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Most valued shiny ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2011
Reaction score
What shiny(s) do you think have the largest trade worth (generally)? Why?
Or which shiny(s) are most popular ?
I understand that one shiny may be heavily desired to one person and to another, not so much, but again, just in general.
My favourites would have to be: Gigalith, Scolipede, Milotic, Charizard, Porygon-Z, Hydreigon, Braviary, Golurk, Cofagrigas, Bisharp, Luxray, Manectric, Lapras and Ninetails.
I would love to have any of these as a shiny, but the only shinies I've got were Beautifly and Raticate
I would imagine the legendaries have the most worth, since the chances for them are the same, as opposed to the other Pokémon, which the Masuda Method and Chaining can be used on. But then again, any Pokémon that is very rare or limited is precious, whether it is shiny or not.
If there was a game glitch that would render shiny legendaries that cannot be shiny like Reshiram/Zekrom/Arceus,now that would be worthy. But nobody would believe that shiny wasn't cheated.
I have two words for you all:
Shiny. Umbreon.
I hate the thing myself, actually. =l
Basically, any black or dark-colored shiny is generally in high demand.
I personally like most shinies; I don't really have a favorite.
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I think this topic should be about which shiny is most valuable to you, not just valuable in general, since there's no real way of knowing that...though from experience, shiny Ditto, Lucario, Umbreon, Charizard and Zoroark seem to be highly sought after.

My personal shiny treasure, though, would be my shiny Galvantula. On my first time through Chargestone Cave, on literally the last tile of the cave, I found a shiny, male, Compound Eyes Joltik. And Galvantula is my favourite Gen V Pokémon. It was destiny that I should find him...
I also highly value my shiny Toxicroak, RNG'd for me by a close friend,band my Corsola, coz a blue Corsola is just awesome.
I'm partial to anything blue, purple, or pink. In fact I have started a goal to get all of those at some point. Though of all the ones I've gotten my starly (well, its a staravia now) is most valuable to me because it was my first successful random shiny.

As for popularity... obviously legendaries are popular shinies as they are harder to get (except, of course, for the people who RNG them). Charizard seems pretty popular as well and I have seen quite a few shiny rotoms in random matchup for some reason.
For me, it's Golett. Offer up a shiny Golett on the GTS and I will do everything I possibly can do to get you whatever you want, as I want your shiny Golett badly. (Which is rather funny, seeing as how I already have four of them. Two have great Natures, while two not-so-great. Doesn't matter as they are all spoiled rotten.)
If we consider actual value, I'd think:
- Red Gyarados (100% in-game encounter)
- Shiny Magikarp (Evolved form is a 100%)
- Shiny Raichu (Evolved from 100% event Pichu)
- Shiny Pikachu (Evolved from 100% event Pichu)
- Shiny Pichu (100% Event)
- Fully evolved Shiny Pokémon
- Middle stage Shiny Pokémon
- Unevolved Shiny Pokémon
- Shiny Legendary Beasts (Count as any other normal event or unique pokemon)
- Shiny Unique Stationary Pokémon (Easy to SR)
- Shiny Unique Roaming Pokémon (Not SR)
- Shiny Event Pokémon (Rare enough)

But in practice, none of the above matters and it's all just up to personal prefference of the player. Popular things like Charizard will get you more people willing to trade. And yeah, I'll echo the "dark-colored shiny" statement.

Myself, I guess I could say shiny Latias... but I'd rather have the means to obtain one by myself. (Eon Ticket in Emerald and motivation for SRing)
I don't think shinies have value at this point (. .) Between cheating devices, RNG abuse, the PokeRadar, and etc, they've just lost their appeal in my eyes. I only consider using them if their colour fits well with my team (considering my teams are colour-coordinated).
The shiny I personally value most is my Shinx, though, since it's the only one I didn't RNG or Radarchain for (9 9)
If it's "value".. Then I would say any non-breedable pokes like Unown and Ditto.. I guess Ditto can be even rarer than non-event Legendaries as it's encounter rate isn't high, on the other hand you can save load for Legendary if you are crazy enough..
For me it's my Baltoy, it is the only randomly encountered shiny I have.
Shiny Charizard. It's Charizard, and it looks like a Shadow Pokemon.
Please note: The thread is from 12 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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