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Memes you dislike?

Jul 31, 2009
Reaction score
  1. She/Her
  2. They/Them
I dislike the "me gusta" meme for the sole reason that the face used in the meme
is creepy as Hell.

Same with trollface, lol face, and basically all the other "Rage Faces". They're just so into the uncanny valley for me.
Any forced meme. If normal memes get old fast, then forced memes get old from the start..
All of them. Especially the 9000 one.
Wait, scratch that. I like the Sparta one. But that's all.
This is Sparta, Over 9000, Mudkipz...a lot of them get old extremely fast. I'm not a fan of Me Gusta either.

With things like Trollface, it's all about execution with me. Sometimes they just get used for the sake of it.
There's something I don't like about rage comics and certain other memes. I mean, I like the rage characters, but people make rage comics about very unnecessary things. Someone made a rage comic about how they mute their computer's sound after they turn the volume all the way down. Lol, just cause people can relate to each other doesn't mean you have to make a meme comic or caption about every little thing that we do in life!
There are several memes I like, and several I dislike, but one meme I truly despise is Troll Face, it's ugly, creepy, and it's spammed by people to the point where it isn't even funny anymore. Seriously, you can't go anywhere without seeing that hideous face popping up. In fact, all the "Rage Faces" (Raeg, Forever Alone, Me Gusta, etc) annoy me (with the exception of Y U NO, which I can tolorate), because of how hideous, ugly, and overused they are, but Troll Face is the one that I despise the most. I also despise Smugleaf, which even Know Your Meme has referred to as being "Troll Face as a Pokemon", while I like Snivy as a Pokemon, I hate it as a meme. And then there's "U MAD?", which is always affiliated and paired up with the aformentioned Troll Face and Smugleaf, and I'm sick of hearing it, and UGH, "You just lost The Game", I find that meme one of the most annoying memes out there...

I used to despise Mudkipz and Y U NO, but now I actually can tolorate them compared to certain other memes, I don't LIKE them, but I can at least tolorate them...
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I'm neutral towards most memes. When people start spamming them, that's what I dislike.
"You just lost the game" because it makes innocent people like me lose the game.
Caramelldansen and Nyan Cat are my bottom two (in that order). Anybody who still mentions "The Game" and "The Cake is a Lie" needs to shut up.

As much as I love rage comics, the medium has gone downhill ever since it went beyond 4chan's lulzy 4-panel stories.
Caramelldansen and Nyan Cat are my bottom two (in that order). Anybody who still mentions "The Game" and "The Cake is a Lie" needs to shut up.

That's something I can agree with, it started out fun, but then it just got annoying, nowadays, it mainly used to annoy people to madness. Caramelldansen kinda annoys me, but I ADORE Nyan Cat.
The game is the worst fucking meme out there.

Really pisses me off.

Yes the swearing was necessary.
I really hate those stupid Joseph Ducreux meme. Kinda makes you wonder why people would consider translating modern rap lyrics to medieval language to be funny. It's disgusting, unfunny, and of course overused.
I don't really dislike any memes but I think a bunch of the Advice Dog spin-offs are unneccessary and forced.
Some of the My Little Pony FIM memes I think are getting boring/annoying such as "cupcakes"(I read it and did not find it that scary/distrubing) and "20% cooler in 10 seconds flat". Also I hate the game, worst fucking meme ever!
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