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If pokemon existed, what do you think would replace animals in the real world?

Snivy Nation

The Snivy of Ohio
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Just thinking...

I was at a horse track the other day and thought,"If we were in the Pokemon world, would the horses be Ponyta or Rapidash?"
Re: Just thinking...

Probably Rapidash. I think they'd be better for racing.
Just say what you think about this topic. I think whales would be replaced by wailord and kyogre, and horses would be replaced by ponyta and rapidash. That is all I can think of right now.
Turtles replaced with Squirtles, Wartortles, and Blastoise. Tortoises replaced with Shuckles and Torkoal. :D
Cats replaced with Meowth and Glameow. Panthers replaced with Persians. Dogs replaced with Growlith, Arcanine, Houndoom, Houndour (maybe), and Lilipup.

Oh, and Mouses replaced with Pikachu, Raichu, and Pichu. Rats replaced with Rattata and Raticate.
There would be Pidgey, Taillow, Starly and Pidove everywhere in the sky.
Ghosts would be undoubtedly real - Yamask, Gengar, Misdreavus, Dusknoir, and Litwick would exist. Other dimensions exclusively haunted by ghosts would exist as well - Giratina and the Distortion World would be real.
One thing that struck me in which may not be replaceable are micro-organisms. There are beneficial ones, and there are harmful ones, and there aren't any Pokemon so far who are so tiny. There's the Pokerus, but that's for Pokemon only. Humans have some bacteria that helps in digestion, so those are irreplaceable. We only have the Reuniclus line as micro-organisms so far, but they are gigantic for a "micro-organism".

On the other hand, I can see Boldore and Gigalith as livestock, because they have bodies with gems. I am not sure if they are like pigs or cows, in which the latter has to be killed to benefit humans (not to me, I don't eat pork) or cows who dispense the beneficial part. What I am saying is I am not sure if Boldore and Gigalith can extrude and extract their gems or they have to be "killed" to extract their jewels. One thing for sure to me: Gigaliths are inorganic cows.

Thanks for reading.
Piles of trashbags will turn into piles of trubbish. Household rats will be replaced by rattatas and raticates. And finally, ants could get their revenge for they will turn into durants.
I don't think humans would last a second in this world...

In brighter news, icecream would be replaced by Vanillite, Vanillish and Vanilluxe! ...Wait a second, eww! It's Vanillite. I don't want low fat icecream! :p
does that mean miltank would take the place of cows? if so, where will we get steaks and hamburgers?
We'd have Lotads as the lily pads that move around the ponds. Poliwags and Tympoles would be tadpoles that roam the ponds and become Poliwraths,Politoeds,& Seismitoads as the frogs.

The Torchic line would be the chickens of our world. We'd be eating Torchic Nuggets,Combusken Wings,Blaziken Breast, Combusken Legs, Torchic Soup, the list goes on :p
Turtles: Squirtle, Wartortle, Tirtouga, Carrocosta
Horses: Rapidash
Ponies: Ponyta
Pigeons: Pidove
Magpies: Starly, Staravia, Staraptor
Seagulls: Wingull
Pelicans: Pelliper
Sheep: Mareep, Flaaffy (Maybe Ampharos)
Zebras: Blitzle, Zebristrika
Pigs: Tepig, Pignite, Spoink, Grumpig
Seels: Seel, Dewgong (though that would probably be more of a dugong)
Ducks: Ducklett, Psyduck, Golduck
Swans: Swanna
Fish: Magikarp, Feebas, Finneon, Lumineon
Seahorses: Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra
Sharks: Sharpedo
And many more
Ponies: Ponyta
Same thing as Rapidash, a horse. Theres no need to separate the two if Ponyta is just a baby horse/foal.

Magpies: Starly, Staravia, Staraptor
They are based on Starlings not Magpies.The White-cheeked Starling to be exact

Pigs: Tepig, Pignite, Spoink, Grumpig
No love for Emboar? :[ Boars are pigs too.

Seels Seals : Seel, Dewgong (though that would probably be more of a dugong)
Spheal & and Sealeo too

Fish: Magikarp, Feebas, Finneon, Lumineon
Goldeen line, Remoraid,Chinchou line, Quilfish,Luvdisc, Alomomola, lots of other fishes.
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I would think that Eevee would take the place of most dogs, Vulpix would replace foxes, Mightyena would replace hyenas, Luxray would replace lions, Persian I guess could be a mountain lion (that ain't no lapcat), Noctowl would replace owls, Magikarp would be the Asian carp we Americans hate so much, Braviary would replace the Bald Eagle, Meowth and Snubbull could be pet dogs and cats, Unfeazant would make a good game bird, Pidgey could be used in place of chickens, Tepig and Swinub would be farm hogs (in Arizona and Alaska, respectively), Stantler would take the place of wild deer, and Houndoom and Arcanine would be used by the police as guard dogs.
Same thing as Rapidash, a horse. Theres no need to separate the two if Ponyta is just a baby horse/foal.

They are based on Starlings not Magpies.The White-cheeked Starling to be exact

No love for Emboar? :[ Boars are pigs too.

Spheal & and Sealeo too

Goldeen line, Remoraid,Chinchou line, Quilfish,Luvdisc, Alomomola, lots of other fishes.

Starly line: I honestly didn't know that
Emboar: I didn't know that either
Seels: I was going to add that just forgot
Fish: I was going to write and many more cause there are a lot of fish Pokemon
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