Now, I'm pretty fed up with HMs, mostly because a lot of them are simply silly, annoying to drag around, and in most cases, add nothing to the gameplay except pure annoyance.
The HMs that annoy me the most is Cut and Rock Smash. In most instances, they are basically the same, removing an obstacle. Why you need to use a special move to cut down a tiny bush just in order to advance is beyond me, and quite frankly is illogical and pretty stupid. Rock Smash is the same, except there's a rock in the way. I can't be the only one that has explored something and found an area that requires Cut/Rock Smash without having it with you.
Besides, it makes no sense that you can't burn the tree down, or Karate Chop a rock away. I mean, besides setting the forest ablaze...
Fly has it uses, but it still annoys me. It just makes no sense, no matter how you try to explain it, how a Pidgey can carry you from one town to another. I mean, Teleport would make more sense than Fly. Now, I'm all for having a form of rapid-transit available, but I don't think they should remove any logic from the games to achieve this. Fly in HGSS would make a perfect example of this. You can fly from Indigo Plateau to the Safari Zone, but not from Route 28 to Mt Silver. If anything, they should add a "Radius", that increases when a pokémon gets bigger, allowing for longer flights, but that's just me.
As for Strength, you can at least make some puzzles with it. That's pretty much the only positive thing I see with it. How can't a Machamp move a boulder without having a special move? It seems like the type to manage that... As for Waterfall, it can be a useful battle move, but it's way too predictable in-game. Why does it have to be a waterfall you have to climb?
Surf is perhaps the only HM that makes some sense. However, it suffers one of the problems that Fly does, how can you Surf for long periods on a Goldeen? Horsea? Luvdisc? Shelder? You'd be drowning before you'd reach anywhere. The other is more of an in-game thing, and that is the lack of really interesting pokémon in the water. It's the sea. Not just some Tentacool-filled pond. Why do you need a special move to surf with your Lapras?
However, Surfing is the only thing that really makes things different, in contrast with every other
Flash was at least removed as a HM, but I certainly don't like it. However, it's still amusing how a single Flash can brightly light up a cave with different levels. Still, that all caves aren't pitch dark is actually quite odd, cause it seems like the place to be dark.
In addition to that, the only advantage HMs (or just Surf and Waterfall) had over regular TMs were being reusable, but that's not an issue anymore (or at least in BW, we'll see if they keep it).
Am I the only one that wants a revamp of the HM system as it is today? Even for a game like pokémon, I don't think they should drain the game of actual logic. I'm sick and tired of having specific moves that add nothing to the actual gameplay except annoyance. If pokémon can set of earthquakes, create rock slides, have all sorts of psychic abilities and a slew of other abilities, why are specific moves required.
The HMs that annoy me the most is Cut and Rock Smash. In most instances, they are basically the same, removing an obstacle. Why you need to use a special move to cut down a tiny bush just in order to advance is beyond me, and quite frankly is illogical and pretty stupid. Rock Smash is the same, except there's a rock in the way. I can't be the only one that has explored something and found an area that requires Cut/Rock Smash without having it with you.
Besides, it makes no sense that you can't burn the tree down, or Karate Chop a rock away. I mean, besides setting the forest ablaze...
Fly has it uses, but it still annoys me. It just makes no sense, no matter how you try to explain it, how a Pidgey can carry you from one town to another. I mean, Teleport would make more sense than Fly. Now, I'm all for having a form of rapid-transit available, but I don't think they should remove any logic from the games to achieve this. Fly in HGSS would make a perfect example of this. You can fly from Indigo Plateau to the Safari Zone, but not from Route 28 to Mt Silver. If anything, they should add a "Radius", that increases when a pokémon gets bigger, allowing for longer flights, but that's just me.
As for Strength, you can at least make some puzzles with it. That's pretty much the only positive thing I see with it. How can't a Machamp move a boulder without having a special move? It seems like the type to manage that... As for Waterfall, it can be a useful battle move, but it's way too predictable in-game. Why does it have to be a waterfall you have to climb?
Surf is perhaps the only HM that makes some sense. However, it suffers one of the problems that Fly does, how can you Surf for long periods on a Goldeen? Horsea? Luvdisc? Shelder? You'd be drowning before you'd reach anywhere. The other is more of an in-game thing, and that is the lack of really interesting pokémon in the water. It's the sea. Not just some Tentacool-filled pond. Why do you need a special move to surf with your Lapras?
However, Surfing is the only thing that really makes things different, in contrast with every other
Flash was at least removed as a HM, but I certainly don't like it. However, it's still amusing how a single Flash can brightly light up a cave with different levels. Still, that all caves aren't pitch dark is actually quite odd, cause it seems like the place to be dark.
In addition to that, the only advantage HMs (or just Surf and Waterfall) had over regular TMs were being reusable, but that's not an issue anymore (or at least in BW, we'll see if they keep it).
Am I the only one that wants a revamp of the HM system as it is today? Even for a game like pokémon, I don't think they should drain the game of actual logic. I'm sick and tired of having specific moves that add nothing to the actual gameplay except annoyance. If pokémon can set of earthquakes, create rock slides, have all sorts of psychic abilities and a slew of other abilities, why are specific moves required.