p
The closest they came to saying Groudon's anme was when Harlan refered to the "G Sample." And really, why wouldn't Marine Biology exist in Pokemon? It's not the first time they've discussed aspects of real science, and it's far from the most educational things you'll find in most anime.
Kiori said:
The "Spheal of Approval" has a lot of humor in it, when Ash and co was eating.. uh.. I forgot what they were called. ^^;; Was is Ice freeze? Can't remember. x.x;;
Sno-cones. :-D And yeah the brain freeze thing was hilarious. :-D
Yeah, that part was really funny!

Oh, and by the way, Geodude, I love your new avatar! LOL.

Anyway, I'm sorry for posting my reviews so late, but I just haven't had time to do it until now.

"Win, Lose, Or Drew" - I missed the beginning of this episode (the part before the theme song comes on) cause my mom got me up too late. But, anyway, it was still a pretty good episode. Oh, and it was funny when May first took her turn and everything, cause she got nervous and fell. But, I kinda knew she'd be at least a little bit nervous, since it was her first time being in a contest. Oh, and I think she did really good in the contest too! And it was funny when she was trying to catch the frisbee after Beautifly used Gust on it, cause she could barely catch it. LOL. Oh, and what was interesting was that, when she was crying in that one part, I was crying too (because I missed the beginning of the episode). And I thought that was pretty weird. Anyway, I can't really remember what else happened in the episode, since it's been a long time since it aired. So, overall, that was a great episode!

Rating: 9 out of 10

"The Spheal Of Approval" - I loved this episode! And it was funny how that one guy (forgot his name) didn't know his evolutions. LOL. Oh, and I loved the part when that other guy (I forgot his name too) showed them the rock. That was cool! Oh yeah, and it was also cool how Team Magma was in this episode! And I liked how everyone tried to get the rock sample back! But, in the end, the rock broke and that guy only got a piece of it. And that was okay, I guess, cause he could still do his research. So, overall, this was a very good episode too!! ^_^

Rating: 9 out of 10
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