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What are Pokeballs made of?


Registered User
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
I'm not sure if this question has enough meat on the bones to make it an actual thread, so sorry in advance.

But what are Pokeballs made of? This has bugged me for ages! It can't be metal for obvious reasons, and there is that noise they make when someone picks them up in the anime.

So, your thoughts?
Maybe they're made of something that only exists in the Pokemon world.
I think that this topic would be more suitable for Pokémon World, so I'm going to move the thread there.
Well, old Poke Balls were made from Apricorns in Jotho but the moderns ones made by corporations like Devon and Silph, I don't know.
Some sort of biological substance that slightly resembles plastic, I guess. A bunch of proteins synthesized in a lab somewhere?
I've always thought that the shells on modern ones were made of some sort of hard plastic or metal - aluminum might be a good choice. The internal workings have all sorts of interesting circuitry to replicate the effects of apricorns while enabling mass production, I'm sure.

Apricorns I always assumed were a sort of nut that had some ability to absorb the energy of Pokémon and trap them inside as a defense mechanism, and were eventually used to contain Pokémon for other purposes. Makes little sense, but I haven't heard a better explanation.
Apricorns I always assumed were a sort of nut that had some ability to absorb the energy of Pokémon and trap them inside as a defense mechanism, and were eventually used to contain Pokémon for other purposes. Makes little sense, but I haven't heard a better explanation.

I thought that Apricorns were split in half and had a device inserted inside it to create a Pokeball.
It's safe to assume they are made of artificial materials and are machines. Metal and plastic are good enough guesses, but I guess it could be any other material.

As for their workings, their idea is to imitate apricorns. Most likely the later have some sort of magical propertipes along having some device made out of them (as an apricorn by itself cannot catch things). The Pokémon world in general does give a Magitek image...

Basically it's SCIENCE replicating the propertipes of the apricorns and giving them the same treatment. Perhaps they use even miscellaneous apricorns in pokeball production, with one apricorn of any kind being able to be used to produce 100 pokeballs or something like that. It'd make sense with how enviromental-friendly the world is yet how many pokeballs are made.

Apricorns I always assumed were a sort of nut that had some ability to absorb the energy of Pokémon and trap them inside as a defense mechanism, and were eventually used to contain Pokémon for other purposes. Makes little sense, but I haven't heard a better explanation.
While an original idea, it has the problem of how Apricorns must be at least hollowed out before being used to capture anything.

This is all fanon anyway, so it's not like anything is invalid.
Here's my theory. First off, I believe Pokémon are especially energy, created from the energy of elements that existed on poke earth. With this in mind, that Pokémon are energy, a capturing mechanism must be able to syncrinse, manipulate and store the energy. This mechanism is the poke ball. I believe the only way the poke ball acne be what it is if it is made using Nano technology. The outside of the poke ball is made with a flexible yet strong molding of some sort while the inside of a poke ball is infused with nano-tech. The nano's form and respond to voice command and once placed inside the poke ball, they also become infused with the outer shelling.


Okay, so it works like this; (capture) you spot a Pudgy. You grab your poke ball. You push the button on the front making the poke ball functions turn on. The poke ball enlarges as verification that your poke ball is working and the nano's get charged up for use. You shout, "Go, Pokémon!" the poke ball sends the message to the Pokémon in the ball. Nano's eject the pokemon from its ball. Battle incuse and you defeat pidey and begin to capture it. you throw the poke ball, the poke ball hits the Pokémon, the Nano’s of the fresh ball are locked on to that Pokémon’s energy signature and sends out a nano wave/beam to find this energy, manipulate it and "capture" it. Once the Pokémon is broken down to pure energy, it gets sucked into the poke ball to be processed. The Nano’s download the Pokémon’s details, looks, memories, everything about the Pokémon gets burned into the nano and the nano becomes one with the pokemon. hence, the Pokémon can't be captured by other trainers because the nano in that Pokémon prevent it by locking the poke energy data; no other ball can copy it now so nor can you trade balls with the Pokémon because the ball has the Pokémon’s signature energy and nanos in side it so it can't be caught again. Now when Pokémon break out of balls the ball becomes in useable because it was ejection before completion of copy and manipulating the energy basically screws it up and it’s like a crashed computer with a Trojan virus, unusable. Pokémon break out by resisting the downloading process which is done inside the poke ball, after energy reconstruction.

So what do you think of my explanation?
I think it depends on the pokeball. All of them do have a magical energy substance, but some are different from others, because of all the different pokeballs there are, and how they work the best.
Here's my theory. ---

A good theory and all, mostly the same as I have.
You still don't have to shout at loud "Come on out!" or something, I prefer the system recognizes your hand-movements too.

What comes to the material current Poké Balls are made of, I'd say it's some ingredient found only in the Pokémon World. Possibly close to a light metal. I personally can't believe they're made of plastic.
What I believe is, that Pokéballs are mostly made of some sort of metal unique to the Pokémon world. However, I think nano technology also plays some sort of role, since such advanced technology would be difficult, if not impossible, to keep inside a ball-sized container with only regular sized materials. However, that still leaves the question on how apricorn Pokéballs work... Think I'll come back to this thread later if I find a decent answer.
Please note: The thread is from 7 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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