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Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks Sgt. Pepper's WINS, THE TOWN LOSES

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Flame's the name.
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
Unovian Murders 1- Obsidia - Murderers Win! (Pokemad and hurristat)

Unovian Murders 2 - Aftershocks - Murderer Wins! (Sgt. Pepper's)

Background Information.

The town of Nexia, nestled quietly in northern Unova, it takes credit to being one of the most technologically advanced cities in the entire world. The town was streamlined to an efficient operation without crime and with peace and prosperity. However, one resident has recently gotten some disturbing news.

The town of Obsidia has been completely overwhelmed by vagabonds and killers. To one person in particular however, this was devastating. Sheriff Qwilfish's wife, a Cottonee, soon learned of the tragedy of her husband's death. Currently, the town has gone on full alert, the city is under marshal law. Their leader, a Haxorus, has scoured the streets, not letting in any strangers.

The only way any murderers could have gotten in, is if they were already there...

How to play a Murder:
In Murder, there are two-three opposing sides, the town, the murderers, and occasionally a third party faction. The town never knows who is a murderer and who is not unless they deduce it themselves. However, the murderers can work together to covertly kill the town. The town has to figure it out themselves who the murderers are, only with the slightest clues and their own intuition to take down the murderers before it isnto late for them.

If the town eradicates all of the murderers, the town wins. If the murderers kill everyone, they win. Also note, that murderers can kill each other, if all the murderers try to kill each other during the same night, then the town automatically wins.

Misc. Rules and structure.
Taken from hurristat and Rayne: Every day phase, all members are allowed to vote a person to lynch. At the end of the day, the person with the most votes is ‘killed’ or removed from play. In the event of a tie, no players are killed. After this, we enter night phase. During the night, the murderers choose who they kill. Some innocents have a role that allows them night actions as well. Standard roles include the Doctor which protects people from dying, and the Cop which is able to determine alliances. These are very valuable members for the innocents. Please use your night actions wisely. Sometimes using them have consequences. Sometimes your roles work better if used with other roles.
Communicate well, and you stand a better chance of winning. This goes for both sides.

Miscellaneous rules:

Days and Nights both last one full 24 hour period, starting at 10 PM EST

To Sign-Up, put your username, what Pokemon you are, and what Gender.

Post here once you have received your role, but you may not tell others you role, results in immediate mod kill.

I would like a copy of all PMs and links to QTs.

To vote, put Vote: and to unvote, put Unvote

Have fun!

Blue is Innocents
Green is Corrupters
Purple is Trio
Red is Murderers

1. Psych - Eevee - Male MURDERED NIGHT 6
2. Sgt. Pepper - Klinklang - N/A THE WINNER!
3. BoredBeyondBelief - Bisharp - Male MURDERED NIGHT 5
4. GoldeenTail - Tepig - Male MURDERED NIGHT 3
5. Parmalee - Chandelure - Female LYNCHED DAY 6
6. Opossumguy - Qwilfish - Male MURDRED NIGHT 3
7. Turtwig A - Nacho - Male LYNCHED DAY 3
8. Zhwoobatte - Accelgor - Male MURDERED NIGHT 6
9. Mintaka - Servine - Female LYNCHED DAY 4
10. hurristat - Zweilous - Male MURDERED NIGHT 4
11. Corruption - Swadloon - Female LYNCHED DAY 5
12. IceKyurem - Kyurem - N/A MURDETED NIGHT 1
13. Sourcandy - Meloetta - Female LYNCHED DAY 2
14. Mijzelfan - Sceptile - Male MURDERED NIGHT 4
15. TFSpock - Excadrill - Male LYNCHED DAY 1
16. ! Thunder Lord Z - Emboar - Male MURDERED NIGHT 5
17. Soulmelody - Dewott - Female MURDERED NIGHT 2
18. Neosands - Arcanine - Male MURDERED NIGHT 3


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Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

I'll go ahead and join if I can.

Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Chuck Norris
Unknown gender
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

I'm interested. The last seemed exciting (to read) to me.

Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Last words:

"Well, I lived a good life. Just, please, good friends, send the word to my wife, Lumineon. She's with our kids in Anville Town. Send her my Sheriff badge. My time on this earth is almost up. As my dying wish, get rid of that dreaded mafia. And never forget the name Sheriff Qwilfish. I'll be joining our bretheren in the great Pokemon Center in the sky. Goodbye..."

Slowly, the Qwilfish took his last breath, and died.

He was buried next to the Sheriff's office, instead of being flushed in the town port-o-potty.
His headstone read:"Life cut short by a mafioso. He did not live long enough to find out who. He will be deeply missed."

Those were my last words from the original. Looking at the backstory, Sheriff Qwilfish was a polygamist.XD

Anyway, count me in.

Qwilfish (Yes,a completely-unrelated-to-Sheriff-Qwilfish-unless-my-role-PMis-Sheriff-Qwilfish's-son Qwilfish.)

Can't wait for the start up.
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

You're all in, and I think this game will be more fun, almost everyone gets roles!
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Yay! actual roles!
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Okay... How about the Deino and Litwick were permanently transformed into different pokémon during the teleport? What if no one chooses to be Deino and Litwick?
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Y'all are in, also, I'm starting to send roles now, as to not have to send them in a huge mass. So, if you don't get one,p by game's start you are most likely a normal town person.

You shall see...
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Yes they are, but I'd rather Gen V
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Oh, okay then. I was thinking of two Pokémon anyway.

Janovy (<-- please change it, then? :D)

Bah, I forgot that Servine was the English name... XD
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Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Updated, and were already half way there.
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

If Gen V. is preferred, then
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Edited, changed
Re: Unovian Murders II - Aftershocks (Sign-Ups!!!)

Sign me up. I've evolved!

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