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StarShip: Kanto (Start Up)

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Oct 13, 2011
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"Attention!" The headmaster of your training school calls. "Each of you by name will be assigned a starship!" You tremble in fear of which ship you will be assigned. "Starship Kanto!!! Alder, Chris!! You are assigned, Cheif Engineer! Allder, Mori!!! You are assigned, Commander! Norton, Arthur!! You are assinged, Cheif Medical Officer!! Opal, Wes!!! You are assigned, Communications Officer! Reid, Hannalynn!! You are assigned, Security Officer!! Ferguson, Jeffrey!! You are assigned, as Helm!! And finally the fearless captain of your ship is Nadel, Elliot!!! Congratulations, new crew of StarShip Kanto and may you find many new adventures awaiting you!!" He says loudly. You all cheer with joy, at last you graduate your hard years of school to explore the great unknown.

You walk into your Starship and look around, just like the ordinary ones in the training videos, with the Captain chair in the middle as always. You recieve your uniforms by color cooresponding to what position you have. Before take off, you have time to mingle with the others...
This will last till mid tomorrow, have fun~! (I had to add last names to some, if you don't like, I will change~!)
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((Since I have two characters, I'm just going to use a different color for different POVs. Purple for Mori and Pink for Arty).

"No, Anput! Stop--" Arty began as he grabbed her off of the shoulder of the person she had jumped onto. Arty's tone suddenly turned from scolding to hesitant when his Riolu turned to look at him with sad eyes. He'd begun to wonder if Riolu possessed some of the sentience that it's later evolution was so famous for, and an awareness that the thing he wanted most was for it to evolve, and in turn he would do anything to make it happy. "I-I mean, why don't you have some of these?" He quickly reached into his bag and grabbed some bright purple berries.

The Riolu clapped and snatched them from him, eating them happily. He heaved a sigh of relief before turning to the person Anput had so rudely climbed onto. They obviously weren't a medical officer like himself, as their uniform wasn't blue, but beyond that he couldn't tell anything about them, as they were facing away from him. He tapped them on the shoulder.

"I'm very sorry about her, she's quite energetic, and I'm afraid I can't keep her in a Pokeball, since she doesn't like them, and I'm hoping to get her to evolve. My name is Arty, I'm the Medical Officer... oh and this is Watson, my Absol." He gestured to the red Absol standing next to him. "It's nice to meet you."

((Anyone can respond to this, just no one else was here, so I didn't want to single anyone out.))

"This is even tighter than the uniform the Boss makes us wear..." Mori said as she walked out of the dressing room. She glanced at her Houndoom. There were times she wondered if the main reason she kept her out of the Pokeball was so she could talk aloud without it seeming like she was talking to herself. She sighed. "At least this one has pants..." She glanced over at Arty, of course, he was already talking to people. He was so much more social than she was, normally on undercover missions, she just sort of followed his lead, but in this instance, they had to act like they didn't know one another, at least for a while. She knew should probably try to talk to a few other people first, but she was having a hard time getting motivated to do so.

She attempted to walk toward the crowd of people (well, in reality seven people, only six of which she didn't know), but ended up leaning against the wall, observing them. She wondered which one was the Captain, he would know who she really was. He'd agreed not to tell anyone else, but how would he treat her? And what were they even going to find in space? Would Giovanni blame her if they didn't find anything valuable? Would she be able to even relate to these people? She'd only really talked to other Team Rocket Agents for so long, she wondered how much she could blend into normal society for long periods of time.

From across the room, she made brief eye contact with Arty, who gave her a smile followed by a look that clearly said "you should talk to someone." Mori took a deep breath, she supposed she'd have to try sooner or later. "Come on, Houndoom, let's go meet the crew." With that Mori headed off toward a few people on the other side of the room from her partner.
The bridge looked larger than Jeff had expected, even though he'd been on simulated bridges of the same design before. Still, nothing was quite like the real thing. Fortunately, his station was easy enough to find: the helm was always in the front of the bridge. Jeff made a beeline for the console, already taking in the controls before he had even sat down. He had piloted motorcycles, boats, helicopters, and small planes before, but a warp-driven starship like this...

Jeff quickly found all the controls. Directional guidance, thruster control, warp and impulse engines...he couldn't wait to fire them up for the first time. His eyes also passed over the external inertial dampener, more colloquially known as the "parking brake," making a mental note to disengage it before trying to jump to warp. Gunning the engine and not going anywhere would not be a great start for the voyage.
As Mori looked around, she noticed one person who was off on their own. He was in front of the helm, so she assumed he was the Helmsmen. Jeffery Furgeson, from Unova, expert pilot, heavily involved in motorcycle battling. She'd hacked the records files the night before and read up on all of her fellow crewmates, mainly in hopes of being able to talk to them. She was sure Arty hadn't done anything like that, he didn't have to, making friends was easy for him.

"You seem eager to get going," Mori observed. He seemed to be completely absorbed in learning the controls. Typical behavior for a pilot, just like a kid at Christmas.
Jeff looked up from his console at the voice. The woman seemed interested in his interest in the controls. "Was I that obvious?" he asked with a grin on his face. "Who wouldn't jump at the chance to go faster than light?" He shrugged. "Though I'm not quite sure whether you'd compare me more to Tom Cruise in Top Gun or Will Ferrell in Talladega Nights. Either way, I'm about to go faster than either of them."

Jeff realized that in his interest in getting to the pilot's chair, he had neglected to find out who all he was flying with. "I'm Jeffrey, by the way," he said, extending his hand. "Jeffrey Ferguson."
Had this man really just compared himself to movie stars? Was he trying to impress her or was he just really arrogant? Then again, arrogance was something she could deal with; she had been working for Team Rocket for years now. "Nice to meet you. My name is Mori Adler, I'm the Commander."

"And I suppose that's true. I'm not as experienced with piloting as you are, I'm sure, but I've flown planes and helicopters, and I enjoy riding motorcycles, so I can imagine this would be quite the experience." And she had carefully dropped something she knew he was interested in, into the conversation naturally. She didn't need intuition or social skills to make friends, she could use logic and planning.

She looked over at Arty. He'd challenged her to a sort of contest to see who could make more friends by the end of the first day, so she was wondering how he was doing. From what she could tell, his Riolu had just annoyed a fellow crewmember. Was it possible she was getting a better start than him?
I am expanding the "mingle time" longer untill a few more of our members join us in our lovely chatting session, so.....good job so far guys~ :)
"Hello!" Eliot says, entering, wearing his captain's uniform, which consisted of pants, a red cape, and some triangle-shaped sunglasses. "How are you? I am the captain, the fearless, magificent Eliot Nadel!"
Jeff shrugged at Mori. "Oh, it's gonna be an experience, all right." He opened his mouth to continue when he heard the captain introduce himself to the bridge crew. Or, at least, the man who said he was the captain. Right away, Jeff could see that something was off. A red cape and triangle sunglasses? Since when was that regulation? And his bearing...the man looked more like a cross between Elton John and Liberace. And not in a good way.

"Yep," Jeff muttered under his breath. "This is really gonna be an experience."
Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I had to lend my computer to my sis. I had written something for this but the webpage timed out and all of it was lost! :(
Anyway, I'm so excited for the RPG to start. Starship Kanto!
"I don't think you have much to worry about. I hear he only goes after men who look girly... I think our Medical Officer might have some problems, though." She nodded over at Arty who was currently not coming off as manly as he could (which still wasn't very manly). He was running his fingers through his pink hair, in a way that she knew meant he was nervous, but definitely made him look pretty womanly.

Way to continue to be ambiguous, Art, Mori thought.

"And do remember, I'm the Commander, so if he doesn't take important things seriously, I'll be here. And, I take almost everything seriously." She realized how intense that sounded and laughed a bit to try to make it sound more like a joke. "My friends usually say I work too hard, but I do get things done."

((Since no one responded, I just decided to do something else with Arty... mainly cause I wanted to see him interact with the Captain))

The Riolu jumped from Arty's arms again and ran over to the Captain, quickly jumping onto him and taking his sunglasses, and putting them on, before jumping off.

"Watson! Stop her!" The Absol did as it was told, grabbing the Riolu by the back of the neck and picking it up, giving Arty a rather annoyed look. Arty knew that Watson hated that he never really disciplined Anput, but he couldn't do anything that might make her unhappy. He took the sunglasses back and handed them to the Captain, with a laugh and broad smile.

"I'm so sorry about her. Please, excuse us. I'll try to keep her under better control, sir."
"Worry not." Eliot says, putting the shades back on over the second pair that was beneath them. "Your Pokemon's misbehavior is more than made up for by your beauty..." He says, holding the medical officer's chin with one finger. "Anyway, anyone know where we are headed?"
Jeff couldn't keep himself from facepalming. The friggin' captain had no idea where they were going? This was not how Jeff had envisioned his first mission on this ship, with a man who would've looked incompetent on McHale's Navy.

Anyone listening closely enough might have heard three taps coming from the area of Jeff's feet, along with an almost silent there's no place like home...
((I didn't think so, I just wanted to be sure before I responded. Also, the picture made me laugh pretty hard))

Arty smiled, not quite sure how to take what had just happened. Was the Captain hitting on him? Nah, probably not, maybe he was just being polite? Or something? "Oh... well, very good then, I suppose. Also, sir, as Medical Officer, I should probably tell you that seeing as we keep it at about 65 degrees here on the bridge, you might want to wear a shirt. Not that I'm making any statement about my personal opinion of your shirtlessness, just that you could get sick."

Yes, that statement definitely made it perfectly clear that he wasn't interested in the Captain.


Mori sighed at the Captain's behavior, although for a moment she was distracted by the fact that he was hitting on Arty. She watched Arty for his response, but (as usual) it divulged nothing about his sexual orientation or his interest in the person hitting on him.

She then turned back to Jeff. "Don't worry, I know where we're going. We'll be staying in our galaxy for now, but we'll be moving to the Delta Quadrant. I'll let the Captain know that as soon as we're actually going to get underway.
"We shall go and fight the enemy...On the moon." Eliot says thoughtfully, patting Arty on the head and going to the window. "If the galaxy makes itself our enemy, we shall crush it! The universe is our oyster, gentlemen and women!
"Oh...dear... I believe our Captain may be insane," Mori said to Jeff. Looks like we got lucky, our Captain may be insane, this ship is all but Team Rocket property now. We might as well paint a giant red "R" on the side of it.


Arty was a bit confused by the Captain's response, but took it to mean that he wasn't going to put on a shirt, and decided that talking to him might not produce the desired results. He supposed it was probably alright to talk to Mori now, as it wouldn't really be suspicious at this point. He walked over to her and the helmsman, with a smile.

"Hello again," Arty said to Mori. "I haven't seen you since that Orientation meeting a month ago, how have things been?"

"Oh, they've been going well." They'd worked out a story long in advance, so that it wouldn't seem strange that they had the same rocket-shaped charm, or in case they acted too familiar with each other too early. "Yes, it's good to see you again also, Dr. Norton, correct?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I see that you were the first to actually speak to the Captain, and from his actions toward you his reputation as one who flirts with most human beings that are remotely aesthetically pleasing was more than well deserved. I do hope he and I don't have any... problems. Although, from his dress... or rather lack thereof, I believe that hope is in all likelihood a futile one."

"One certainly couldn't call him serious, but I think his heart is in the right place. After all, one could hardly call me serious either," Arty answered. "Although it looks like most of the burden of leadership may fall to you, Commander."

It seemed that Arty agreed with her about the fact that the ship would be fairly easy to control, at least in a practical sense, and was trying to tell her that without making it obvious. Veiled speech had become almost second nature to them, due to numerous undercover missions, so decoding such messages was a simple task for her.

"Only if it must. I have no intention of taking any sort of responsibilities unnecessarily, besides, there is always the chance that he is only like this because we are still on the ground, and that as soon as we take off and he has real responsibility, he will become more attentive. I'm sure he was made Captain for a good reason."

Mori suddenly realized that there was a very important possible downside to a fun-loving, whimsical Captain, such as theirs. If he took nothing seriously, he would probably have a difficult time keeping secrets, most importantly, her secret. If he was as irresponsible as he seemed, the whole crew might soon know she was a Team Rocket agent. Perhaps she and the Captain would need to have a talk in the near future.

"Pardon me, but does anyone know where the weapons are kept?" Eliot queries. "I must test them to see which one would be best to take with me in the event that I fire myself out of the cannon and through the window of the enemy base."

OOC: Just FYI, I'm totally gonna copy you! Also, [mention]♪~Autumnbreeze~♪‎[/mention], can there be an enemy base on the moon?
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