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Preview BW055 - Zuruggu and the Selfish Gothimu!

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Oct 30, 2010
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From Haru-kaa

脚本、大橋志吉 絵コンテ演出、古賀一臣 作画監督、夏目久仁彦

BW055 : Zuruggu and the Selfish Gothimu!
Airs on 10th November 2011

Source: http://i41.servimg.com/u/f41/09/01/38/20/www_do14.jpg

Staff Information

Screenplay: Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Storyboard/Assistant Director: Kazuomi Koga
Animation Director: Kunihiko Natsume




Satoshi and friends meet the "Staring Pokemon", Gothim, and its trainer, Koharu, who cannot disobey it. Gothim is interested in the Zrug travelling with Satoshi, and so Koharu presses him to trade away Zrug for another Pokemon. Satoshi gives in to Koharu's bullying, and the battle for Zrug's ownership begins.

VA Information and Summaries

ポケットモンスターBW「ズルッグとわがままゴチム!」: 週間番組表 : 番組情報 : テレビ東京
Oshawott, Tepig, Snivy, Scraggy and Tranquill are in this episode. And apart from Gothita and Garbodor, a Deerling and a Mandibuzz are here too.

Satoshi's Zrug has been taken interest in by the ''Selfish'' Gothim! Why is a battle taking place with Zrug on the line!? Zrug and its best friend Kibago are kept in suspense...
Part 1
While on their journey to Hodomoe City, Satoshi and friends meet one "Staring Pokemon" Gothim and its trainer, Koharu. It seems that because this Gothim has a very selfish personality, Koharu does everything it says. Meanwhile, Koharu's Gothim takes a liking to Satoshi's "Shed Pokemon", Zrug. Koharu frantically tells Satoshi to hand over Zrug. Zrug and its best friend Kibago are kept in suspense.
Part 2
Koharu proposes that Satoshi trade Zrug for one of her own Pokemon on hand. But when Satoshi vehemently refuses, Koharu presses him for a battle which if he loses, Satoshi must hand over Zrug. Satoshi gives in to Koharu's bullying, and the battle for Zrug begins. What will be the fate of the Zrug!?


Playerking said:
The next adventure... is this!
[Blue: Gothim takes a liking to Zrug] Huuuh? The Gothim you brought likes
[Orange: Battling with its trainer, if Satoshi loses,] Zrug so if you beat me in a battle...
[Purple: she says he must hand over Zrug] You want me to just give it to you!? Hey, stop!
[Green: Since she won't give up, Satoshi battles.] I can't do something like that! Zrug is my friend!
[Red: What will be the fate of the Zrug!?] Next time: Pocket Monsters: Best Wish:
Zrug and the selfish Gothim!
Everyone, get Pokemon!

Playerking said:
Thursday is Pocket Monsters: Best Wish!
This week's story is Zrug and the selfish Gothim!
Koharu: Why not trade it with one of my Pokemon?
A Gothim they meet on their travels takes a liking to Zrug!
Giving into Koharu's bullying, Satoshi begins an unbelievable battle which if he loses he must trade away Zrug!!
In the end, what will be the fate of the Zrug?
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Man playerking beat me to it :p

Anyway I don't expect much from this episode... I hope it's not another one of those romance fillers
If it's a love episode, then... Aww, widdle Zuwuggu is growing up ;_;
OMG... Zuruggu episode... heck yeah!!!

That being said... meh... what's with the overexposure of the gothic lolita line all of a sudden? The Musical, this ep, the Kami trio ep... This might also be the first time we see two BW episodes in a row in which no new pokémon are debuted... >__>
A chav and a goth. That ain't gonna be pretty.

In any case, it's great to be getting a Zuruggu episode. He's always such a fun character to have around, and with Pika and the starters taking priority most of the time, the little fella really could do with a bit more attention besides. I'm hoping for yet another new move to be added to his roster, but I'd be perfectly OK with this being an episode where his personallity can shine.

With this and the Mebukijika episode, I wonder if they might be gradually revisiting pokemon that didn't really get to do all the much their first time around? I do hope so!
And y'know, as much as I can't stand there having to be at least one 'I wonder if X will capture X' post per speculation thread...considering there's a Gothorita hanging about during the Kami trio episodes, I wonder if that could mean anything?
This might also be the first time we see two BW episodes in a row in which no new pokémon are debuted... >__>

Well, if you don't count the other forms of Sawsbuck, then yeah, probably.

I'm glad Scraggy gets another episode to it, assuming it isn't a wild Scraggy and I doubt it will be. I do wonder if Iris gets this Gothita, it might be interesting if Iris has a Pokemon that Scraggy might be in love with.
we saw a Gothorita in the Kami Trio preview! Maybe a capture episode! Hopefully some Scraggy character evolution! Cause it is probably going to be used in the 5th battle so it needs a 4th move! I like the Gothic evolution line and can-t wait for some nice and funny scenes!!!!
This might also be the first time we see two BW episodes in a row in which no new pokémon are debuted... >__>

I think that's starting to become the norm now, seeing as only about 60 Gen V Pokemon are yet to appear, and the writers don't want them all to debut in the next 30 episodes. It's already started to happen with BW051, as no new Pokemon appeared in that episode.
Huh, this episode wasn't included in that extended preview of the rest of 2011's episodes, was it?
Huh, this episode wasn't included in that extended preview of the rest of 2011's episodes, was it?

And neither were the Maractus or Sawsbuck episodes. Indeed there are going to be episodes airing this year that were not seen in the preview. I'm guessing that like the other two episodes, nothing important is going to happen here.

That being said... meh... what's with the overexposure of the gothic lolita line all of a sudden? The Musical, this ep, the Kami trio ep...

There are only 130-something non-legendary pokemon in the Unova region and the writers have currently shown well over 90 of them so far. This is not really a big deal as it was for the writers whne they overexposed the Deerling, Pidove, and Patrat lines in early BW.

Gothitelle got its own episode back in BW021, Gothita debuted alongside Solosis in BW035, both of these pokemon were briefly featured alongside other pokemon like Deerling, Swanna, and Cottonee in BW051... And as we know of it so far, Gothorita is going to debut in the Kami Trio episodes.

It shouldn't matter if this particular pokemon is going to be seen in an additional episode. Gothita hasn't really been showcased at all in its past appearances.
The title even sounds like a filler! Oh well, seems like it'd be a super cute ep.
Zuruggu is always great value :)
With this and the Mebukijika episode, I wonder if they might be gradually revisiting pokemon that didn't really get to do all the much their first time around? I do hope so!
And y'know, as much as I can't stand there having to be at least one 'I wonder if X will capture X' post per speculation thread...considering there's a Gothorita hanging about during the Kami trio episodes, I wonder if that could mean anything?

They have been doing that from the start, Chillarmy, Zebstrika, Servine, Dewott, Palpitoad, Swoobat apparently, probably more I don't remember but yeah they have been doing it since the start.

The ones that don't get as much focus eventually get something, I think it makes it less weird, its strange that only already debuted pokemons appear in an episode and not something random and new instead XD.
I will assume nothing, but Attract worked on Scraggy in Emolga's first ep as Iris's pokemon. I realize that it being a move, it may have nothing to do with the pokemon's development. After all, Osha still had a crush on her even without Attract affecting him. (as did Axew)
The title even sounds like a filler! Oh well, seems like it'd be a super cute ep.
Zuruggu is always great value :)

At least Scraggy is doing something. Haven't seen it in a while.
At least Scraggy is doing something. Haven't seen it in a while.

Scraggy hasn't been seen since the Scrafty episode so it is going to be interesting to see how the writers are going to focus on him.
Oh great, another "I like this pokemon but they don't like me back so I`m going to steal the spotlight to make them like me" episode. At least it is someone other than oshawott for a change.

I wonder how this plays out? Maybe a random gothita shows up during lunch and uses attract on everyone to steal their food the same way emolga did, only Scraggy will have a crush on her anyway and try to win her over. Then maybe Iris will catch her and we can have a three-way catfight between her, emolga and Snivy.*

Or, it could be a Trainer's Gothita who constantly disobeys the trainer until the end of the episode, where Scraggy's love shows her the error of her ways and she makes a complete change in character, walking off into the sunset with her trainer while Scraggy watches and sings Dust in the Wind.

I would prefer the latter of the two, but it doesn't look very fresh anyway. It appears to be a lose-lose situation either way.


*- I`m not meaning for that to sound like a "I wonder if she catches this", even though it does, so let me clarify the fact that I meant for that to sound like a summary of the actual plot.
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So, we've reached the point where the writers go "we have to give a Pokemon that had a huge focus in a previous episode but we need to save debuts for a later time so we'll just give that Pokemon another episode."
Episode staff info (for those who can't read Japanese):
Screenplay: Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Storyboard/Assistant Director: Kazuomi Koga
Animation Director: Kunihiko Natsume
So the episode staff is good right? They seem to have done good episodes.

And its quite strange how Gothitelle and Gothita are getting so much focus yet Gothorita isn't.
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