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Explain Your Usertitle


hot take-haver
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah. Title says it all.

I change mine really often, but all most of them have something to do with songs.

Current one = this.

(If I change it, it was "Are you breathing?")
Mine is music note and a line from the song My Way by Limp Bizkit. I really like the song and I can relate to it as well.
"Delivering Presents" is a pun involving my username and the Delibird found in my avatar, who usually only knows Present.
The character in my avatar is Axel from the first Streets of Rage game wearing a Christmas hat. If you get the game's bad ending, your character will take over the crime syndicate they have been fighting, and you'll see a picture of them sitting on a chair and looking evil. You'll be told that: "You became the boss! You are great!" I took that line and changed "The boss" to "Santa Claus", but there wasn't enough room for "You are great!".
"Crime Scene Instigator."

MSPA Forums reference - there was a thread creating Echeladder ranks for the characters that haven't had them revealed, and Crime Scene Instigator was one of them for my favourite character, Terezi.
"I Am the Mountain"

Nothing really, kind of just describes how I feel right now.
"Holidays Depress Me"

For psychological reasons that I cannot explain, I become depressed this time every year.
I don't think I need to explain mine, but it's of course N's last name as if I were married to him;-). Ms. Gropius. Well, I guess if I were, it would be MRS not MS, but still. You get the idea.:kawaii:
Well, Haruhisanta is pretty damn festive if you ask me.

I'm feeling christmassy despite being down. ^^'
Please note: The thread is from 10 months ago.
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