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First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread - Voting Closed - Winners to come soon!

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Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score


Welcome to the First Annual War Room Awards!

Late last fall, as the mafia craze enveloped the Fun & Games subforum, a community united by a love of strategy and logic games would be forever established in the Bulbagarden Community. This devotion led to the War Room's creation, which has steadily grown for the past 6 months and continues to attract a diverse set of games and players weekly. This section's success would not be possible without the dedicated players and hosts that bind the very fabric of this section.

The time has come to honour those users that contributed their wits, creativity, logic and love of the game to this section by welcoming you all to the First War Room Awards. Here we pay honour to the great members of our community by voting for the best among us. So, let the voting begin!


1. Voters must have participated in at least one game in the War Room, mafia or non-mafia, to be eligible to vote.

2. To be eligible to receive an award, a game, and by extension its host(s) and players, must have ended by August 19th at the latest. Only completed games are eligible for awards. A list of all the eligible games for this ceremony may be found here.

3. War Room moderators are eligible as voters and may also receive awards.

4. Voters cannot vote for themselves.

5. Voting will end on August 27th, 11 PM EST (GMT -5).

6. Voting will be public and confined to this thread. Contrary to mafia games where voters vote to eliminate someone, voters are voting here for a winner, and as such, voters can only vote for one person per category. To vote, simply bold your vote, in true mafia voting fashion, like this.

Best Town Performance

Vote: (Insert User's Name) in (Insert Game's Title)​

or like this

Vote: (Insert User's Name) in (Insert Game's Title) for (Insert Category's title)​

7. Voters are not required to vote for every category, but they are required to vote in at least two categories of the Player Tier and at least once in each of the other two tiers for their ballot to count.

8. Voters can give the reasoning behind their votes with a short explanation, but it's not mandatory. We do however ask that voters provide the title of the game or games which prompted their vote.

9. Two further awards - Best Player and Best Host - will be awarded to the person who accumulated the highest number of votes across the categories of the Player Tier and the Host Tier respectively. Should the winners of the Best Player Award and the Best Host Award win more than half the categories in their respective tier, they would solely win that respective award, and his other awards would go to the person that has garnered the second highest number of votes in those categories.

10. Please use this thread solely for voting, for reactions and discussion regarding the votes and the awards in general, please refer to The Situation Room


Player Tier

- Best Town Performance
- Best Mafia Performance
- Best Independent Performance
- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct
- Most Entertaining Player
- Most Strategic Player
- Best Debater​

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host
- Most Entertaining Host
- Fair Hosting Award​

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game
- Best Mafia Series
- Best Non-Mafia Game​

NOTE: With the exception of the Best Town Performance, Best Mafia Performance and Best Independent performance, which refer solely to Mafia games, all other categories in the Player and Host Tiers refer to both Mafia games and Non-Mafia games.​


The winners of each categories will receive a custom banner courtesy of the talented Blazaking EX. Furthermore, the winners of the Game Tier awards will also receive a custom medal courtesy of Rayne to be put in the game thread of the winning game and in the game thread of every other subsequent game they'll host. Finally, the winners get bragging rights. :p

So without further ado, let's vote!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​


PokéMafia - Badal, coolking503[May 31, 2010 - July 6, 2010]

BMGf Mafia - Mijzelffan [October 21, 2010 - November 14, 2010]

BMGf Mafia II - Mijzelffan [December 21, 2010 - January 8, 2011]

Falconwing Mafia - Ryuutakeshi [January 4, 2011 - January 16, 2011]

Warriors Mafia - Rayne [January 4, 2011 - January 23, 2011

Deserted Island Mafia - Phoenicks [January 11, 2011 - January 30, 2011]

BMGf Mafia III - hurristat [January 19, 2011 - February 11, 2011]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Mafia - Shiny Celebi [January 26, 2011 - March 16, 2011]

Avatar: The Last Airbender Mafia - The Puppetmaster [February 1, 2011 - March 21, 2011]

A General "Town VS Mafia" - Mintaka [February 1, 2011 - March 27, 2011]

Unovian Murders 1 - Flame_ [March 21, 2011 - April 6, 2011]

Spirit Mafia - hurristat [March 21, 2011 - April 10, 2011]

Falconwing Mafia 2 - Ryuutakeshi [April 6, 2011 - April 19, 2011]

Pokémon Animé Mafia - Revenge of the Rivals - Iteru [March 29, 2011 - April 28, 2011]

Rock Paper Scissors... mafia style - Mijzelffan [March 29, 2011 - May 2, 2011]

Unovian Murders II - Flame_ [April 21, 2011 - May 6, 2011]

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mafia - Umeko [March 29, 2011 - May 19, 2011]

Classic Mafia - Zhwoobatte [May 15, 2011 - May 27, 2011]

X-Men vs Brotherhood Mafia - Hellion [May 4, 2011 - May 30, 2011]

Food Mafia - Zhwoobatte [May 6, 2011 - May 29, 2011]

X-Men Evolution Mafia - JJM [May 13, 2011 - June 11, 2011]

BTD4 Mafia~Fall of the Bloons - Plasfyre [May 2, 2011 - June 10, 2011]

The War Room Mafia - Mintaka [June 5, 2011 - June 19, 2011]

Burned Planet Mafia - TFSpock [May 20, 2011 - July 3, 2011]

Mafia of the Ancients - Turtwig A [June 1, 2011 - July 5, 2011]

Hotel Mafia - parma [July 4, 2011 - July 11, 2011]

Insane Mafia - Derpeh Hoovez [June 19, 2011 - July 21, 2011]

X-Men AoA Mafia - Hellion [July 3, 2011 - July 20, 2011]

Lawn Mafia - Opossumguy [July 7, 2011 - July 26, 2011]

Cartoon Network Mafia - Synthesis [July 7, 2011 - August 2, 2011]

Scott Pilgrim vs The Mafia - Neonsands [July 17, 2011 - August 9, 2011]

Roleless Mafia - parma [August 1, 2011 - August 14, 2011]

New X-Men: The Mafia - Hellion [August 7, 2011 - August 15, 2011]


BMGF Mafia by Mijzelffan & hurristat

BMGf Mafia - Mijzelffan [October 21, 2010 - November 14, 2010]

BMGf Mafia II - Mijzelffan [December 21, 2010 - January 8, 2011]

BMGf Mafia III - hurristat [January 19, 2011 - February 11, 2011]

Falconwing Mafia by Ryuutakeshi

Falconwing Mafia - Ryuutakeshi [January 4, 2011 - January 16, 2011]

Falconwing Mafia 2 - Ryuutakeshi [April 6, 2011 - April 19, 2011]​

Unovian Murders by Flame_

Unovian Murders 1 - Flame_ [March 21, 2011 - April 6, 2011]

Unovian Murders II - Flame_ [April 21, 2011 - May 6, 2011]​

X-Men Mafia by Hellion

X-Men vs Brotherhood Mafia - Hellion [May 4, 2011 - May 30, 2011]

X-Men AoA Mafia - Hellion [July 3, 2011 - July 20, 2011]

New X-Men: The Mafia - Hellion - [August 7, 2011 - August 15, 2011]​


Dodgeball Free For All - Coolking 503 [June 13, 2011 - July 2, 2011]

Rabbit Doubt - Phoenicks [July 5, 2011 - July 11, 2011]

BMGF Chess - The Puppetmaster and Hellion [July 8, 2011 - July 20, 2011]

The Pokemon Mystery MurderPokémon Murder Mystery[/URL] - Icy404 [July 19, 2011 - August 5, 2011]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​
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Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier
- Best Town Performance

Vote: Phoenicks in The War Room Mafia

- Best Mafia Performance

Vote: Rayne in Avatar: The Last Airbender Mafia

- Best Independent Performance

Vote: CommanderPigg in X-Men vs Brotherhood Mafia

- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct

Vote: Rayne

- Most Entertaining Player

Vote: Mijzelffan

- Most Strategic Player

Vote: Phoenicks

- Best Debater

Vote: Neonsands
Host Tier
- Most Creative Host

Vote: Mijzelffan

- Most Entertaining Host

Vote: Hellion

- Fair Hosting Award

Vote: Mintaka
Game Tier
- Best Mafia Game

Vote: BMGf Mafia II

- Best Mafia Series

Vote: Falconwing

- Best Non-Mafia Game

Vote: Rabbit Doubt
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Best Town Performance
Vote: Rayne in BMGf Mafia III
Best Mafia Performance
Vote: Sourcandy in the War Room Mafia
Best Independent Performance
Vote: Coasting Wingull in Falconwing Mafia
Most Sportsmanlike Conduct
Vote: Rayne in general
Most Entertaining Player
Vote: Hellion in general
Most Strategic Player
Vote: Phoenicks in EVERYTHING X-Men vs Brotherhood Mafia
Best Debater
Vote: Ryuu in general

Most Creative Host
Vote: Mijzelffan
Most Entertaining Host
Vote: Hellion in X-Men vs Brotherhood Mafia

Best Mafia Game
Vote: BMGf Mafia
Best Mafia Series
Vote: BMGF Mafia by Mijzelffan & hurristat

I'll come back and finish this later if that's okay? Done.
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Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

@lizzxxk ; Feel free to, just remember to do it before the voting is over :p

Player Tier

- Best Town Performance
hurristat, for his performance in General Town Vs Mafia

- Best Mafia Performance
Sourcandy, for her performance in The War Room Mafia

- Best Independent Performance
CommanderPigg, for her performance in X-Men Vs Brotherhood Mafia

- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct
Rayne, in general

- Most Entertaining Player
Hellion, for his performance (?) in Revenge of the Rivals

- Most Strategic Player
Phoenicks, for his performance in X-Men Series and The War Room Mafia

- Best Debater
Phoenicks, in general

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host
Mijzelffan, for Rock, Paper, Scissors Mafia

- Most Entertaining Host
Hellion, in all of his X-Men Mafia Games

- Fair Hosting Award
The Puppetmaster, in Avatar: the Last Airbender Mafia

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game
Pokémon Animé Mafia - Revenge of the Rivals

- Best Mafia Series
BMGf Series

- Best Non-Mafia Game
BMGF Chess - The Puppetmaster and Hellion
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Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player tier

Best Town Performance

Vote: @lizzxxk in BMGF Mafia III

This was my first game as Mafia on BMGF and just as I thought, "Yay, I'll relax and just not call attention to myself," Rayne contacts me and starts organizing the town. While Rayne believed I was innocent, her second-in-command, Lizzxxk didn't. She used her power to unmask me, she rallied and united the Town after Rayne's death and in the end, caused us a lot of trouble.

Best Mafia Performance

Vote: @Hide in Plain Sight in X-Men v. Brotherhood Mafia

As a Town player in X-Men v Brotherhood Mafia, Hide in Plain Sight was good, but once he was converted to the Mafia, his game just took a few levels in badass. He used the momentum he had gained as the cop, pulled off some great acting and nearly won the game for his decimated team.

Best Independent Performance

Vote: @CommanderPigg in X-Men v. Brotherhood Mafia

The only thing that stopped Hide in Plain Sight in the end was CommanderPigg. She really didn't cause too much waves in the beginning of the game and really stayed out of trouble when she thought her role was solely to survive. Little did she know, she would gain the power to kill at night if she survived 10 phases, which she did. Once again, this is a case of a player's game just elevating. She pulled off some great acting, made the right decisions.

Most Sportsmanlike Conduct

Vote: @Rayne

No matter what happens, Rayne always keeps his cool and always respects hosts and players. It's always a delight to play against him. But I gotta say, the moment that really sealed the deal as far as this vote goes for me was in BMGF Mafia III, when Rayne chose to be eliminated from a game rather then be converted to the Mafia because he didn't want to betray the alliances he'd formed, a move that I don't think a lot of players, myself included, would have done.

Most Entertaining Player

Vote: CommanderPigg

Whenever I see CommanderPigg's name in the list of players for a mafia, I always smile, because she's a fun player. She teases others, she doesn't mind poking fun at herself and she always brings a little bit of humour to the games she plays, especially Iteru's Revenge of the Rivals game.

Most Strategic Player

Vote: @Sourcandy

Sourcandy's always a dangerous player to have around in a Mafia because even with not so good roles, she can still organize a town/mafia, be a good leader, make things happen, gain loads of info on everyone and give the opposing team a hard time. Those qualities were especially present in Avatar: The Last Airbender Mafia.

Best Debater

Vote: @ghaskan

I've learned both as her teammate and her adversary that ghaskan really could convince anybody she was on their side and to follow their plan. As Mafia in BMGF Mafia III, she was so convincing to the town, that we had to fake a mistake on her part to finally convince the town to lynch her so we could convert Rayne Mijzelffan. In Revenge of the Rivals, she had everyone confused about her true alliegences and was able to smooth talk the town into trusting her.

Host Tier

Most Creative Host

Vote: @hurristat for Spirit Mafia

How do you turn the simple Mafia format and make a game that throws players completely out of their comfort zones, forces them to adopt a totally different style and give them a unique experience? I'll never know, but that's exactly what Hurristat did and why he gets this vote.

Most Entertaining Host

Vote: @Iteru for Pokémon Anime Mafia - Revenge of the Rivals

Revenge of the rivals... that game, that game, that game... it had roles that made you want to hurl, mechanics that lead nowhere, I played like crap, and yet it's probably the best time I had playing mafia on BMGF, and it's pretty much all because of your humour and wit during the game, and the lulzy roles.

Fair Hosting Award

Vote: @The Puppetmaster for Avatar: The Last Airbender Mafia

The teams in this game were balanced; the updates were on time, and when they weren't, you always warned ahead; you were always nice and respectful towards the players and you didn't try to influence the course of the game.

Game Tier

Best Mafia Game

Vote: BMGF Mafia III by @hurristat

That was a tough choice. As I said above, Revenge of the Rivals was the game I found the most entertaining, and I want to give a shoutout to Avatar: The Last Airbender Mafia for having some spectacular play and being very well hosted, but my vote has to go to BMGF Mafia III, because it was probably the most challenging game I've played here, as Rayne and Lizzxxk made a wonderful job organizing the town; my talks with Rayne were incredibly fun yet incredibly stressful; my teammates Iteru and Ghaskan were great throughout the game, and the hosting was superb. A perfect game!

Best Mafia Series

Vote: BMGF Mafia by @Mijzelffan and hurristat

As I just mentioned, this series not only has the best Mafia game on Bulba, but it also has the game that started it all. The game that made me addicted to BMGF Mafia games and made me meet some of the friendliest and smartest people I know on here.

Best Non-Mafia Game

Vote: Pokémon Murder Mystery by @Icy404

I can't stress how uch fun I had playing this game and how the story was amusing yet captivating at the same time; I laughed at my own crazy theories and had a blast.
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier

- Best Town Performance
Vote:@Phoenicks in at The War Room Mafia

- Best Mafia Performance
Vote: @parma in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni mafia

- Best Independent Performance
Vote:@CommanderPigg in X-Men VS Brotherhood Mafia

- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct
Vote:@Solaris in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mafia

- Most Entertaining Player
Vote:@Hellionin Revenge of the Rivals mafia

- Most Strategic Player
Vote:@Mijzelffan in general

- Best Debater
Vote:@Mintaka in Revenge of the Rivals Mafia

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host
Vote:@hurristat for spirit Mafia

- Most Entertaining Host
Vote:@Hellion for X-Men vs Brotherhood Mafia

- Fair Hosting Award
Vote:@Ryuutakeshi in Falconwing Mafia 2

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game
Vote:The War Room Mafia by @Mintaka

- Best Mafia Series
Vote:BMGF Mafia by @Mijzelffan & @hurristat

- Best Non-Mafia Game
Vote:Rabbit Doubt by @Phoenicks
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier

- Best Town Performance

Vote: @Phoenicks in The War Room Mafia

- Best Mafia Performance

Vote: @Rayne in Avatar: The Last Airbender Mafia

- Best Independent Performance

Vote: @Coasting Wingull in Falconwing Mafia

- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct

Vote: @Mintaka

- Most Entertaining Player

Vote: @CommanderPigg

- Most Strategic Player

Vote: @Phoenicks

- Best Debater

Vote: @Ryuutakeshi

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host

Vote: @Mijzelffan in general

- Most Entertaining Host

Vote: @Hellion in general

- Fair Hosting Award

Vote: @parma in general

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game

Vote: @Hellion for X-Men vs Brotherhood Mafia

- Best Mafia Series

Vote: @Mijzelffan and @hurristat for BMGF Mafia

- Best Non-Mafia Game

Vote: @Phoenicks for Rabbit Doubt
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier
Best Town Performance
VOTE: Hurristat in A General "Town VS Mafia"
Most Strategic Player
VOTE: Hurristat in general

Host Tier
Most Creative Host
VOTE: Umeko in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mafia
Most Entertaining Host
Vote: Hellion in X-Men AoA Mafia

Game Tier
Best Mafia Game
VOTE: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mafia

Sorry for my not-too-many votes, but I haven't really been in enough games to know all of these.
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Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier

- Best Town Performance
Phoenicks in The War Room Mafia
- Best Mafia Performance
HiPS in X-Men vs The Brotherhood Mafia
- Best Independent Performance
CommanderPigg in X-Men vs The Brotherhood Mafia
- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct
Solaris in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mafia
- Most Entertaining Player
Parmalee in just about everything third person related =P
- Most Strategic Player
Hurristat, for whatever mafia I was in with Hurristat as mafia. I just remember it being crazy and thoughtout.
- Best Debater
Mijz in everything he has ever gotten me killed for. Always fun debating with you, even if I normally get killed because you refuse to admit being wrong ;P

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host
Hurristat for Spirit Mafia
- Most Entertaining Host
Hellion for his X-Men Mafias
- Fair Hosting Award
Parma for Hotel and Roleless Mafia

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game
The War Room Mafia by Mintaka
- Best Mafia Series
Falconwing Series by Ryuutakeshi
- Best Non-Mafia Game
Pokemon Mystery Murder by Icy404
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

And the later votes have been edited in.

Player Tier
- Best Town Performance
Rayne in BMGf Mafia III

- Best Mafia Performance
Iteru in Higurashi mafia for managing to kill like 3 innocents with his birds before we could finally stop him.

- Best Independent Performance
Ghaskan in Warriors Mafia.

- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct
I'd have to use an RNG in order to pick one of the many persons who are always great sports, so yeah... Undecided.

- Most Entertaining Player
Sourcandy in general.

- Most Strategic Player
Hellion in general.

- Best Debater
Phoenicks in general. Even if what he says makes no sense, he will be able to make it sound like it makes sense :p

Host Tier
- Most Creative Host
hurristat and his spirit mafia.

- Most Entertaining Host
Iteru. Getting all players paranoid with useless updates on rain, that was priceless.

- Fair Hosting Award
In my opinion, almost everybody hosts fair, so I will remain Undecided.

Game Tier
- Best Mafia Game
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mafia. I may have lost, but was singlehandedly responsible for almost every dead mafia. Which is why I like this game.

- Best Mafia Series
Hellion's X-men mafia series.

- Best Non-Mafia Game
Dodgeball Free For All by Coolking503. I enjoyed that game.
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Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread


Player Tier

- Best Town Performance
- Best Mafia Performance

- Best Independent Performance
- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct
- Most Entertaining Player
- Most Strategic Player
- Best Debater

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host
Food Mafia - @Zhwoobatte
- Most Entertaining Host
-Scott Pilgrim Vs the Mafia - @Neonsands
- Fair Hosting Award

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game
Hotel Mafia - @parma
- Best Mafia Series

- Best Non-Mafia Game
Rabbit Doubt - @Phoenicks

Will edit at some point
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Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier
Wolverine in Revenge of the Rivals for Most Entertaining Player


Iteru in BMGF Chess Game (or Chess: BMGF Edition! for Most Strategic Player

Host Tier
The Puppetmaster in BMGF Chess for Fair Hosting Award

Game Tier
BMGF Chess , run by The Puppetmaster and Wolverine for Best Non-Mafia Game
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier

- Best Town Performance
- Best Mafia Performance
The Puppetmaster in X-Men:Apocalypse mafia
- Best Independent Performance
- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct
- Most Entertaining Player
Sourcandy (or whatever her new name is) in Burned Planet mafia
It was fun seeing her root out the mafia one by one. :p
- Most Strategic Player
- Best Debater

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host
- Most Entertaining Host
Wolverine in the X-Men mafia series
- Fair Hosting Award

Game Tier
- Best Mafia Game
- Best Mafia Series
- Best Non-Mafia Game
Pokémon Murder Mystery, by Icy404

I'll finish later.
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier
Best Independant Performance-
Vote: Coasting Wingull in Falconwing Mafia

Most Entertaining Player:
Vote:Wolverine in General

Host Tier:

Most Creaive Host:
Vote: Mijzelffan- Rock, Paper, Scisors Mafia
Most entertaining host:
Vote Wolverine-X men mafia series

Game Tier:

Best Mafia Game:

Best Mafia Series:
Falconwing Mafia Series
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier
- Best Town Performance
Vote: Phoenicks in The War Room Mafia

- Most Entertaining Player
Vote: Wolverine in general

- Most Strategic Player
Vote: Phoenicks in general

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host
Vote: hurristat for Spirit Mafia

- Most Entertaining Host
Vote: Wolverine for X-Men Vs Brotherhood Mafia

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Series
Vote: Ryuutakesh for Falconwing Mafia
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

ohai guys another half filled ballot that i'm just gonna put here and edit later....


Player Tier

- Best Town Performance

vote: hurristat in a general town vs mafia

- Best Mafia Performance

Vote: HiPS in X-Men Age of Apocalypse

- Best Independent Performance

Vote: CommanderPigg in X-Men vs Brotherhood

- Most Sportsmanlike Conduct

Vote: The Puppetmaster in general

- Most Entertaining Player

Vote: Sourcandy in general

- Most Strategic Player

Vote: Phoenicks in general

- Best Debater

Vote: hurristat in general

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host

Vote: Umeko in Higurashi na Kaku Noro Ni Mafia

- Most Entertaining Host

Vote: Wolverine in all his X-Men mafia games

- Fair Hosting Award

Vote: Mintaka in TWR mafia

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game

Vote: BMGF Mafia II

- Best Mafia Series

Vote: Falconwing

- Best Non-Mafia Game

Vote: Rabbit Doubt
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier
- Best Mafia Performance

Vote: Wolvering in BMGf Mafia III

- Best Independent Performance

Vote: CommanderPigg in X-Men vs Brotherhood

- Most Entertaining Player

Vote: Wolverine everywhere, for starting the trend of gifs during posts and updates.

- Most Strategic Player

Vote: Phoenicks.

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host

Vote: Mijzelffan for Rock/Paper/Scissors mafia.

- Most Entertaining Host

Vote: Wolverine for his games.

- Fair Hosting Award

Vote: The Puppetmaster in Avatar mafia.

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game

Vote: BMGF Mafia III

- Best Mafia Series

Vote: BMGf Mafia
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

- Best Town Performance
Pheonicks in The War Room Mafia

- Best Independent Performance
CommanderPig in XMen Brotherhood

- Most Strategic Players
Everyone really. So no vote for this.

- Best Debater
Mijzelffan in general

Host Tier

- Most Creative Host
Mijzelffan for Rock Paper Scissors mafia

- Most Entertaining Host
Hellion in General

- Fair Hosting Award
Parma for her games.

Game Tier

- Best Mafia Game
X-Men vs Brotherhood Mafia by Hellion

- Best Mafia Series
X-Men by Hellion

- Best Non-Mafia Game
Pokemon Murder Mystery from Icy404

Well, that's it
Re: First Annual War Room Awards - Voting Thread

Player Tier

- Best Town Performance
Honestly not sure.

- Best Independant Performance
CommanderPigg in X-Men vs. Brotherhood Mafia

- Most Entertaining Player
Wolverine (Hellion)

Host Tier

- Most Entertaining Host
Wolverine (Hellion)

Game Tier

Best Mafia Game
X-Men vs. Brotherhood Mafia by Wolverine (Hellion)

Best Mafia Series
X-Men Mafia by Wolverine (Hellion)

Best Non-Mafia Game
Pokemon Mystery Murder by Icy404
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