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Oblivia: Pokemon Adventures RP - Sign Ups (Make your reservations!)

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Nov 30, 2010
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Oblivia: Pokemon Adventures RP

= * =

- Oblivion - Dark - Sneasel - Team Plasma
- Acs1903 - reserved
- Bobby'spants - Ice - Snover - Team Galactic
- Open
- Open
- Open


Team Rocket
Team Magma
Team Aqua
Team Galactic
Team Plasma
Team Snagem
Pokemon Hunter

Temples & Location

Forest - River
Fire - Volcano
Ice - Mountain
Thunder - Tunnel
Dark - Cave
Light - Sky
Odd - Beach


A group of young teenagers had washed up on the shore of Oblivia Island. They all have something in common amongst each other: they were each destined to be where they are to help save the world. Of course, nothing could guarantee that they’d grow up to be anything, but normal. It just so happened that by a mere coincidence, each of the seven children are part of an evil organization.

Why Oblivia? The Pokemon there for the last couple months have grown hostile and whenever the Pokemon become disturbed, the legendary Pokemon will step in to solve any problem. That however, does not seem to be the case as there has been no sign of any legendary Pokemon. Which is why it was time for each person in the Pokemon World who are the guardians of the seven temples to be summoned to Oblivia Island.

What are the guardians suppose to do? Why, they simply need to get to the core of the matter and bring their diverse minds together to come to a solution. Of course, words are easier said than done. Years ago, the last time the guardians were called on, they were already quite old and had the experience. That obviously would not be the case. That is why these seven must journey on an adventure together and meet half-way, or else the problem will spread far wide that it’s the end of the world.

How are the guardians suppose to deal with the matter at hand if they can’t have Pokemon? Why, that’s the best part I haven’t explained yet. You see, the guardians have the ability to unlock the crest (digimonlawl) inside them that allows them to activate the ability to use attacks the Pokemon that represents them can use. An Ice Temple guardian will control ice, steel, or dragon-types. The Fire Temple can have a Pokemon that represents them be fire, rock, or ground-types. Any dark will obviously have hold over ghost, psychic, or dark-types. Forest will have grass, poison, ground, or bug-types. Thunder will have electric, steel, or fighting-types. Light will control any flying, normal, water, or grass-types. Lastly, odd will be normal, bug, water, or psychic types. Then to end it all, each Temple Guardian will have a legendary Pokemon who they can become one with and when full power is unlocked, then the said guardian will be able to sense their legendary.

What are some of the dangers? Well, people are slowly turning into Pokemon and the Reggi’s are out-of-their-mind trying to destroy anything they can in the process. Pokemon in the wild are hostile and semi-few can be changed for the better. The legendary Pokemon are missing and as it is, no actual cause has been determined as we all will come to a conclusion together depending all the routes (some of us will choose domination while the others want to save the world).


Onto the rules, correct? I shall explain the rules and then present you a character profile with parts that I will explain more in depth. After all, we definitely don’t want to ruin this by having characters who are uber. That’s not really fun, now is it? We’re all equally corrupted and start out as nothing more than young punks who are going through the hardest part of our lives. ;] Please do respect the rules and for some of them, I can look into changing if you convince me. I will only accept six sign-ups (I will obviously take whoever is not chosen),



Do not whatsoever god-mod. When executing an attack, make it realistic and unless you had previously delivered moves that allow the capability of a hit (lock-on for example), you never will thoroughly say you attacked someone or a Pokemon. Say you attempted a hit, tried to double-kick, went at character/mon with an attack, etc. Let’s try to not be a hax and spam swift either. That will be the same case when it comes to dodge, block, protect, detect, etc. Similar to protect, you won’t always be able to deliberately execute an efficient defense move. Lastly, be creative with your moves. Yes, rock slide can be used to attack, but it could also help to distant yourself, create a diversion, or weaken other attacks that are sent at your character.

When you create your character, no mary-sues, gary-stus, and tragic sues. Whatever reason you are in an evil organization is up to you, but do not overdo it! More than likely, your character will annoy the rest of us and if you are a tragic sue, you will break the next rule. If you do not know what any of those three are, let me explain them the best I can. A Mary-sue and a Gary-stu are characters who are deemed perfect. They have all the developed body parts (which can be hard if you’re in your young teens) in the right places with skin the color of winter (you’re in the Pokemon World and travel a lot with your organizations, you can still get some color to your skin) and everybody loves them or hates them. For anymore thorough explanation or you want to check, use a test that will help to reveal whether or not your character is in the sue/stu zone. Your character can have semi-sue/stu traits if it makes sense, is backed up, and realistic in the Pokemon World (you’re not going to be a demon...or a vampire...or a werewolf...=3= ). Now, what is a tragic sue? They have no parents, have been abused, are used, nobody loves them, and the only way they roleplay that character is through self-pity.

That brings me onto the next rule. The spotlight is not on you forever. Everyone wants their big, shining moment. You will get it and guess what, so will everyone else. More than anything, rivals will be caused (fire v. ice for example), and your spotlight will just stay between you two in some cases. Don’t be an attention-hog or I can guarantee that people will get annoyed because the last couple pages were all about you. This is not your roleplay, my roleplay, or another persons roleplay, it’s the whole group’s roleplay.

This will be generally a rule not many of you have heard and I will not change it. No one-liners are allowed. What is a one-liner? Why, it’s an entire one-line that does not contribute to the plot. Please, try to put effort into the roleplay and add description. You don’t have to write a novel, but make sure you can at least write a solid reply. Believe me, with each character discovering their moves, abilities, themselves, and their relationships next to some description, battles, and any other things (Pokemon, NPCs, etc), you can’t fit that all into a single line of text. Someone had asked me what would be considered a one-liner if your windows are minimized? Well, just maximized your windows obviously or make it a general rule to add more than a certain amount of sentences. You don’t have to be great at writing to accomplish a couple to a few lines of text. I understand very well that some of you cannot for the life that is in you, look to write more than a paragraph. I’m not asking for 3+ meaty paragraphs (although, I could easily pull that off), but I am asking that you not write a single line of text. There’s a lot you can write on ~ I know you can do it!

Now then, literacy is what I ask for and what do I mean? Try to have capable grammar and I understand that not everyone is great with their spelling. Use a dictionary if you can, but in some cases the dictionary can not be reliable. What do I mean capable grammar? Know when you have to capitalize and that to end sentences with a punctuation. Script is not allowed. You speak dialogue using quotations/apostrophes (depending what you prefer) and then write out your action. No text talk when you roleplay and use you for “u’, are for “r”, see for “c”, etc.

What I wish to address is activity. If you know that you will disappear for a few months, I think it’d be best you join with someone to take your character after ward who will not back out or just don’t sign-up. This is a long-term roleplay and I expect a post each and every other day unless notified. If you are going to be gone for a week, we will either wait for you to return, have someone else take you over, or if we have any side-plots, those who are in the mini side-plots will roleplay just that before we get back to the plot as we await your return. In the event you just drop us without a word (rude D:< ), someone will take over your character.

Let’s have fun with this roleplay, OK? There will be possibilities for relationships and any yaoi, yuri, & het is allowed. Keep all dirty things else where and do not make anything have too much gore. Don’t be rude and no whining. If nothing is happening with someone’s OC and you know it, make sure to let him/her come into whatever you are doing or if you are that OC, make your character join instead of standing there waiting for people to come to him or her.

Before filling out a character profile, make a post to reserve and claim a temple! That way I don’t get people sending in profiles with the same temples and have to make that person redo or they end up not getting to participate! After the sixth reservation, I will roleplay what is left and will decline anything after six reservations unless you have made a deal with someone to roleplay as a twin to share a temple.

[B]Alias[/B]: (Nickname is a shorter way to say your name, an alias is another name you go by)
[B]Gender[/B]: (You can put not sure and let it be a surprise  - it’s for all the fun ~_^ especially if you’re the Odd)
[B]Affiliation[/B]: (The organization you are from...)
[B]Age[/B]: (13 - 15)
[B]Physical Age[/B]: (8 - 16: Physical age is what you come to look as for us to guess your age - unless you tell us straight forward or you can just deceive everyone)
[B]Hair Color[/B]: (No rainbow hair x_x; it’s the Pokemon World, unnatural IS natural)
[B]Eye Color[/B]: (Your eyes will be the same color unless you’re Odd...remember, if you’re Odd...you won’t be special, just really an odd person)
[B]Appearance[/B]: (Either you can describe or use a picture via hyperlink)
[B]Outfit[/B]: (Now, if you are going to be an odd person...you won’t wear clothes that sane people will. Make your outfits realistic too and you can describe them or use different pictures via hyperlink to show us the different pieces of clothing your character is going to wear. I also want to say that if you are someone who constantly works for your organization, you will probably wear an outfit with your team attire)
Bag: (They say shoes identifies a person, but bags can also identify people...tell us how the bag is worn or if you just have a lot of pockets (sigh...odd =3= ), what it looks like, etc)
[B]Bag Contents[/B]: (If you have a lot of things in your bag, it will weigh you down. What you have in your bag should be in relation to your temple/type. A Fire Temple guardian will conveniently have matches. Someone who is a Light Temple guardian will have first aid kits, potions, etc Don’t bother with Pokegear, there is no cell phone service and you will automatically have a Pokeball to use on a beginner level Pokemon; you don’t need to have your Pokemon inside the ball.

[B]Type[/B]: (depending on temple depends on type you can choose to harness)
[B]Pokemon[/B]: (This is the Pokemon that represents you and the similar attacks you will have - the spirit of that Pokemon is inside you. You will not automatically grasp moves and no legendary or non-evolution Pokemon. Let’s say that you are a Fire Temple, so you choose fire-type, and then choose Charmander - you do not understand how to control ember and as you improve, you go onto better moves that will also take a lot out of you. If you have a psychic-type, you can have a grasp on psychic, but it deals not that great of damage yet - it takes time, effort, and experience to higher your move/stat - a higher special attack can use Flare Blitz, but takes a lot more out of you or you can deliver multiple ember attacks to conserve energy. If someone already has the Pokemon you chose and I caught that the other person had chosen first, you will be asked to change your Pokemon.)

[B]Stats[/B]: (Here you will explain your stats - what you can do better in, you can do worst in the opposite - you have great speed, but your accuracy is a downfall - balance yourself out and no god-modding!)
S. Attack
S. Defense

[B]Ability[/B]: (Here will be the ability your represented Pokemon will have and in the case that your Pokemon has two to choose from - you can choose one or the other that will be your ability)

[B]FE[/B]: (Fully Evolved Form - in the boss battles and any big battles, the spirit of your represented Pokemon will come out - describe what your character’s added physical features are or present a picture)

[B]Legendary[/B] - (This is the legendary later in the roleplay you will come to be “one-in-one” with or whatever deep term you want to call it. You get three different choices with one being your most wanted and if no one has that legendary, I’ll VM/PM you to let you know what your chosen legendary.)

[B]Personality[/B] -

(I suggest filling out one or the other first, then work on the other based off of what you already filled out. That way you can not risk being flawless or have too many flaws.)

[B]Positive Traits[/B]:

[B]Negative Traits[/B]:

[B]Type Traits[/B]: (If you are a fire-type, you will most likely have something in relation to fire - such as pyro, hot-headed, etc. Grass-type could be really down to earth or have a phobia of technology...lawl - if you are having trouble thinking of traits for your type and it is a half type, then you can think some traits off of the other half type! :] )




(This is all first impression or what you started out to think in general - then as the adventure progresses, you can think worst or better - s’all chill!)
Types[/B][/U] - (Remove anything your character won’t have an opinion for ~ )




World Domination[/B]: (8D)

[B]Peace[/B]: (What will be your type of peace?)

-  -  -

How did you end up on Oblivia Island?[/B]:

I, [B]username[/B], agree to the rules and conditions
I, [B]username[/B], will not have a mary/gary or tragic sue
I, [B]username[/B], will participate in this roleplay
I, [B]username[/B], will have fun in this roleplay


OK, if you want to just take all of this and redo it with the same plot to fit how you roleplay in a completely separate roleplay, by all means go ahead. If you want me to join your roleplay, go ahead and PM/VM me. What I do want you all to understand is that this roleplay does not have the future planned out. Everyone contributes to what will happen next and will play semi-DMs while I, who is in charge and accept full responsibility for what goes on in this roleplay, play sort of the main DM. :D All Pokemon are included except for the Legendary until later into the plot.
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Name: Klaus Negri
Nickname: None, really.
Alias: Again, not really any aliases to speak of.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Team Plasma
Age: 15
Physical Age: Around 15 and a half.
Hair Color: A very dark brown.
Eye Color: A pale, almost soulless gray color.

Appearance: He generally has a pretty scrawny and unkempt appearance. He's fairly skinny and tall, at about 5'10. He has slightly pale skin.

Outfit: A torn-up dark gray jacket with a black undershirt, even more torn-up dark blue jeans, and quite large black boots.

Bag: A rather plain pitch-black backpack with numerous pockets. His jacket also has a few hidden pockets.

Bag Contents: In his backpack, he has a few smoke bombs, a rope, and some food and other essential supplies due to his frequent adventuring. In his hidden jacket pockets, he has a skinning knife, ("You know, just in case...) and one or two more smoke bombs.

Temple: Darkness
Type: Dark
Pokemon: Sneasel

Stats: (Since I fail at actually calculating stat totals, I'm going to use short descriptions. I do hope that's alright.)
Attack - Easily the best.
Defense - Not the best.
S. Attack - Better than average.
S. Defense - The worst.
Speed - Pretty good.
Accuracy - In the middle.
HP - A bit below average.

Ability: Keen Eye

FE: His skin turns into a bluish-black color, his eyes become a bright red color, and he grows red feather-like protrusions, identical to that of Sneasel, on his lower back. His teeth also become toothy fangs. But most noticeably, he sprouts very large, very sharp claws out of his hands and feet.

1. Darkrai
2. Mewtwo
3. Giratina


Positive Traits: He is quite a good combat strategist, and really knows how to deal with enemies. He can be a pretty good bodyguard if you don't do anything to tick him off. He can be pretty smart, but he has difficulties using that intelligence for anything productive. In addition, if there's anything that requires acts of moral ambiguity, Klaus will do it without a second thought.

Negative Traits: He's a tad bit on the crazy side, and he simply does not work well in groups. His sadistic behavior tends to make people turn away faster than a Ninjask on a sugar rush, so he generally works alone. He also has a bit of an "attack first, ask questions later" approach to almost every situation presented. His temper isn't the best, either.

Type Traits: He's really good at stealth and assassination, and pragmatism is generally how he fights.

Fears: Death. He also has a bit of a bad history with oceans.

Likes: Sharp objects, inflicting pain, combat, and tricking people.

Dislikes: People in general, losing a battle, and being called crazy. (Even though he kind of is.)



Fire: "While I do like burning things, fire gives off light. I don't like light. It keeps me from staying hidden."
Ice: "Ice is cold. Too cold."
Rock: "Who defends these days?"
Steel: "Steel? That's boring. What does steel even do? It just sits there."
Dark: "It matches me to a T. Or an F. Or even an A!"
Normal: "Boring."

Pokemon: "I don't care what anyone says, I don't see how it's possible to be friends with these things. They can be useful, but honestly, I rightfully don't care about developing relationships with 'em. I just care about how easily they can tear things into shreds."

Stealing: "It's just a more convenient way of getting things, at the slight expense of the previous owner. But, really, who cares about that?"

Land: "...What kind of question is that? Land is land. There isn't much else to it."

Sea: "I don't like the sea. You can't breathe down there."

World Domination: "World domination? No thanks. World destruction, though...I'd be interested."

Peace: "Peace? What's that?"

- - -

Background: Klaus Negri had been born into a family of high ranking in Team Plasma, so it was natural that he would go into the organization as well. However, he was far different from most of the other Team Plasma members. He had a large violent streak, and wasn't completely right in the head. However, this was utilized, and soon he was trained in the arts of stealth and assassination. He showed great talent.

However, there were a few incidents. Namely, fights with fellow Team Plasma trainees, and Klaus had managed to give some serious injuries to them. However, these were all kept under wraps quite well. And even so, those who had figured out didn't seem to notice.

How did you end up on Oblivia Island?: As one of the final pieces of his training, Klaus was sent to eliminate one of Team Plasma's oppositions. He was on a cruise ship at that time, and for a while, it seemed that everything was perfectly lined up. However, Klaus ended up being discovered, and was then pursued. Instead of letting himself be captured, he threw himself off of the boat and into the water. At that point, he frantically swam towards the nearest land mass. Which happened to be Oblivia Island.

I, Oblivion, agree to the rules and conditions.
I, Oblivion, will not have a mary/gary or tragic sue.
I, Oblivion, will participate in this roleplay.
I, Oblivion, will have fun in this roleplay.
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could you reserve me a spot please
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I would like to reserve the Ice Temple and Team Galactic.

Name: Robert Slovenski
Nickname: Bob
Alias: Jing, Maroof
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Team Galactic
Age: 14
Physical Age: 14
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Teal

Appearance: Though one could guess that his age is 14 from looking at him, Bob has an ageless quality about him. His eyes show a cold wisdom and his face betrays his youth. He is deeply tanned and well fed, though there is little muscle. His right leg boasts a deep gash that causes him to limp. His hair is straight, and a little under shoulder length.

Outfit: He has a great distaste for the Team Galactic uniform, claiming it has no style to it. He wears long, loose royal blue pants that are embroidered in gold with a dragon motif. He wears a royal blue long sleeved shirt with a white, silk vest that is always open. The only real sign that he works for Team Galactic are the black gloves he often wears that are embroidered with the Team’s symbol.

Bag: He wears his bag from his left shoulder to the right side of his hip.
Bag Contents: A ceremonial knife decorated with gold and silver but no gems, a compass that appears to be made out of pearl, a scarf that matches his pants, a bottle containing multicolored scales, an unidentified white fur pelt (not that it can’t be identified he just never has), and what he claims is a claw of Kyurem.

Temple: Ice
Type: Ice
Pokemon: Snover

Attack – about average
Defense – below average
S. Attack – a little above average
S. Defense – a little below average
Speed – terrible
Accuracy – the best
HP – about average

Ability: Snow Warning

FE: Green spikes break through his back and his form grows bulkier and is covered in snow. His hair grows longer, obscuring most of his face. His eyes appear to glow teal underneath his hair.

Legendary -
1. Kyurem
2. Dialga
3. Articuno

Personality -

Positive Traits: Highly intelligent and has an almost unexplainable talent and experience with nearly any task. Silver tongued and very charming.

Negative Traits: Highest priority is his legacy, leading him to be overly reckless at times. A compulsive liar who is always telling stories of his supposed “exploits,” somebody once tried to create a timeline of all his tales and ended up concluding that he is at least 90 years old. Despite his claims he has a very domineering disposition towards Pokemon.

Type Traits: God help you if you get on his bad side. His ability to be cold and emotionless towards people is only matched by the sting of his silver tongue, vicious and biting like a freezing wind. In addition, he has a high tolerance for the cold.

Fears: Being forgotten.

Likes: A good story or someone to listen to his, precious metals and gems.

Dislikes: Being looked down on for his handicap and people that outright call him a liar.

Grass: “An underappreciated type that is capable of great beauty.”
Water: “A great type for adventure.”
Fire: “Needlessly destructive and difficult to contain.”
Ice: “The cold is precise and sharpens everything exposed to it. This is a good thing.”
Steel: “The very symbol of our intelligence.”
Dark: “Should never be trusted, but good to have around.”
Dragon: “The essences of legends, the greatest of beings are dragons.”

Pokemon: “Friends and partners, but no matter how powerful the Pokemon it is the human that is the center.”

Stealing: “Stealing is the pathetic act of a man without the will to do better.”

Land: “So much to see and experience, one should cross as much land as they can.”

Sea: “It hides a world of wonder that few ever experience.”

World Domination: “The journey is clearly more impressive than the ends. Why would anyone want to rule this place? You would miss out on so much that it has to offer.”

Peace: “Peace comes from my legacy.”

- - -

There are few things that can be said about Bob for certain when it comes to his long term history. His family name is absent from nearly all records. He is inexplicably rich, so it is possible that his entire family is dead. What can be gleamed is that Bob is well traveled. Where he went and what he did are obscured by his tales, though some truth may be hidden within the lies.

The most accurate records come after he joined Team Galactic. He proved a capable agent even if he was rather extravagant. His most useful role came in the form of local public relations. Particularly in Snowpoint city, Bob became rather well known as the positive face of Team Galactic. He showed a great amount of potential to advance within the organization. He has few enemies within the lower ranks, but the higher officers feel very threatened. Cyrus has taken a liking to the boy however so any action they might take had to be extremely covert, such as sending him to Snowpoint.

How did you end up on Oblivia Island?:
He was returning south for a reassignment when his ship was attacked by some water Pokemon. Cyrus himself had requested Bob’s presence so he suspects that it was one of the higher ups responsible for the attack, fearing that Bob would advance further in the organization. This is reinforced by a Floatzel that targeted Bob specifically, knocking him into the water and chasing after him. The only reason it didn’t finish him is a storm moved in and swept Bob further out to sea. He lost consciousness while trying desperately to keep above the water. He awoke on the shores of Oblivia Island.

I, Bobby’sPants, agree to the rules and conditions
I, Bobby’sPants, will not have a mary/gary or tragic sue
I, Bobby’sPants, will participate in this roleplay
I, Bobby’sPants, will have fun in this roleplay
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Anyone who asked for reservation has been reserved and Oblivion as well Bobby'spants are accepted!
If you can recruit anyone, I'd appreciate it! :D
Name: Ali Can Söylemezoğlu

Nickname: AC

Alias: Amaru or Makaveli (I have two Aliases)

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Team Aqua

Age: 13

Physical Age: 16

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Appearance: He has semi-long black hair. He is Caucasian but with light brown skin. He is tall for his age and a little bit over the average in terms of weight. He has a burn mark on his left leg that he got when he was seven. He also has various scar marks over his body.
Outfit: Look at my avatar. AC tends to wear a black suit and tie and a black tophat with a white stripe. He has semi-long black hair. He has a pendant around his neck. However, at times he feels that he should wear something more comfortable. Thus, he puts on a hoodie and sweatpants.

Bag: His bag is black with three white stripes and the picture of an eagle on it. He wears from the left shoulder to the right.

Bag Contents: A book about engineering and machines just in case he needs to go on a mission which requires destroying a machine. Another book to read in order to pass the time. A journal to keep track of his journey and note any suspicious things he sees. A compass. Some food and a flare gun.

Temple: Odd

Type: Psychic

Pokemon: Ralts

Attack: not his best
Defense: in the middle
S. Attack: Above average
S. Defense: The best stat
Speed: the worst
Accuracy: Pretty good
HP: average

Ability: Trace

FE: A green helmet of some sort with red protrusions will form on top of AC’s head just like Ralts’ head.

1. Uxie
2. Lugia
3. Jirachi


Positive Traits: Extremely smart and wise for his age. He values honesty, honor and freedom. He is extremely determined. He is responsible and respectful of authority (if it is an authority that he respects). He knows how to smile through all the bs. He is extremely dependable. He is a true soldier but he is also a leader as people look up to him and his friends come to him for advice.

Negative Traits: He still cries at times if something doesn’t happen the way he wanted (he’s a cry baby to some extent). He also sometimes loses his reasoning and has a rage outburst. He gets extremely angry and he is not usually right in getting all worked up and the opposition is right. So, he is a crybaby and sometimes goes on a rampage.

Type Traits: He is smart and good at sensing other people’s emotions. He is wise. (Also if Ralts evolves into a Gallade-I’m not sure if they can-he will be half-fighting so AC is also very determined and willing to protect anybody he loves).

Fears: His only fear of death is coming back reincarnated (well not quite that’s Tupac’s fear lol :D) His true fear is not being influential enough and as a result being forgotten after death. He fears that no one will mourn his death.

Likes: Books, strengthening his mind, playing games and sports

Dislikes: He can’t handle people making fun of him whatever the case may be.



Grass: Grass is vital…We depend on nature don’t we?

Water: Fun to have around to pass the time.

Fire: Too dangerous…

Ice: I guess they’re ok never seen their bad side.

Dark: I despise every bit of the Dark type

Dragon: They are legends that I admire.

Fighting: Respect anybody who fights for what they believe is right but only if they use their heads as well. The Fighting type tends to just focus on brawns rather than brains.

Normal: Plain and boring.

Pokemon: They’re nice to have around. They form strong bonds with trainers teaching humans responsibility and friendship. They’re a quintessential part of any human’s life.

Stealing: Stealing is for the lazy and weak. Anybody who wants to can work and earn their living. Nobody likes the one who chooses the easy way out.

Land: Where else would we live without land.

Sea: A nice place to enjoy yourself

World Domination: Never!

Peace: First peace within own factions/groups and then world peace

- - -

Background: AC was only two when he witnessed his father’s battle with a Team Aqua Admin. Team Aqua ended up killing both his mother and father and took AC within the organization. Team Aqua did everything to brainwash AC and turn him into a Team Aqua fighting machine. And it seemed to pay off as AC quickly rose through the ranks of Team Aqua. As he rose he saw how all the other grunts looked up to him. So, he started to shape his plans for the future: he wanted to be influential above all else. He spent time listening to the grunts and saw that they were upset with the way Maxie was leading Team Aqua and not all of them wanted to be all that destructive. Most of them saw Pokemon as friends rather than tools. AC also believed this though he kept it a secret from Team Aqua admins and grunts. The admins believed he would be the next leader of the organization and AC wanted this as he would then be able to put a stop to all the madness caused by the other evil organizations with his superior intellect and strategies and then put an end to Team Aqua. He had mapped it all out at the age of 13…

How did you end up on Oblivia Island?:

However, not everything went according to plan. Archie had sent him to another mission and he was using one of Team Aqua’s Wailords for travel. There was not a cloud in sight but suddenly a rampaging Gyarados appeared and sent a twister their way. The twister flew AC far off towards the sea and knocked out the Wailord. After regaining consciousness AC swam towards a piece of land which was the only strip of land in sight. The land was Oblivia Island.
I, acs1903, agree to the rules and conditions
I, acs1903, will not have a mary/gary or tragic sue
I, acs1903, will participate in this roleplay
I, acs1903, will have fun in this roleplay
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